General description of the disease
Cough is a protective reaction of the body, the role of which is manifested in the cleansing of the respiratory tract from various mucus, blood, pus, sputum, dust, food debris.
The causes of coughing can be very different, for example:
- 1 hypothermia;
- 2 foreign bodies entering the throat;
- 3 inhalation of gases or toxins;
- 4 diseases (colds, acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, asthma, lung cancer, tuberculosis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, atrial tumor, allergies);
- 5 sore throat;
- 6 too emotional conversation.
To determine a particular disease, they look at such characteristics of a cough as:
- force (coughing or hacking cough);
- duration (less than two weeks – an acute cough, from 2 to 4 weeks a cough is considered to be prolonged, from a month to two – a subspinal cough, if the cough torments more than two months – it is classified as chronic);
- timbre (short, sonorous, muffled, hoarse, in the form of “barking”, chest);
- excretions (dry or wet cough);
- the amount and content of sputum (mucous, serous, with blood, pus);
- frequency and time of appearance (spring-summer is mainly an allergic cough, night cough – with asthma, evening cough is often with bronchitis and pneumonia, morning cough is observed in smokers).
Useful foods for coughing
Basically, a cough occurs with colds, when the body’s defenses are reduced. Therefore, the main role of nutrition when coughing is to help increase immunity, relieve broncho-pulmonary spasms, defeat microbes and viruses, replenish the lack of vitamins (especially groups A, C, E), minerals, proteins (this is due to the fact that during the expectoration of sputum there are large loss of protein; if it is not replenished, then protein deficiency can develop). To do this, the patient needs to eat foods:
- 1 animal origin: meat of low-fat varieties, fish (better fatty, omega-3 will lubricate the throat, which will relieve sore throat and facilitate expectoration), cod liver, dairy products (will help relieve fever and fever, and the calcium contained in them will help remove inflammatory process);
- 2 vegetable origin: legumes, sprouted wheat, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers, sesame seeds (and oils), olives and olive oil, nuts, cereals and cereals (rice, rolled oats, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat), vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, any cabbage, beets, onions, garlic, pumpkin, radish), fruits and berries (bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, ginger, cantaloupe (musky), papaya, peaches, avocado, currants, apples, figs, grapes), herbs.
To liquefy phlegm and help it outflow, the body needs a lot of fluid. Preference should be given to hot drinks: natural teas from linden, raspberries, boiled milk with honey, cocoa. Also, vegetable, fruit juices and lemon water will be useful.
The number of meals should be 5-6 times a day, and the amount of fluid you drink should be at least one and a half liters.
Traditional medicine for coughing:
- In the evening, chop one large onion and sprinkle with sugar. Leave to infuse until morning. This onion and the juice that appears must be eaten in a day, the juice must be drunk. Take a few days until symptoms stop.
- Drink decoctions from coltsfoot, chamomile, licorice, thyme, primrose, elecampane root. You can prepare decoctions with a mixture of these herbs (only you should take all the ingredients in the same amount). 200 milliliters of boiling water should be poured over 1 tablespoon of the collection or herbs, leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Filter. A glass of broth should be divided into three doses (this is just the daily dose of the medicine).
- Drink boiled milk. You can add honey, mineral water (necessarily alkaline), a teaspoon of soda, turmeric, anise oil, figs for children.
- If you lose and hoarse voice from coughing, you need to eat cocoa butter and drink tea with butter.
- To get the phlegm out faster, you need to drink a mixture made from sugar syrup (honey) and lingonberry juice. There is a tablespoon of syrup 3-4 times a day.
- A good cough treatment is radish. The most famous recipe: a large turnip is taken, the top is cut off, the middle is picked out a little, the tail is cut. Put honey in the middle. The turnips are placed in a glass, left for 3-4 hours. After this time, the honey should melt and drain through the turnip. Drink the resulting juice and refill the turnip with honey.
- To treat a child’s cough, turnips should be cut into small slices, covered with sugar, put on a baking sheet and baked for 2 hours. Then choose pieces of radish and discard, and pour the juice into a bottle and give the child a teaspoon 4 times a day.
- There is also a recipe for coffee lovers. Instead, you can drink chicory, rye, oats, barley. Brew like regular coffee. Milk can be added.
- If you suffer from severe attacks of coughing, you need to drink poppy milk. To prepare it, you need to crush a few tablespoons of poppy seeds (previously steamed in hot water) in a mortar. Pour chopped poppy with 200 milliliters of hot water, leave for 10-15 minutes, filter. Warm up to room temperature and drink.
Dangerous and harmful foods for coughing
- sweet (suppresses the work of the immune system, and sugar partially remains on the walls of the mouth and pharynx, which helps to create an environment favorable for the development of microbes);
- a large amount of salt (sodium contained in ordinary kitchen table salt can cause bronchial obstruction);
- coffee and alcoholic beverages (can lead to dehydration);
- if it is an allergic cough or asthma, then you need to get rid of provocateurs-allergens: spicy dishes, chocolate, seasonings, foods with various food additives, marinades, pickles, eggs, rich broths (exclude broths cooked in broth cubes and seasonings from the diet. vegetables, instant food – mashed potatoes, soups, noodles);
- coarse, coarse food, coarse cereals, crackers, biscuits, puff pastry and shortbread dough, sweet sweets and powders (coarse food can scratch the esophagus, and crumbs can provoke a severe cough and even choking).
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!