Costly falls of elderly people

The falls of older people cost the UK health service around £ 4,6 million a day, or £ 1,7 billion a year, reports BBC News.

Age UK, an organization that collaborates with Age Concern and Help the Aged, estimates that every year one in three people over the age of 65 falls each year, and falls are the leading cause of injury and death among people over the age of 70. They are also responsible for more than 50 percent of admissions to hospital due to accidental injury. The hip fracture most often occurs – 60 people are affected each year. Sometimes it is necessary to implant an artificial hip joint, a long stay in the hospital and rehabilitation. Despite treatment, around 000 people die each year after a fall

Age UK advises older people to exercise because greater muscle strength and better balance partially protect against falling (the risk is reduced by 55 percent). According to surveys, one in five elderly people does not remember when they did exercise. Proper diet (which strengthens bones), better home lighting, handrails and even sidewalks in the streets also help (PAP).

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