
The cosmetologist, unlike many other doctors, works mostly on the external side of the manifestation of some shortcomings. But the result of his work is visible almost immediately after the first procedure.

At the same time, a good specialist who encounters a patient at an advanced stage of the disease will definitely advise him to sign up with related narrow-profile experts. So, often the reason for an unflattering appearance is problems in the digestive tract or destabilization of the kidneys. An experienced esthetician will spare no time to identify the general symptoms of the disease, but will also try to find the cause of such a development of events. Based on the information received, a dermatologist, a gastroenterologist or some other specialized doctor, up to an oncologist, can come into play.

But the main activity of such a doctor is still focused on identifying and eliminating the lack of appearance. Since this science is moving forward even faster than some other medical areas, every year cosmetology offers more and more new methods of assistance.

Because of this, there are more and more people who want to become aces in this field. There are also those who apply to cosmetology without an appropriate education. But a real pro must graduate from a medical school or college to be credible. And only after that he enters thematic refresher courses.

Today, such vacancies are in consistently high demand, which often has a negative side. Some consumers are faced with the dishonesty of employees. Because of this, experts recommend that you first study the reviews of experienced patients, and then make an appointment. Moreover, it is better to do this in specialized clinics, where the office is fully equipped for the needs of the client.

Modern cosmetology

A cosmetologist is a doctor who uses diagnostic, rehabilitation and treatment programs in his work. They are aimed at resuming the normal functioning of the skin, as well as hair, nails and even mucous membranes.

The main spectrum of his activity is the aesthetic component. Such an expert must constantly improve his skills by attending seminars and congresses. In addition to distributing care advice based on the knowledge gained during training, he will initially have to deal with the anamnesis of a particular applicant.

To do this, it is necessary to determine the type of skin, consider in detail the existing defects, and also select the optimal therapy to solve the accumulated issues.

In total, there are two official options for assistance in cosmetology:

  • medicinal products;
  • minor surgery.

Do not confuse the duties of a classic cosmetologist with a plastic surgeon. The first one can do eyebrow tattooing or introduce so-called beauty injections (contour plastic), but doing a full-fledged facelift is the competence of a plastic surgeon.

Also, a typical dermatologist-cosmetologist is required to have a higher education in the medical field, which opens the door for him to work in hospitals and clinics. But an ordinary esthetician can only be content with working at hairdressers and beauty centers. Most visitors come to a beauty salon to get help from estheticians. Such an employee is prohibited from performing complex manipulations that violate the integrity of the integument, or prescribing any pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of skin ailments.

His professional maximum:

  • the use of masks;
  • peeling;
  • facial cleansing;
  • depilation.

Such an employee, at best, has the right to advise some kind of cream that is sold in a cosmetics store. But therapeutic ointments are already beyond his competence.

Secrets of work

Every year, the services of cosmetologists are becoming increasingly fragmented. All of them are aimed at maintaining an attractive appearance and youth. Only in the first case, the concept of beauty is very individual for everyone, hence the wide range of related services to satisfy the desires of the majority.

The competence of such a doctor included:

  • skin not only of the face, but of the whole body;
  • nails;
  • hair;
  • subcutaneous fat.

To improve performance in all these parameters, modern science offers many ways, and not all of them are accompanied by pain. The easiest way to transfer conservative solutions that rely on the use of:

  • masks;
  • injections;
  • solutions and other liquid-creams of the desired spectrum of action.

The selected agent is applied to the problem area and the selected defect is corrected. But there is a significant limitation here, since this method works only with a cumulative effect. As soon as they stop using it, the effect begins to fade.

Such limited longevity encourages beauties and beauties from all over the world to resort to more drastic options that involve surgery. There are simply such external flaws that cannot be removed otherwise. These include:

  • scarring;
  • acquired defects;
  • benign formations;
  • adhesions.

All of them negatively affect the quality of life of the victim, so they push him to remove the source of anxiety.

In recent years, people have increasingly begun to advocate hardware measures to fix problems. To implement the plan, special equipment is used, which in a special way affects the deep layers of the dermis. This neutralizes wrinkles and helps to avoid many other manifestations of aging.

Auxiliary solutions such as showers, therapeutic massages and baths stand apart.

A good specialist will definitely insist that his ward reconsider his lifestyle. By getting rid of bad habits and incorrect prioritization when compiling a daily menu, it will be possible to maintain a blooming appearance for longer.

Together with recommendations on the quality of improving life and physical activity, the doctor will individually select a set of care products. If the problem is deeper, then it cannot do without hardware therapy, lymphatic drainage prophylaxis and immunostimulation. The reference point in this case is the current state of health of the patient and his complaints.

At the end of the first appointment, the doctor will issue an appointment for some procedure if there are no contraindications for it and it is really needed. This is about:

  • laser therapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • current therapy;
  • phono and electrophoresis;
  • darsonvalization;
  • UFO.

All of the above refers to the group of non-invasive procedures. They will please with good productivity only if they are completed in courses, the duration of which is set individually in each case.

Separately, there are procedures that provide a visible effect after the first application. There are even some that are generally considered disposable. These include:

  • introduction of bovine or human collagen;
  • the use of hyaluronic, polylactic acid;
  • botox procedures;
  • lipofilling involving own adipose tissue;
  • injection correction of scars;
  • median peeling.

But sometimes even such high-quality work does not bring the expected results. In this case, the use of heavy artillery is indispensable. To do this, doctors resort to drugs.

Scope of competence

If we put aside the exclusively aesthetic category of the activity of such a professional, then there are still many aspects that fall within his competence. All of them can be collected in a typical list of pathologies where they hit:

  • both black and whiteheads, common eels;
  • demodicosis;
  • nevus;
  • viral skin diseases like lichen, herpes, papillomas;
  • mycotic diseases like microsporia, trichophytosis, which is characteristic of the skin and nails;
  • keratosis;
  • corns, calluses;
  • cracks in the feet;
  • pretensions;
  • dermatitis therapy;
  • hemangiomas.

Those people who want to slow down the process of skin aging, including the neutralization of wrinkles, turn to an expert for help. In this case, the time suitable for treatment is calculated purely individually.

But there are such diseases, after the discovery of which you need to immediately sound the alarm. Even ordinary hair diseases at an advanced stage can develop into a chronic form with complications, which will give the green light to aggravate the situation.

Against this background, cosmetologists advise, if any deviations are found, not to go to the forum in order to read the tips of other users, but to immediately make an appointment. Signs that encourage you to do this as soon as possible are:

  • swelling;
  • skin rashes;
  • itching;
  • abscesses and boils;
  • moles that appeared suddenly or grow rapidly;
  • acne.

The last point is a particularly delicate topic for teenagers, whose skin becomes very oily due to a hormonal surge. Many parents are in no hurry to help their child on a professional level, believing that the child will outgrow this stage anyway. At best, moms and dads buy cosmetic products from the mass market, or use grandmother’s recipes. But both of these approaches, without first consulting an expert, are not only useless, but can also pose a serious threat to the health of children.

Careful approach

A cosmetologist-dermatologist, at the slightest suspicion of a serious deviation, will send the visitor to take tests. For some, a routine blood and urine test will suffice. Others will have to pass a test for hormonal levels or some other narrow-profile indicator.

This will allow you to accurately establish the diagnosis, identify contraindications for further treatment, and, if necessary, involve the help of another specialized doctor. Together with a gastroenterologist, a gynecologist, an infectious disease specialist and an endocrinologist, it will be possible to resist the disease both from the inside and outside.

Depending on the suspicions, the doctor will ask the patient to take several additional tests. They are not always prescribed, but if you want to completely eliminate possible risks, you won’t be able to bypass them.

To confirm the diagnosis, data obtained on the basis of:

  • UAC;
  • OAM;
  • Biochemical blood test;
  • test for glucose and lipoproteins;
  • blood test for hormones and viruses;
  • analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis.

In especially advanced cases, it will not do without ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs.

Further, the specialist resorts to his secret weapon – typical methods for diagnosing cosmetic diseases. Those who complain about the condition of the scalp and hair cannot avoid trichoscopy. With its help, it will be possible to assess the current state of the hair itself and their follicles.

Patients whose main complaint is suspicion of nevi and problems with the nail plates should undergo dermatoscopy. With its help, it will be possible to study the condition of the superficial and deep skin layers.

Also, nevi, suspicions of fibromas, ossificates, lipomas and even hematomas become the reason for the proposal to do an ultrasound of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Based on the information received, it will be possible not only to identify the disease itself, but at the same time to establish the degree of its development.

Some cosmetologists prescribe confocal microscopy to patients. With its help, you can scan the surface of the dermis in layers. The resulting detailed data often give almost the same answers as the classical histological examination.

But the most common acne against the background of general greasiness should include the beginning of treatment with sebumetry. This method involves measuring the fat content of the skin, which gives a general idea of ​​​​the work of the sebaceous glands. Not always because their activity is excessive. There are times when the glands, on the contrary, do not want to function normally.

There are also other options for searching for the root cause and consequences of diseases entrusted by a cosmetologist. If a specialist suggests using them for diagnosis, then you should listen to the words of the pros, because health is above all.

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