Cosmetics for babies: which products to avoid?

Protect your baby from toxic products

“A baby’s skin has normal permeability, in other words a product does not penetrate more than that of an adult,” explains Professor Gérard Lorette, head of the dermatology department at the University Hospital of Tours. On the other hand, its skin surface in relation to its weight is very large, so it potentially has a greater risk of being contaminated by toxic substances. However, the majority of baby toiletries (lotions, soaps, etc.) contain substances that are irritating and / or dangerous to health. Two recent studies have made this worrying observation. The first was conducted by. The NGO tested 341 baby products such as wipes, shampoos and cleansing milks. Result: 299 are composed of “high risk” ingredients, and components classified as “moderate risk” were found in 181 products. The Federal Union of Consumers (UFC) -Que to Choose has also conducted the investigation of everyday cosmetics. Of the 185 products tested, 62 contained allergens, mainly methylisothiazolinone (MIT). 101 products also had endocrine disruptors in their composition, 8 baby wipes included in particular phenoxyethanol. While manufacturers generally comply with regulatory doses with low product concentrations, specialists are concerned about the effect induced by the addition of substances.

The “high risk” components

Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)

This preservative from the group of isothiazolinones is used in many skincare products by manufacturers to replace parabens. In the WECF study, (methylisothiazolinone or MIT) was found in 19 products, including seven wipes. It is now confirmed that this product causes significant allergies. In the case of wipes, the risk is all the greater if the product is not rinsed. In 2012, the French Dermatology Society (SFD) warned of the risk of facial and site eczema triggered by the use of cleansing wipes containing this preservative. 


In 2012, the ANSM recommended, for children under 3 years of age, not to use phenoxyethanol in cosmetic products intended for the seat, and to restrict the concentration of this substance in all other types of products to 0,4, 54%. This substance was however found above the threshold in 26 products, including XNUMX wipes in the WECF study. The toxic effects of phenoxyethanol on reproduction are no longer to be proven. This is called an endocrine disruptor, a substance that has the ability to interfere with hormonal messages and disrupt them. Exposure to endocrine disruptors is associated with many pathologies, including breast cancer, early puberty, miscarriages… So we carefully look at the lists of cosmetic ingredients before buying!

The perfumes 

In the WECF sample, 26 skincare products contained perfume. Problem, it induces potential risks of allergies and especially, phthalates, notorious endocrine disruptors, enter in its composition. But this last information is never indicated on the product label. 

“Moderate risk” components

The NGO WECF found ingredients classified as “moderate risk” in 181 products. Among them, ethylene diamine tetraacetic (EDTA), a potentially irritating substance, as well as sulfates, foaming agents, present in large majority in bath products and shampoos. These substances alter the lipid film of the skin and contribute to skin dryness. Mineral oils, derived from petroleum chemistry, clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing. In addition, there is a risk of contamination by carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Be careful also with sun products which sometimes contain nanoparticles, the effects of which are still little known. 

Good reflexes to protect baby

We limit cosmetic products. “We put too many things on the skin of newborns and infants, warns Prof. G. Lorette. A child with normal skin does not need all of these products applied to him. 

We check the list of ingredients in the products. Do not trust the word “hypoallergenic”. Unregulated, it only indicates that the manufacturer has formulated its product without known allergens, and that it has possibly tested it on a panel of consumers.

Avoid cleaning wipes. The skin of the seat is very fragile and the humidity facilitates the penetration of the products. A gentle toilet for the buttocks and genital areas with an ultra-rich soap with neutral pH is sufficient, and it is necessary to dry well. If you use disposable wipes, make sure they do not contain phenoxyethanol, parabens, or perfumes.

– Good to know: there is no medical reason to bathe a baby every day

We prefer products bearing organic labels : Ecocert, Cosmebio, Nature et Progrès, NaTrue. They contain at least 95% of ingredients of natural origin.

Finally, know that pregnancy is also a risky period vis-à-vis pollutants, so it is necessary to adopt some good reflexes to protect yourself from endocrine disruptors.

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