Cosmetic procedures that can be done during the New Year holidays
During working days, the notorious rehabilitation period interferes with becoming more beautiful. And on holidays, you can do all the procedures and not frighten others.
New Year is a magical time that you can finally spend on yourself. As soon as the time for the feasts is over, immediately make an appointment with the beautician. After many cosmetic procedures, swelling, bruises, and wounds remain on the face for several days. How to spend holidays with benefits for your face and body?
Many procedures require a rehabilitation period
“I would advise choosing a median peeling for the New Year holidays,” says Elena Ivanovna Broy, dermatologist, trichologist, certified international trainer DMK DANNE, “during which healing and strengthening occurs through exfoliation and removal of skin waste products. One of the most popular types of mid-skin cleansing is yellow peeling. It contains retinoic acid. The action of the procedure is based on stimulating the work of epidermal cells, thereby improving the relief, normalizing nutrition and hydration of the skin, increasing collagen synthesis, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands.
The intense action of acids on the skin requires its long-term recovery. Within four days after the procedure, the treated area is covered with a thin crust, which gradually begins to peel off and disappears completely after 7-9 days. In addition, there may be swelling on the face. When the crust completely peels off the face, the skin becomes pinkish-red, a feeling of tightness appears. It takes several weeks to fully recover from the midline peel. As a result – elastic and toned skin, a beautiful, even complexion. The result of the corrective procedure is also a smoothed skin relief, the absence of fine wrinkles, and narrowed pores. “
The essence of the procedure is simple: under the influence of a laser, keratinized scales of the upper layer are removed. Already after the first intake, you will notice that the skin has become more elastic, the complexion will improve, age spots will disappear, and wrinkles will be less noticeable. As a result, minus 10 years was gone. This effect requires sacrifice: for several days (each rehabilitation period is individual, usually it lasts no more than two weeks), you will have to walk with swelling and slight redness on the skin.
Fermentation and mesotherapy
A wonderful treatment using an enzymatic complex. Here, the restoration and strengthening of the barrier properties of the skin takes place, the symptoms of aging are eliminated, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. “During the holidays, I would suggest doing 4 procedures using an enzymatic complex with alternating mesotherapy procedures,” says Elena Broy.
Injection-free oxygen mesotherapy is one of the most painless and effective procedures for rejuvenation. This hardware technique allows you to inject active substances deep into the skin without injections. Cosmetologists work with a high-speed jet of pure oxygen (oxygen concentration in the jet is up to 98%), thus accelerating the penetration and absorption of mesotherapeutic drugs and without violating the integrity of the surface layer of the skin. If you are over 40, placental mesotherapy with an active enriched composition is suitable. Cosmetologists advise to do two procedures with an interval of five days. The result is a powerful anti-aging complex designed for 14 days. By the time you go to work, you will be irresistible!
Biorevitalization gives the skin deep hydration, improves its tone and smoothes expression lines. The effect is noticeable after the first two procedures, but it is better to do a course of four procedures at once (New Year’s holidays are just perfect for this). Still, we must remember that this procedure is not for the faint of heart, because it involves multiple injections directly into the face and neck. After the injections, the face and neck are covered with small bumps, but in just a couple of days, the puncture marks disappear. Also, during the holidays, you can easily enlarge your lips or correct your cheekbones.
New Year’s holidays are the best time to fight extra pounds. The ideal course is 10 sessions of LPG massage with alternating wrapping (applying an active substance to problem areas, after which the body is wrapped in a film, creating a greenhouse effect). After such a comprehensive care, cellulite will decrease, the skin will become more elastic and smoother. The only negative is that you will need to update your wardrobe, because the size of the clothes will decrease by at least two sizes.
What cosmetologists have not come up with so that women of any age can look well-groomed, beautiful and young. True, doctors unanimously insist that they are not able to reduce the age, which is determined by the days we have lived from the moment of birth. A visit to a beautician allows you to preserve and maintain beauty and attractiveness. And this cannot be a one-time promotion. Just as we take care of flowers and do it constantly and regularly, we must also treat ourselves – take care of ourselves constantly and regularly in order to get the result.
Of course, home care should not be forgotten. Every woman must have serums to strengthen the skin’s immunity with a powerful antioxidant effect, an anti-pigment complex, moisturizing masks, nourishing creams that restore the lipid mantle of the skin, and a sunscreen.