Cosmetic procedures in Krasnodar: where to do, how much it costs

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Summer is a wonderful time! Especially when you spend it on the beach, lazily substituted by the gentle sun rays, wet breeze and plunging into the waters of the salty sea. But the pleasant time is over, and we are saddened to understand that the scorching sun does more harm than good, and it is time to urgently put ourselves in order. Let’s start the autumn makeover – take care of your skin, hair, teeth and, of course, don’t forget to update your wardrobe!

September is the time for spa treatments. There is no longer such aggressive heat and hot wind, which can in an instant make the skin and hair dry and brittle and endow with a host of cosmetic problems. Therefore, all aesthetic procedures will be beneficial and will prepare the body for the long cold off-season.

Our consultant – Director beauty workshop “Lady M” Marianna Anatolyevna Khugaeva.

1) So, we advise you to start the recovery complex with the face. We go to the beautician.

The biggest problems that summer brings us are dehydration and pigmentation. An experienced specialist will first of all diagnose the condition of the facial skin and select a set of procedures suitable for your age.

One of the most effective methods is mesotherapy – the introduction of a vitamin cocktail with thin needles under the skin. The procedure may not be the most pleasant, but it gives amazing results – the skin is filled with useful substances, it becomes elastic, moisturized, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the face is rejuvenated. Recommended after 25 years. But immediately after mesotherapy, small marks remain from the injections, so it is better to spend a few days at home.

Those who are not ready for radical measures can be offered hardware procedures for moisturizing – useful compounds are delivered to the cells using ultrasound or low-frequency electricity. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. It is contained in our body and is part of the skin, participating in tissue regeneration, but in summer, with strong exposure to the sun and ultraviolet rays, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid stops and the rate of its decay increases. Therefore, it is extremely important to correct the situation in time and fill the dermis with such an important component.

And absolutely for any age, facial care procedures are useful, including cleansing, scrubbing, several stages of professional masks and a light massage at the end. A sufficient number of cosmetic preparations have been developed for each type of skin, usually there is collagen in the composition (in simple terms, it helps to create a moisture-retaining barrier and prolongs the effect of nutrients), hyaluronic acid, and vegetable oils. Algae-based series have proven themselves well.

Let’s clarify that all moisturizing facial procedures also have a rejuvenating effect.

Of course, you cannot cope with pigmentation in one procedure. Therefore, we advise all girls, especially those over 30 or in position, to use creams with a sunscreen filter. After summer, you can do a cycle of whitening masks and a low-percentage peeling based on fruit acids. This gentle whitening product can freshen up the complexion and remove fresh age spots that have formed from exposure to the sun.

2) Tidying up the hair

Ultraviolet light acts on hair as badly as on the skin; it becomes thinner, brittle and dull. If, after the hot season, there is still more hair loss than usual, you need to urgently contact a trichologist or hairdresser.

Any manipulations to improve hair begin with cleansing the scalp; for this, specialized shampoos with a scrub are used. This will make cells and hair follicles receptive for further penetration of nutrients.

The second stage is nutrition. The hair products contain natural oils, herbal decoctions and protein.

You can do a medical hair wrap. A composition of several essential oils heated to body temperature is applied to the entire length, and the hair is wrapped in a warm towel. Such a “steam bath” of medicinal oils strengthens the follicle, the hair becomes smooth, and the volume increases. This is a good remedy for the prevention of split ends.

The third step is to cleanse your hair again with moisturizing shampoos. A master in a beauty salon, focusing on the condition of the hair, will select several necessary cosmetics and even after one procedure you will understand how the hair has revived, how healthy and well-groomed the strands look.

3) Warm up! Sign up for a massage

Even a one-time massage from a good specialist will never hurt anyone: its healing and restorative properties have long been proven. We usually prepare hard for the beach season, do body wraps and go for a massage, but we forget that for beauty and well-being, our body needs constant care. Therefore, after the vacation, we go again for a healthy massage and body wrap. Only the goal will not be to quickly lose weight, but to restore the elasticity of the skin, moisturize and nourish it with vitamins – after sea water, heat, wind, it needs it. The session lasts 60 minutes. First, the scrub will thoroughly cleanse the dermis. Then a massage with warming oils, and then a wrap. Relaxation and skin like a baby are provided.

4) Beauty to the tips of your nails: go for a manicure and pedicure.

Now is the most fertile time in the field of nail design. Everything that you like is fashionable. Masters can fulfill literally any client’s wish: to make nails long and of any shape, using not just a gel, but with a silicone composition that is as close to natural as possible, you can apply any color of varnish and decorate with rhinestones, foil, even dry flowers. For lovers of classic French, we advise you to first go through spa treatments to heal dry or damaged skin of your hands; for this type of nail design, nails and fingers should look perfect even before coating.

In Krasnodar, warm weather will continue for a long time, which means that we will still be wearing open summer shoes and we need to take care of persistent pedicure varnish. Try a gel polish that works just like normal but will last much longer.

You can go through these and other procedures in Beauty workshop “Lady M”.

Her address: Krasnodar, st. Not boiled, 2, tel. +7 918 158 70 70.

“Lady M” in social networks: Instagram

Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile are another important step towards a perfect appearance. Psychologists all over the world have long noted that smiling people are more successful both in their careers and in life in general. So do not postpone the trip to the dentist, deal with this issue now!

Our consultant, a dentist-orthodontist at the Ross-Dent clinic, Lyana Yurievna Zikhova, explains how to start prevention and treatment.

“I always notice how in consultations with the standard procedure of photographing, in response to a request to smile and show their teeth, patients hesitate and cannot do it. All due to the fact that there are certain problems with the condition of the teeth.

Nowadays, solving any problems and problems associated with the state of the dentition has become more than affordable and simple, so you should not live your whole life with pursed lips and are afraid to give vent to feelings. There is only one single problem on the way to a beautiful smile – this is everyone’s inner barrier, overcoming which you will forget about your complexes once and for all. The most important thing to start with is realizing the value of your health and only then start treatment as early as possible.

What are the main problems our patients face?

1. Poor oral hygiene provoking the formation of dental plaque and tartar, which, in turn, increase the risk of caries, and in some cases this leads to the formation of bad breath.

How it is solved at the Ross-dent clinic: is actually pretty simple. It is necessary to undergo a professional oral hygiene session, during which the doctor will remove all dental plaque with a special ultrasonic nozzle and Air Flow powder. Then she will tell and teach you how to brush your teeth correctly and maintain the result at home.

2. Enamel discoloration, acquiring a yellowish tint. It occurs because we drink too much coffee.

How it is solved at the Ross-dent clinic: professional teeth whitening with the Zoom device allows you to achieve the desired result in several sessions.

3. Problems with bite.

How it is solved at the Ross-dent clinic: this is the question of the orthodontist. After diagnosis and thorough analysis, an optimal treatment plan will be proposed, the result of which will be the correct position of the teeth. In cases where orthopedic work is needed to correct minor defects, the doctor will plan the stages of treatment and the final result using the Digital Smile Design smile design program, where you can see the final result of the work before starting treatment.

Science does not stand still, and today there are all the necessary techniques to maintain the natural beauty of teeth. You should not accumulate complexes in yourself, take the first step towards your beautiful smile and sign up for a consultation with a dentist!

Where: clinic “Ross-dent”, Krasnodar, st. Kalinin / Ignatov Brothers, 382/120; st. Yana Poluyana / Scriabin, 47/2; st. Minsk, 122/3; st. Kalinina, 125, tel. 8-800-700-03-97.

Clinic “Ross-dent” in social networks – VK, Classmates, Instagram

Skin and hair are in perfect order, manicure and pedicure are done, the smile is perfect. Getting down to what is definitely the most enjoyable part of the fall makeover – wardrobe revision! We send all summer open dresses and sundresses to the upper shelves, and for new autumn clothes we go to Etinette boutique… After all, the new European fall 2016 collection has just arrived!

Incredible stylish exclusive dresses, cardigans, coats, jackets, accessories – shawls, hats, scarves …

“The models that are presented in our boutique are from European collections in France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Romania,” says the consultant. boutique Etinette Oksana Olkhovich. – To diversify the assortment as much as possible, we have chosen stylish and democratic brands – French MAX & MOI, KOKOMARINA, Rhum Raisin, Italian Landi, Belgian CAROLINE BISS, Spanish DIKTONS, European NISSA. These are clothes that in Europe belong to the PRET-A-PORTE class, that is, the kind that famous designers create for the general consumer. “

If you need a new outfit for the occasion, look at certain brands.

To issue dresses of the CAROLINE BISS brand are the best fit. By the way, the brand itself is named after President Kennedy’s daughter Carolyn, a recognized style icon. The basis of the collections are elegant sheath dresses made of colorful fabrics, but with a classically restrained cut.

To go to the club take a closer look at NISSA clothing – democratic and modern, light and bright. Appreciate the variety of outfits, colors, styles that make up the collection – they are all feminine, elegant and have their own “zest” details.

For office work choose MAX & MOI – French designers work under the motto “No excess!” The models are restrained, independent, elegant and austere.

For traveling the most comfortable models will be Rhum Raisin. The brand sews clothes in an unusual style – this is an amazing mixture of country, western and hippie with bohemian chic.

On a date appear in a dress from KOKOMARINA. These models are distinguished by an asymmetric cut and a layering effect. Of the materials, designers mainly use the lightest linen, delicate knitwear and soft cotton.

“But with a variety of messages, all models are made of natural fabrics, classic cut, with a perfect fit. Our clients are those girls who want to look original, modern, not vulgar, but at the same time stand out from the crowd, ”says Oksana Olkhovich.

Drop into a boutique and you will surely look for a thing you like. And experienced consultants will prompt, advise and draw your attention to the details so that the choice is even more successful. By the way, there is a good promotion until the end of September – a 20% discount on a new collection if you say the code word “French Autumn”.

Where: Etinette boutique, Krasnodar, st. Pashkovskaya, 84, tel. 8918 317−55−70.

Elena Lemmerman, Anna Semenova

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