Cosmetic procedures for face and body

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August is a time when, on the one hand, we get a large amount of vitamins, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, enjoy the sun’s rays, and on the other hand, we are limited in carrying out many cosmetic procedures. The editorial staff of Woman’s Day learned how to take care of the face and body during the hot season.

Self-care is urgent and required at any time of the year. Unfortunately, we are so arranged that as we age, our skin loses its elasticity and attractiveness. And if the inner feeling says that we are always eighteen, then the reflection in the mirror mercilessly hints at intensive care and the need for cosmetic and medical procedures.

The editorial board of the Antenna-Telesem. South ”and the Woman’s Day website in Krasnodar held a round table, bringing together leading experts in the beauty and health industry. The main question was: what procedures can and should be carried out in the summer, what diets to follow and how to look “100%”.

Hot weather carries the threat of dehydration – as a result of dry skin. Therefore, drinking plenty of water and intensive moisturizing of the skin is the number one rule. But moisturizers, as it turned out, are not a panacea for this.

“During warm days, there is an active loss of moisture, due to which our body cools,” explains Irina Berezovskaya, head of the clinic’s cosmetology department. Aesthetic Italy… – This process takes place through the largest human organ – the skin. When we apply any cream, we do not add moisture, but create a film that prevents moisture loss from the inner layers. But there is a danger, if the skin does not give off moisture, then the result is swelling. One of the most effective ways to retain moisture is hyaluronic acid, and you only need to inject it.

“Mesotherapy was invented by a French doctor while treating his patient with hearing loss.”

The fact is that the hyaluronic acid molecule is much larger than our pores, it simply cannot get into the skin, the maximum that creams with hyaluronic acid give – a short-term slight swelling, which makes the skin more aesthetically attractive, but no long-term effect when using the cream out of the question. I recommend that my patients undergo a course of biorevitalization in the summer – one of the types of mesotherapy, but you need to remember about the limitations so that there are no side effects. “

There are contraindications, consult with specialists

“The human body is almost 60% water. She participates in all life processes. External beauty not least depends on the water balance. In the summer, we lose a lot of fluid, so contact with water needs to be increased, – supports Natalya Velfiya, Commercial Director of the Krasnodar Balneotherapy Center. The recommendations of our doctors are as follows: in the summer, drink more plain water, as well as undergo a full course of water procedures that not only refresh, invigorate, but also contribute to the modeling of the silhouette: mineral and pearl baths, Charcot’s shower, underwater massage shower.

During the beach season, electromyostimulation of various zones, cryotherapy of the face and body (exposure to nitrogen at a temperature of –160 degrees Celsius), procedures that improve metabolism are popular among the fair sex. The impact on the body with cold in Cryosauna has a lot of indications, and the effect of this procedure is manifold. In addition to the therapeutic effect in such diseases as rheumatoid and juvenile arthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, joint diseases, metabolic disorders, spastic paresis, obesity, various skin diseases, the cryotherapy procedure enriches cells with oxygen, promotes weight loss, improves skin condition, and also increases immunity and improves the general condition of the body. “

There are contraindications, consult with specialists

“If you want to be beautiful, first of all you need to be healthy,” Alexey Kim, director of the Center for Eastern Medicine of Dr. Tsoi, joins the conversation, “because beauty in its fundamental understanding is health. In the life of every person who strives for well-being, everything should be in a complex – both nutrition, and reflexotherapy, and physical activity, which to a greater extent, or to a lesser extent, already depends on the psychotype of the person and his characteristics, therefore, for each patient there is an individual approach, you cannot solve the problem using a template. Sometimes patients come with a misconception, for example, they believe that you can “stick the needle at a certain point” and in a couple of weeks the person will get rid of those extra pounds. There is no method that can produce overwhelming effects without effort. Yes, acupuncture can help – reduce appetite, increase activity and endurance, and improve the general condition of the body. But it is important to remember that there are no magic methods in the struggle for a slender body, this is work, and work is complex – nutrition, physical activity, and reflexology. “

There are contraindications, consult with specialists

“I will support my colleagues,” says Maria Bondareva, manager of the Gold fit & Spa fitness club, “you cannot achieve an ideal result only by sports. Nutrition is important here, as well as additional cosmetic, care, relaxation procedures. But the most important thing is the focus on results. In the summer we celebrate a special demand for pool services. Swimming, in my opinion, is a wonderful sport, with a minimum of contraindications, maximum effect and comfort. Personally, I recommend working out in the gym with a personal trainer – this is the perfect recipe for those who know exactly what they want to achieve. And what type of training to choose is a purely individual question. “

“Sometimes there are contraindications for physical activity, or a person does not have a love for active sports – such clients come to our wellness club,” says Elena Setchenko, director of the Body Geometry wellness club. who wants to remove “complex” fatty deposits. Our trainings are carried out at a gentle pace and mode, while good results are achieved due to an integrated approach: proper nutrition, physical activity, massages. If a client comes to us and only uses a roller simulator, then, of course, there will be no effect. As well as if he has a solid supper after training. “

There are contraindications, consult with specialists

“I do not like the word“ diet ”, as it implies a restriction, and a person is so constructed that he tries to break any prohibition. Therefore, if we talk about the diet, then there is only one secret – its balance in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements, – explains Marina Fedorova, head of the advisory department, endocrinologist, diabetologist, nutritionist of the highest category of the family health clinic “City- Clinic “. – In the summer, I advise my patients to follow the water regime (at least 1,5–2 liters of liquid per day), to somewhat limit the use of meat products, since they are heavy for the body, pay special attention to vegetables and fruits. But again, there must be a balance in everything. Meat and fish, dairy products cannot be completely excluded from the diet. As for fruits, it is advisable to consume them in the morning. They contain fructose, which is extra calories. And, of course, the last dinner – no later than 4 hours before bedtime. In the summer, everyone has a decrease in appetite, and if there are no hormonal imbalances, you will get weight loss as a result.

“Cow’s milk is not recommended to be consumed, because when it breaks down, the body’s molecules attack the cells of the pancreas, which can lead to diabetes.”

In my practice, before developing an individual nutritional program, I always send the patient to pass the necessary tests to identify the presence of pathologies, hormonal disorders. And of course I recommend physical activity: without it, you won’t be able to achieve the desired shape. “

There are contraindications, consult with specialists

“It is good not only to eat vegetables and fruits, but also to use them as masks,” adds Irina Berezovskaya, “the effect of light peeling is obtained due to fruit acids. You just need to understand that the next day it is extremely undesirable to be in the sun, so as not to injure the skin. “

“Here I would like to add that you need to be careful, as there is a risk of an allergic reaction,” says Elena Savchenko, Ph.D., allergist-immunologist, chief physician of the Center for Allergy and Immunology. – In my practice, there were patients who made vitamin cocktails, that is, they mixed everything that came to hand: fruits and vegetables, and honey, and cocoa, and various herbs, and then applied all this to the face and body … The result is Quincke’s edema, urticaria, and sometimes a severe toxic reaction. There are similar risks when eating fruit, you need to look at the quality. Unfortunately, we sell mainly imported fruits, which contain a huge amount of pesticides.

It is better to try to eat fruits in season, for example, watermelons should be eaten at the end of July – August, but not in May. It is very careful to consume carbonated drinks, fast food, various chips and crackers, they also do not benefit the body and can cause an allergic reaction. There are already a lot of allergens in our region, why aggravate the situation? Allergic reactions to sunscreens are common, but this is due to the use of substandard products. It is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life and storage conditions of the oil or cream, therefore it is better to buy them in specialized stores or in a pharmacy. We have a lot of people who keep these drugs for a long time and think that they are eternal and do not deteriorate, unfortunately, this is not so. “

There are contraindications, consult with specialists

“But, unfortunately, in summer it is impossible without sunscreen. This is the main remedy that helps not only to protect our skin, but also to preserve youth and beauty, – supports colleague Yulia Ivanova, dermatovenerologist-cosmetologist of the clinic. Vita nuova… – Every woman, in spite of everything, tries to take care of herself. By and large, at any time of the year you can find a way to solve a patient’s problem, but before any procedure, a doctor’s consultation is necessary, since there are no two identical persons and two identical problems, each patient is unique, and the treatment method will be unique. “

“Yes, indeed, every woman has her own genetics and body characteristics,” says Anastasia Dimchenko, manager of the clinic of modern surgery “Healthy”, it happens that even a couple of weeks without a fitness center is already returning the former volumes back. Often fragile women’s shoulders simply do not stand up to tough work schedules, workouts, and diets. Then plastic surgery comes to the rescue, where all problems with body shaping can be solved quickly enough. Let’s not forget about the age factor, when the effect of injections of “beauty shots” becomes less effective and more short-term. In the modern world, aesthetic surgery remains the means to which a woman turns when everything else no longer helps. We correct those defects that cannot be corrected with the help of injection cosmetology or medication. The high level of professionalism of doctors and modern equipment, for example, in our operating room, allows us to minimize risks and predict the result in advance.

Of course, in the summer it is better not to resort to surgical operations, at this time you can carry out preparation, pass all the necessary tests, determine an action plan, and think again well. An operation is an operation, because even liposuction is a serious medical procedure, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor and weigh all the pros and cons. “All operations are best done on a waning moon.”

Summing up, all the participants agreed that first of all, any person needs to monitor their health, and for this to lead a correct lifestyle – to develop a food culture in oneself, to love sports, to respond in time to body signals, then there will be external beauty, and great health, and most importantly – that reflection in the mirror, which will delight its owner! And in time to enjoy all the benefits of medicine and cosmetology that are available today, and are able to correct any defect!

There are contraindications, consult with specialists

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