Cortisol, or the stress hormone. What does incorrect level mean?

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Cortisol is an organic chemical compound that is a natural glucocorticoid hormone. It is produced by the banded layer of the adrenal cortex. The cortisol receptor is located in the cell nucleus.

  1. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released in large amounts in difficult situations
  2. Cortisol has many important functions in the body, e.g. it affects the water, electrolyte and protein balance
  3. Symptoms of hypercortisolemia, i.e. excessive secretion of cortisol, include e.g. obesity, hypertension, impaired immunity
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that affects blood glucose levels – in response to stress, it increases its level. Under physiological conditions, the concentration of cortisol in the blood serum is variable – the highest in the morning and the lowest at midnight. Cotisol is usually present in the blood in a form bound to plasma proteins, and only a part of it in the free (active) form.

The main function of cortisol is the increase in blood glucose levels, especially during exercise and stress. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands, more specifically in the banded layer of the adrenal cortex. Its synthesis and secretion takes place under the control of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secreted by the pituitary gland. The production of ACTH, on the other hand, depends on CRH, i.e. hypothalamic corticoliberin.

The operation of ACTH and CRH is based on the principle of negative feedback.

Cortisol has many important functions, for example it affects the water, electrolyte and protein balance. Testing cortisol should be performed after a night of sleep and on an empty stomach.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released in large amounts in difficult situations. It causes the blood glucose levels to rise because your body needs more energy under these circumstances.

Cortisol strengthens the action of adrenaline and norepinephrine (other stress hormones), thanks to which the body can cope better with the so-called. stressor. It affects the functioning of the circulatory system by increasing the heart rate.

The stress hormone also affects the economy:

  1. protein – enhances the breakdown of proteins;
  2. fatty tissue – increases the breakdown of triglycerides;
  3. carbohydrate – increasing gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis;
  4. water and electrolyte – cortisol retains salt in the body, thereby increasing the excretion of potassium.

Cortisol causes a greater secretion of gastric acid. It also limits the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Proper levels of cortisol in the body are important for the proper functioning of the immune system, as this hormone has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects.


Synthetic cortisol derivatives work well in the treatment of e.g. bronchial asthma. In life-threatening situations (asthmatic state), they may support the action of adrenaline.

Do you get stressed often? Try ChillMe Health Labs – when you are struggling with stress – a dietary supplement available on Medonet Market. To lower cortisol levels, and thus – reduce stress, buy the Herbal Adaptogenic Blend.

The need to test the level of cortisol may be determined by a doctor based on an interview and other tests. The most common indication for blood cortisol level testing is the suspicion:

  1. Cushing’s syndrome (in the course of this disease there are symptoms resulting from an excess of cortisol in the blood, e.g. depression, insomnia, changes in the body structure, accumulation of fatty tissue around the face, hypertension, headaches and dizziness, decreased libido, menstrual disorders in women ),
  2. hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism,
  3. disorders in the synthesis of steroid hormones,
  4. tumors of the adrenal glands, ovary, testes,
  5. insomnia,
  6. depression
  7. the occurrence of chronic fatigue.

It is worth checking the concentration of cortisol before visiting a dietitian. Purchase a test package Pre-consultation with a dietitian – home blood analysis, thanks to which you can determine the parameters affecting your health, check for possible deficiencies and the presence of inflammation. Thanks to such research, it is easier for a dietitian to adjust the diet to your needs and expectations.

If you want to reduce stress levels and improve concentration, you can reach for a dietary supplement with Siberian ginseng.

The cortisol test uses serum taken from a vein in the arm or a 8-hour urine collection. Fasting for at least XNUMX hours prior to testing for cortisol levels. If you are testing a blood sample, it is recommended that you come to the laboratory for the morning collection. If the changes in cortisol levels are scheduled to be tested over the course of the day, measurements are taken several times throughout the day (morning, evening and before drug administration). You should wait a few days for the results.

A urine sample can be used to measure the level of free cortisol. For this test, one week before urine collection, the patient should stop taking steroid medications. Please consult your doctor about any changes in your medication intake. Consultation with a family doctor of contracts today via the portal.


The test of free cortisol in a XNUMX-hour urine collection is a reflection of the concentration of cortisol in the blood (in a specific time interval). This test is only used in the diagnosis of hypercortisolemia, because cortisol is filtered by the kidneys only in free form, not correlating with proteins. For this reason, an increase in the concentration of secreted free cortisol in the urine occurs when its amount in the blood serum significantly exceeds the plasma protein binding capacity.

Do symptoms of hypercortisolemia (excessive secretion of cortisol) include:

  1. obesity,
  2. hypertension,
  3. osteoporosis,
  4. impaired immunity of the body,
  5. impaired glucose tolerance (impaired carbohydrate metabolism).

Cortisol – the norm

Cortisol should be analyzed based on cortisol norms. Serum cortisol norms depending on the time of day are as follows:

  1. in the morning – from 138 to 690 nmol / l (5-25 µg / dl),
  2. in the evening hours – values ​​are halved.

Increased cortisol may be related to the secretion of the hormone ACTH, although there is not always a correlation. Too high cortisol levels may suggest:

  1. lung cancer (ectopic ACTH secretion),
  2. pituitary adenoma (it secretes ACTH),
  3. depression
  4. adrenal tumor (regardless of ACTH),
  5. anorexia,
  6. chronic and sudden stress,
  7. increased physical exertion before the examination.

If the stress hormone is kept too low, it can manifest as malaise, fatigue, general weakness, weight loss, or a drop in blood pressure. If it is detected in research low cortisol levelsit could mean:

  1. Addison’s disease (caused by an autoimmune reaction or tuberculosis)
  2. congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
  3. adrenal insufficiency,
  4. hypopituitarism.
  5. hypothalamus.

If you want to reduce stress, you can also reach for CBD 5% oil available on Medonet Market, which not only relaxes, but also has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Inappropriate cortisol levels – consequences

Chronic excess of cortisol in the body has a negative impact on health. Indirectly, it causes obesity because it increases the appetite and promotes the accumulation of adipose tissue. In the long term, it favors the development of the metabolic syndrome. If the increase in cortisol is caused by stress and is sustained over a long period of time, it manifests itself in problems with sleep, concentration and memory. Insomnia leads to a reduction in serotonin levels, which increases the risk of depressive symptoms.

In such cases, it is a good idea to introduce Daily Balance ° into your diet for stress relief. It is an intelligent supplement, which means that its composition can be modified in consultation with a dietitian, depending on your needs.

Hypercortisolemia also lowers the body’s resistance, which increases the susceptibility to infections.

In the case of lowered cortisol and the occurrence of additional factors (e.g. severe stress), there is a risk of an adrenal crisis – a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention. Disturbing symptoms of this condition are disturbed consciousness, low blood pressure and increased heart rate, as well as loss of consciousness.

Cortisol is one of the studies in the Research Pack for People exposed to Long-Term Stress. You can do the test in a medical facility or at home.

Cortisol level test – price

The cost of performing the cortisol concentration test depends on the individual price lists of selected laboratories. The price of the tests also varies depending on whether we want to perform a blood or urine test. The price range is from 30 to 80 PLN.

If you want to support your body against stress, order Pukka Relax – a relaxing tea that contains chamomile flower, licorice root, sweet fennel seeds, bitter fennel seeds, cardamom seeds, ginger root and marshmallow root. The preparation has relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties, and also relieves pain.

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