Corsets and posture correctors

Corrective corset is usually used for body modification. It may be used for orthopedic reasons (for example, to correct a crooked spine) or for cosmetic reasons (to achieve a smaller size and waist training).

In addition, the term “corrective corset” refers to a device that is used to wear as everyday underwear or any corset in order to achieve a good and correct posture.

Most often, it is prescribed for children of school and preschool age to correct the spine, since a constant load and a large amount of time spent at home do not give very positive results.

What is a corset?

The first corsets dated back to the middle of the XNUMXth – early XNUMXth centuries are now actively used to correct posture.

The device, according to its principle of action, makes you keep your posture high, supporting the lower back.

But, for someone with hunched shoulders, a corset that sits high on the back, or a waist vest, will help keep the shoulders upright and flatten the hump.

He will reshape his back to prevent future scoliosis. People with this disease especially need his help, as the corset restructures the spine and supports the back, reducing pressure.

The extra support reduces pressure on the ligaments as well as the joints, preventing osteoporosis and certain forms of arthritis such as fibromyalgia.

As already mentioned, children most often suffer from poor posture. If your child has severe spinal abnormalities, it is best to have an orthopedic corrector made to order.

In this case, the product will be produced with maximum regard for the characteristics of the back, and will lead to the return of the normal state of the spine in a short time. In addition, if you take into account all the factors and develop a corset specifically for the body, then it will not press and rub your back and shoulders. How to use a posture corrector?

You need to pay attention to some conditions:

  • observe the time of wearing a corset;
  • follow the instructions;
  • do not forget about underwear under the corset;
  • ask your doctor if you should stay in it overnight.

Each orthopedic corrector has an instruction manual. It shows the usage time of the product as well as its correct application. However, only a doctor who takes into account all the individual characteristics of each patient can provide more accurate information.

Depending on the degree of curvature of the spine, the device should be worn from 1-2 to 23 hours a day. Permanent use is required only in case of particularly strong changes. After achieving positive results, wearing should be reduced. The orthopedic corset is worn on light-colored clothes (in any case, not on the naked body). The reason is that when walking, it can dig into the skin, and this will bring pain and discomfort. It is worth remembering that wearing this mechanism will not help to completely get rid of scoliosis, this will require complex therapy. Separately, the corset will remove the disease only in case of minor deformities or a stooped posture.

Why do you need a corset?

Are you suffering from back or spine pain? Poor posture can be the result of an injury, a bad habit, or a genetic predisposition, but with time, effort, and the right tools, it can be fixed. Poor posture negatively affects everything from your sitting position to your ability to live in an active way and have a calm emotional state.

Incorrect posture creates muscle imbalances that can lead to further problems in the upper body. As a rule, they are caused by various factors and lead to tension in some areas and weakness in other areas.

Muscle imbalances and the resulting discomfort associated with poor posture can be detrimental to your health and well-being.

But with the right appliance, you can work your muscles to achieve your natural posture. There are many different correctors and other devices that you put on your body to improve and rehabilitate it. The reasons that lead to the curvature of the spine are also important, since the constant wearing of a corset does not guarantee a complete correction of posture, and at the same time, the patient continues to adhere to habits that adversely affect the body.

Why does the curvature of the spine appear? There are many reasons. It is worth noting that these problems affect the internal organs, cause significant damage to health. In addition, there is poor circulation, difficulty breathing. All this affects the general condition, and a person feels tired for a long time.

The factors that are associated with the development of poor posture are as follows:

  • weak and underdeveloped muscles;
  • pathologies in the development of muscle tissue around the spine;
  • diseases that cause changes in the shape and size of the chest;
  • violation of the daily routine;
  • improperly selected chairs and bed;
  • poor lighting of the workplace;
  • tight clothing that adversely affects the development of the skeleton (in children and adolescents);
  • passive lifestyle.

With the development of almost every child, many of these factors affect the condition of the spine. That is why it is very important to monitor children from early childhood. Poor posture leads to deformation of the entire skeleton, a shift in internal organs.

Types of corsets

Corsets may be worn for orthopedic reasons such as correcting a crooked spine or straightening the back and shoulders. Sometimes this element of treatment is used for body shaping. A waist corset is usually worn to achieve an hourglass figure. Waist reduction, the so-called “smoothing”, is often prescribed for women after pregnancy.

No structural features distinguish the modern waist corset from the corset worn as outerwear for special occasions. For training, they are always made of durable fabric (or leather) and with a relatively inflexible coating (not all devices are strong enough to shape the body). The corrective look is designed for daily use and is usually hidden under clothing, so it is likely that practical aspects (comfort, lightness, etc.) will have a clear priority.

Any kind of corset can be worn to correct the waist. However, since corsets are necessary to support body modification, they are no less rigid than those initially prescribed to correct posture.

There is no effective structural difference between a device worn during exercise and one used to achieve the desired body shape. Thus, the term “training corset” can be used for any kind of this mechanism, used for non-health purposes. However, it is impossible to replace the healing mechanism with the one that is intended for body shaping.

There are several other types of corset:

  • warm woolen (provides the effect of massage and warming, improves blood circulation in the lumbar region);
  • protective (has high rigidity and provides back protection when walking, straightening the spine);
  • therapeutic (supports the back in the desired position, corrects the position in the frontal or sagittal plane).

When choosing product types, you first need to decide on the specific purpose of the corset. If you need posture correction, choose a treatment type, if it is required to maintain the back in the correct position, it is enough to use an adjustable corset. It is worth buying a product either in specialized stores or in pharmacies. It is in these institutions that you can choose the right and high-quality type of device. It is important to pay attention to the choice of the appropriate size, as well as the material, stiffness and model of the product itself.

The effectiveness of posture correctors

If your child has problems with the spine, he needs to take an orthopedic corset for children. With it, you can restore the correct posture. Indeed, due to spinal deformities, various problems arise with the body. One of the most effective methods of correction is an orthopedic corset for posture. Naturally, the risk of developing scoliosis must be eliminated, and this product will provide additional assistance in maintaining and treating spinal curvature. Therefore, orthopedics strongly recommends the use of these products for the correction of developmental disorders of the spine, since with their help it will be possible to avoid more serious problems.

Orthopedic corsets with chest reinforcements are best worn between the ages of 11 and 16. Adults who are over the age of 16-18 need to be checked by a surgeon before starting treatment. This is due to a wider range of causes of the disease. In adulthood, correcting a curved spine is quite difficult, so you need to take into account all the recommendations of an orthopedist. However, a properly selected corset and compliance with the rules for wearing it will help to correct posture at any age.

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