Corset for scoliosis: pros and cons

A corset for scoliosis is a device that allows you to fix the spine in a certain position. It is prescribed for children under the age of 12, since only in this case this device can have a significant impact on the formation of the spinal column, preventing its further deformation. However, it should be taken into account that even the best and most expensive device is not able to cure the disease if the child does not receive additional treatment in parallel.

How does a corset work for scoliosis?

The principle of operation of any corset is to maintain the spine in a given position.

The main tasks that the posture corrector solves:

  • Applying pressure to those parts of the spinal column that have undergone curvature. This allows you to stop its further deformation.

  • Fixation of the spine in an anatomically correct position.

  • Reducing the load on the part of the spine that is affected by scoliosis.

  • Decreased pathological activity of the spine.

  • Developing a skill for the correct physiological posture.

Rules for choosing a corset for scoliosis

Choosing the right corset for the treatment of scoliosis on your own can be quite difficult. In addition, it is associated with a high risk of complications. Therefore, the selection of a supporting device should be handled by a doctor.

The main points to consider when choosing a corset:

  • The patient’s age.

  • Type of scoliosis and the exact location of its localization.

  • The degree of pathological curvature.

The modern medical market is filled with different types of corsets. However, in order for the treatment to give the desired effect, it is often necessary to manufacture an orthosis on an individual order. As a rule, the higher the degree of scoliosis, the stiffer the corset should be.

To correct deformities at the level of the thoracic spine of the 3rd or 4th degree, a Chenot corset is used. With thoracic scoliosis of the 2nd degree, a Lyon corset or a Milukoni corset can be used. With a curvature in the lower back, preference is given to the Boston corset.

The main types of corsets

For the treatment of scoliosis, the following types of corsets can be used.

Supporting Devices

They are needed in order to relieve the load from the spine, to ease the pain that scoliosis provokes. In parallel, muscle tone decreases in places of their maximum tension. A supporting corset can be used in the first or second stage of scoliosis. Its duration is 6 months.

Other indications for wearing a supporting device:

  • Preventive therapy, if there are prerequisites for the development of scoliosis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Preservation of posture in diseases of the spinal column.

Support corset – allows you to reduce the load on the curved sections of the spine, preventing them from deforming further. Such corsets can be made to order, or they can be purchased ready-made.

The main advantages of supporting corsets are their lightness, accessibility and versatility.

The therapeutic effect of the use of a supporting corset can be seen only if the child is engaged in exercise therapy, visits a massage therapist and undergoes physiotherapy. Swimming is very useful for scoliosis.

Reclinator corsets – represented by belts in the form of a figure eight. Such correctors allow you to support the spine in the thoracic region, forming the correct posture. When wearing a corset, the shoulder blades will be brought together and the shoulders pulled back. Therefore, the load on the back muscles is distributed evenly, which allows you to stop the progression of scoliosis. Reclinators are prescribed when diagnosing scoliosis of the first stage. They are also convenient in that they can be combined with other types of corsets.

Breast corsets – allow you to strengthen the muscles of the back and form a physiologically correct posture. The corset is equipped with rigid ribs, which are made in the form of inserts located along the spine in the region of its thoracic region. Such a posture corrector can be prescribed to patients with stage 1 and 2 scoliosis.

Thoracic devices – Another type of supporting corsets. They are made to order. These corsets have a rigid back, which is designed to support the thoracic and lumbar spine. The device is additionally equipped with straps in the shape of the number eight, which allow you to take your shoulders back.

Corrective corsets

These devices are used to correct the curvature of the spine, and also prevent scoliosis from developing further. Corrective corsets during their wear cause some discomfort, so they are prescribed only to those patients whose scoliosis reaches the second, third or fourth stage. They are made according to individual measurements, based on plaster casts of the patient’s torso.

Corrective corsets are worn throughout the day, removing to perform elementary hygiene procedures. During treatment, the patient should regularly visit an orthopedist and undergo x-rays.

  • Chenot corset – often prescribed for children with progressive scoliosis. Such a corset can be used for curvature in the lumbar and thoracic region. It is represented by a rigid frame, which is made of thermoplastic. Outside, the device is sheathed with foam pads. They are designed to maintain the back in the correct position, aligning the existing bulges. The Chenot corset can be adjusted, depending on the progression of the disease. Such a device is highly demanded by patients with scoliosis, as it is highly effective. Often, with the help of such a corset, even scoliosis of the 4th degree can be corrected.

  • Corset Milwaukee – can be used to treat and prevent the progression of scoliosis in children and adults. It is used to treat diseases of any part of the spine. It is represented by a semi-rigid base, equipped with stops to support the back of the head and chin. With such a corset, you can change the height, which is important for the treatment of children who are rapidly gaining in height.

  • Lyon corset or Brace corset – recommend the use of patients who are diagnosed with scoliosis of all parts of the spine. The device is represented by a frame with inserts, which are reinforced with metal supports.

  • Boston corset – used to treat scoliosis in the lumbar and sacrum. It is prescribed to patients with the last stages of the disease. 

When is a corset indicated for patients?

If the patient is diagnosed with scoliosis of the 3rd or 4th degree, then the corset is not prescribed to him immediately. First, they try to cure the disease with the help of gymnastic exercises, physiotherapy. Physical therapy a person should do daily, for several hours. If the ongoing therapy does not achieve the desired effect, then as an additional method of treatment, the patient is prescribed wearing a corset. However, this does not mean that the patient should stop treatment.

How to wear a corset correctly?

Depending on the type of supporting device, the scheme of its use differs. So, supporting corsets are worn for 2 hours a day during the first week. In the future, every week the time of wearing a corset is increased by one hour. The maximum use of the corset per day is 6 hours. This therapy lasts for 2-4 months. Then the time of its use begins to gradually reduce: by one hour, every 10 days. After that, the use of a supporting device is completely abandoned. If the patient’s posture begins to deteriorate again, then the next course of treatment lasts 2 months. In this case, the corset is worn for 4 hours a day.

If a corrective corset was chosen for the treatment of scoliosis, then the process of adaptation to the device takes 21 days. They wear it for two hours, then take a break for two hours, after which they put it on again. This pattern continues throughout the day. Smoothly increase the time of wearing the device, bringing it up to a day. If the doctor allows, then you can remove the corset for several hours a day to give the body a rest. At this time, a person can relax, visit a massage therapist or perform hygiene measures.

Basic rules for wearing corsets for scoliosis, regardless of the type of device:

  • The corset cannot be worn on the naked body. Under it should always be either a shirt or a tight-fitting T-shirt.

  • While wearing the structure, it is forbidden to lift weights.

  • Get used to the corset should be gradual.

  • While wearing the device, you must regularly visit your doctor to monitor the therapy.

  • You should gradually stop wearing a corset.

Pros of wearing a corset

Thanks to the use of a corset for scoliosis, the following positive aspects can be achieved:

  • Stop the further development of the disease.

  • Develop a strong skill of keeping the spine in the correct position.

  • Stretch the spine if necessary.

  • Improve the functioning of internal organs, in particular, the lungs and heart.

  • Unload the muscles of the back, which are in hypertonicity.

Despite the fact that corsets for scoliosis can have a pronounced therapeutic effect, for some patients their use may be contraindicated. For example, they cannot be worn with diseases of a dermatological nature, when the skin needs regular care and treatment. Friction of the corset can lead to aggravation of the existing pathology. Therefore, before deciding to purchase a corset for correcting posture and treating scoliosis, you should consult a doctor.

Cons of using a corset for scoliosis

The main disadvantages of corsets for the treatment of scoliosis include:

  • Any device will in one way or another hamper the movement of the patient.

  • If you do not follow the doctor’s recommendations and wear a corset for a long time, then this will lead to the fact that the muscles will weaken and will not be able to support the spine.

  • If the supporting device was chosen incorrectly, the disease will progress.

  • In places where the corset exerts maximum pressure, the skin can rub and become irritated.

  • Wearing a brace may be contraindicated for some patients.

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