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Do not get carried away by e-mail during responsible work or preparing for exams. Constant exchange of SMS or e-mail messages temporarily reduces the level of intelligence quotient (IQ) by 10 points.

Do not get carried away by e-mail during responsible work or preparing for exams. Constant exchange of SMS or e-mail messages temporarily reduces the level of intelligence quotient (IQ) by 10 points. So say psychologists at the University of London, who conducted a study commissioned by Hewlett-Packard. The reason is simple: frequent mobile contacts distract attention.

As a result of the study, 62% of volunteers admitted that even at home or on vacation they cannot get rid of the habit of constantly checking messages and emails. Moreover, half of them respond immediately, and one in five is even ready to interrupt a meeting or an important meeting in order to respond to the message.

In a post on, psychologist Glenn Wilson claims that the damage to mental performance is comparable to the drop in IQ due to smoking marijuana. The phenomenon was given the name “infomania”.

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