Russian scientists have developed a special food system for the residents of the Northern capital. The professor of biochemistry of the North-Western State Medical University named after V.I. Mechnikov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Academician Vladimir Dadali.
July 16 2014
Our consultant is academician Vladimir Dadali
We are always missing something: then love, then time, then money. But this is our opinion: purely feminine and very subjective. And in fact…
“The residents of St. Petersburg have an acute deficiency of nutrients, and this is where all the problems begin,” Professor Dadali is sure. – 70% of St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg women in the body lack vitamin C and iodine, 40% – iron, 60% – calcium. And this is not only a matter of nutrition, but also of the conditions in which a person lives. “
That is, it is necessary to change the conditions. And the best way to start doing this is with nutrition, the scientist advises. In this case, a specially developed by doctors “Petersburg diet” is needed. What it is and what it is eaten with, Dadali is ready to explain for hours. Therefore, we have selected only the main, most important points.
Magnesium – for breakfast, calcium – for lunch
Scientists have found that the farther south the region is, the harder the tap water is. It would seem that here the residents of the Northern capital can breathe a sigh of relief: in St. Petersburg the water is soft, which means that we are not threatened with scale in the kettle, and most importantly, the risk of urolithiasis is significantly reduced. But not everything is so simple: there are almost no calcium, potassium and magnesium salts in soft water.
“But these are vital elements! And, if they do not enter the body with water, then they must get there with food, – says the academician. – The recipe is simple: add 20 g of nuts or bran to the porridge and forget about problems with magnesium. A handful of dried apricots or a couple of large boiled potatoes are enough to make up for the lack of potassium. And calcium useful for bones is best absorbed from sesame seeds – 30 g is enough. You can eat it even during the day – with a spoonful of honey, like a delicacy. “
Saltwater fish must be included in the diet
We have all heard about the benefits of farm products. They are, of course, more expensive, but they are grown in our climatic conditions, which means that the nutrients they contain are better absorbed by the body. It would seem that he paid the money and the problem is solved. But it turns out that the point here is different: in our swampy soils there is absolutely no iodine, selenium and zinc. Therefore, they have nowhere to come from in local products. And the role of these elements can hardly be overestimated. They are necessary to maintain immunity and stable hormonal levels. In addition, selenium is considered a powerful antioxidant that slows down aging. The way out is animal food.
“A piece of boiled liver (beef or chicken) for dinner or a couple of eggs for breakfast – and the body will be enriched with selenium. Adequate amount of iodine – in a serving of salad with seaweed or seafood. And fish, moreover, sea fish, must be in the diet, it also “works” for immunity. And 20 g of bran, which was mentioned above, will provide the body with a daily dose of zinc, ”recommends academician Dadali.
They contain zinc and beloved by many seeds, but not simple, but pumpkin seeds.
Vitamin C is most in cranberries, even frozen
Poor environment, noise pollution, busy work schedules are the main causes of stress among residents of large cities. And if you add to this the St. Petersburg humidity, a sharp change in weather and an eternal lack of sun, then the depression is not far. To overcome chronic fatigue and rapid fatigue, recharge with natural energy – replenish iron stores in the body. Just do not lean on apples – they don’t have as much iron as it is commonly believed.
Just don’t lean on apples – they don’t have as much iron as is commonly believed.
“Our ancestors knew about this, therefore, in order to enrich the apples with a valuable microelement, they stuck real nails into them, kept them in the cellar for a week and only then ate them,” says Dadali. – Foods that are really rich in iron are liver, pistachios and spinach. Vitamin C also fights stress. Most of it is found in cranberries, even in frozen berries. But in oranges and lemons, vitamin C is stored for a short time – about a week. If citrus fruits are cut into slices, the vitamin will evaporate in a matter of seconds. “