The new SARS-Cov-2 virus is very contagious. Between the appearance of the first symptoms, the asymptomatic phase or the incubation period, it is difficult to navigate. Then, when are we contagious? Can you transmit the virus without knowing it?
Covid-19 and its contagiousness
Le SARS-Cov-2 infects people all over the world. It is generally transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. The person infected with Covid-19 shows symptoms typical. She has a dry cough, headache with or without fever, and nasal congestion. Diarrhea, body aches and severe fatigue can be some of the signs of the coronavirus. It initially looks like symptoms of a cold or the flu. According to the Institut Pasteur, “5,7% of the population would have been affected by Covid-19«.
New Covid-19 Symptoms
More recently, ENT doctors have made the link between the novel coronavirus and loss of taste (ageusia) associated or not with a loss of smell (anosmia). These symptoms are said to be temporary. The SNDV (National Union of Dermatologists and Venereologists) has demonstrated the presence of urticaria and / or frostbite in Covid-19 patients. The virus is transmitted by droplets emitted during a cough or sneeze. In rarer cases, contamination can occur via contaminated surfaces.
Can a healthy carrier infect another person?
More than 80% of people infected with the new coronavirus have little or no symptoms. The subject is a healthy carrier. A healthy carrier is someone who carries a disease or virus in their body, but who does not have symptoms. There are two reasons why they are asymptomatic; either the immune system is strong enough to suppress the disease on its own, or the pathogen is not strong enough for the body to develop symptoms. The healthy carrier does not know he is infected, but the virus is present. This was the case for children, which can be vectors of disease. Consequently, it can infect other people, especially the most fragile. This may explain why Covid-19 disease affects so many individuals.
It is difficult, under these circumstances, to limit and halt the global epidemic. It is for this reason that the government has established containment, which began on March 17, 2020, in France. To protect yourself and others from l’infection Covid-19, travel must be limited to what is strictly necessary and in case of need:
- travel between home and the place of exercise of professional activity;
- travel to purchase supplies necessary for professional activity and essential purchases;
- consultations and care;
- travel for compelling family reasons;
- short trips, within the limit of one hour per day and within a maximum radius of one kilometer around the home.
Following the speech by President Emmanuel Macron on Monday, April 13, 2020, confinement will continue until May 11. A gradual lifting of the restrictions may be considered; “Monday, May 11, will only be possible if we continue to respect the rules”. These measures should be observed for the common good, as one person with or without symptoms could infect up to 3 people on average. However, that does not mean that as of May 11 the virus will no longer exist. A second wave of contamination would be possible or even inevitable, according to the Institut Pasteur.
How to limit contagion?
The risks are real. For this reason, groupings of people are prohibited. Anyone can be a healthy carrier. Acting preventively is one of the best ways to limit the spread of Covid-19. You must respect the rules of social distancing (keep a distance of at least 1 meter from another person) and wash your hands regularly. Wearing a mask is becoming essential, even compulsory in closed environments, but also in the streets. These are advice from health authorities regarding the coronavirus. The cities of Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Laval and many others have decided to make the mask mandatory outdoors, partially or totally. Children from the age of 11 must wear the mask.
The incubation period linked to Covid-19 would be 1 to 14 days, with an average of 5 days. During this period, transmission of the virus is possible. The risk of contamination would be low, but existing. Regarding people who are cured, the evidence is lacking. The infection may still be present in the secretions of some patients. They could still be contagious. The duration of contagion depends on the viral load present in the body. It would reach its peak 5 to 7 days after the onset of the first symptoms. A person would still be contagious for up to 37 days after the first signs of the Covid-19 infection appear.
The PasseportSanté team is working to provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus. To find out more, find: