Coronavirus: what to do in case of symptoms of Covid-19?

Coronavirus: what to do in case of symptoms of Covid-19?

Coronavirus: what to do in case of symptoms of Covid-19?


The new coronavirus continues to infect people around the world. The symptoms are well known to the general public. Scientists are mobilized around clear virus SARS-Cov-2 and make new discoveries regularly. Back on the first Covid-19 symptoms and update on the most recent. What to do in case of symptoms? Who to contact and when?


Symptoms of Covid-19

The first symptoms

The first symptoms of the new coronavirus are similar to those of a cold or the flu; a dry cough, a fullness of the nose, and a persistent headache. Aches and temperature may appear in some cases, as well as diarrhea. For 80% of those affected, the disease is mild. In rarer cases, Covid-19 can reach the respiratory tract and lead to emergency hospitalization. This concerns people at high risk of aggravation, that is, people over the age of 70 or with chronic lung diseases. The Covid-19 infection would be harmless for 98% of the population. The notable aggravations are breathing difficulties (shortness of breath and suffocation…). Some people have few or no symptoms and yet are believed to be carriers of the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

Recent discoveries

Loss of taste (ageusia) and smell (anosmia) have been detected in some Covid-19 patients. These symptoms would only be temporary. The appearance of hives and frostbite-like skin lesions (acrosyndroma) associated or not with Covid-19 may be part of the symptoms. This is the finding established by dermatologists. A tele consultation is possible with a doctor specializing in the skin if skin lesions appear.

Coronavirus and allergies

With the onset of spring, allergies are more difficult to bear. In addition, some symptoms can be confused with those of the new coronavirus. It is important to differentiate between the two, to be reassured. Allergies do not cause fever or abnormal fatigue. You should only think about the coronavirus if signals that are not part of the unusual symptoms occur. These warning signs include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or a feeling of suffocation. 

In case of doubt, asthma professionals (pulmonologists) and allergists are available to people with allergies at the “Asthma & Allergies Toll Free Number Info Service 0800 19 20 21”. Advice and questions / answers can also be found on the Asthma and Allergies website.

What to do in case of symptoms?

Healthy carriers

A healthy carrier is someone who carries the virus or disease without apparent clinical signs. It has the pathogen in the body and therefore can be contagious. However, since it has few or no symptoms, the risks are lower. This may be the case with children, vectors of disease, but not exhibiting any of these syndromes. Indeed, the cough will be significantly less in a healthy carrier. On the other hand, to protect oneself and others from l’infection Covid-19, especially the most vulnerable people, barrier gestures must be strictly observed. The incubation period being from 1 to 14 days, the individual can be contagious during this period. This is why the containment measures must be observed until May 11, 2020.

In the absence of breathing difficulties

If symptoms related to the new coronavirus begin, making a remote appointment with your doctor is recommended. You should avoid going to your doctor’s office. The doctor makes his diagnosis, according to the clinical signs announced. He guides the patient and issues recommendations, such as taking the temperature daily, taking paracetamol and resting. The administration of anti-inflammatory drugs is contraindicated in the case of Covid-19. Medical advice is always necessary, self-medication should not be practiced. The general practitioner will check on the patient’s health on a regular basis. 

Today, anyone can get tested for Covid-19, with or without symptoms. This test is reimbursed in full. Different types of tests exist and can be carried out in various places, such as in city laboratories or pharmacies (rapid test or TOO). 

Serious symptoms

Health professionals who answer calls from the SAMU (Emergency Medical Assistance Service) are rather overwhelmed. If breathing difficulties (dyspnea) occur, and only in these cases, a call to le samu au 15 is to be expected as soon as possible. The people who respond have medical skills and therefore able to refer patients according to their pathological state

Learn more about the coronavirus

The PasseportSanté team is working to provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus. 

To find out more, find: 

  • Our disease sheet on the coronavirus 
  • Our daily updated news article relaying government recommendations
  • Our article on the evolution of the coronavirus in France
  • Our complete portal on Covid-19


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