Coronavirus via parcels from China
China has long been a global supplier of goods. Today, when the world is fighting the coronavirus, a natural question arises: is it possible to get infected through a parcel?

China became an economic giant at the beginning of the XNUMXst century. Cheap labor force, frankly negligent attitude to the health of employees made it a production leader. It is not surprising that at first the factories of the Middle Kingdom began to stamp equipment for all world companies, and then they began to sell goods directly to the consumer.

Taobao, AliExpress, Joom – online stores for a mass audience. Probably every second person ordered parcels from China from these services today. But recently, there is another association in the world that is firmly associated with an Asian country – coronavirus.

Is it possible to get infected through parcels from China and how to take them correctly – says Komsomolskaya Pravda together general practitioner, head of the emergency and emergency department of the European Medical Center Alexander Dolenko.

Is it possible to get infected through parcels from China

This question worries many who are waiting for a valuable cargo in 2021. On the Internet, they are afraid that ordering a parcel from China can backfire on you.

– To date, it is reliably known that viruses are unstable in the external environment, that is, they do not live long in the open air. They are destroyed by disinfectants. The temperature kills them. At 37 °С, they are destroyed in 10-15 minutes and instantly at 56 °С,” says Alexander Dolenko.

At the same time, the doctor clarified that the coronavirus, like other infections, tolerates freezing well.

In addition, scientists have found that coronavirus lives on copper surfaces for four hours. If the object is made of iron, the bacillus lasts for three days. Best of all, coronavirus exists on plastic – up to four days.

However, parcels from China take many times longer. In addition, at the very beginning of the epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) made a statement – it is impossible to get infected with coronavirus through parcels. The data of world colleagues was confirmed by our Rospotrebnadzor.

How to receive parcels from China

Viruses will die during the journey from China. And yet, a weighty question is how to properly receive a parcel at the post office or in a courier service. After all, in addition to the coronavirus, if other bacteria.

“Do not forget that there is no guarantee that in the post office, when receiving a parcel, someone will not sneeze on it,” the doctor notes.

On the way, the box passes through several hands, travels in the luggage compartments of trains and planes, where cleanliness is not always monitored. Parcels are often thrown to the ground. And we often bring the parcel into the house, and even put it on sofas, beds and tables. It also happens that the box then stands in anticipation of the ejection for several days. Pets willingly contact with her, which, by the way, can easily pick up something.

Here is the algorithm for receiving parcels from China, the expert suggests.

  • Unpack on the street, in front of the entrance, so that the wrapper does not get into the house.
  • Throw the packaging in the trash.
  • Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after contact with the parcel. Pay attention to lathering – at least 20 seconds.
  • If the surface of what was sent allows, it is necessary to wipe it with a napkin with an antiseptic. The most common are alcohol and chlorhexidine.

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