Coronavirus vaccine testing on volunteers in Italy begins
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90 Italian volunteers will receive doses of the coronavirus vaccine. Tests are just starting at the Spallanzani Infectious Disease Hospital in Rome. Test participants will receive 700 euros each.

Italian Coronavirus Vaccine

This could be a breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19, emphasize the Italian media ahead of the expected inauguration of vaccine testing. The project of its creation was financed by the authorities of the capital region of Lazio together with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The goal of this project is to have the vaccine ready next spring.

“The first phase of research is starting to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine”, the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) emphasized in the note. She explained that 45 healthy people aged 18 to 55 and the same number in the age group 65-85 were selected for the tests after initial checks.

The first group to receive a dose of the vaccine is men aged 31 to 46 years.

If no adverse reactions are found, the next group will be tested, which will receive the higher dose of the preparation.

This first experimental phase will last 8-10 weeks. Phases two and three are planned for late autumn.

«If all goes well, we will have the COVID-19 vaccine in the spring. We are working hard to make it happen »- assured one of the directors of the hospital in the Eternal City, Francesco Vaia.

He expressed the opinion that this vaccine should not be compulsory. “It is us who will have to convince the citizens of its beneficial actions,” he added.

Author: Sylwia Wysocka / PAP

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