Coronavirus vaccine for pregnant women: 8 important questions about the vaccine

Coronavirus vaccine for pregnant women: 8 important questions about the vaccine

Now everyone is thinking whether to get vaccinated against covid or not. Women who are planning to conceive or are already pregnant are especially worried. Vaccination or not? What are the contraindications for the coronavirus vaccine for pregnant women?

Scientists at the University of Washington have voiced alarming statistics: the COVID-19 virus is 3,5 times more likely to cause complications in pregnant women. Worst of all, expectant mothers are 13,6 times more likely to die from covid than non-pregnant women. These findings were based on research published in American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology… A team of doctors monitored 240 pregnant women infected with COVID-19 from March to June last year. And here they are – the results of statistics.

“Maternal Mortality in Washington State (it was there that the research was carried out, – author’s note) – extremely low. Therefore, we were shocked by the number of deaths among pregnant women, ”says the head of the study, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

At the same time, the World Health Organization released its recommendations for vaccination of pregnant women against coronavirus. WHO experts believe that there is not enough data on the safety of Moderna COVID-19 and Pfizer, so it is better not to vaccinate pregnant women. And researchers at the University of Washington strongly disagree with this: their statistics say that without vaccinations, maternal mortality from covid grows simply catastrophically.

So should pregnant women be vaccinated against coronavirus or not? asked the most exciting questions to an obstetrician-gynecologist working in the field of reproductive health.

Caution for chronic diseases

– What if in the near future a woman plans to get pregnant, get vaccinated now or wait? 

– The developed vaccine has worked well and will help protect many people, but it is worth consulting a doctor before getting vaccinated. The vaccine is a weakened virus, therefore, any chronic disease in the acute stage, as well as if immunity is reduced, can worsen the course of the post-vaccination period.

– How long should I wait after getting vaccinated against COVID-19 before conception? 

– Considering that pregnancy is a high load on the body, you should wait at least three months. Then you need to carry out a complete diagnosis of the body using generally accepted examinations and, if the state of health is normal, you can plan a pregnancy.

Infertility after the vaccine – right?

– What tests can be used to check that everything is fine with the body after vaccination?

– Given the pathogenesis of the development of coronavirus infection, it is worth taking tests for a general and biochemical blood test, ferritin, a coagulogram (blood clotting test) and check the level of C-reactive protein.

– They say that after the vaccine there is a risk of a negative reaction in women who have autoimmune diseases. This is true? For example, if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

– Vaccination is an additional burden on the body. Any vaccine can exacerbate chronic diseases, including autoimmune diseases. I repeat once again – consult your doctor after a complete examination.

– On the forums write that the vaccine can make nulliparous women infertile. How can you comment on this?

– COVID-19 is a new infectious disease, its consequences, especially remote ones, are not fully understood. In any case, until this is proven by scientific research, this is speculation.

I get sick after vaccinations: do I care?

– If a woman is planning a pregnancy, and she already has children, is it worth vaccinating them at the same time?

– Given that children carry COVID-19 most often in a mild form, I would refrain from vaccinating children.

– How to be for women who were vaccinated against other viral diseases, but then were still sick. That is, after the coronavirus vaccine, it will also be possible to get sick?

– Vaccination helps to develop antibodies and immunity to various diseases. Vaccines are developed based on general popular data and body reactions, any drugs and / or vaccines cannot help everyone and always. There are many people who are not susceptible to various medications or vaccines, you just need to accept it.

– After vaccination, what recommendations should women follow?

– The earliest post-vaccination period is especially vulnerable to your health condition. At this time, it is worth refraining from hard work, resting more, being less nervous, and so on. Pay special attention to your feelings and in case of any deviations, consult your doctor.

In conclusion, I can say: to get vaccinated or not is everyone’s decision. Any, even the highest quality vaccine can lead to serious consequences for the body. No one can guarantee the absence of side effects. Assess all the risks before making a decision. Take care of yourself and your health!

Read more relevant news and useful materials about the coronavirus HERE.

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