Although it is catastrophic to affirm that Covid-19 is going to leave a deep psychological footprint, the depth or not of that footprint will depend on the resources that each person has to face their fears

The confinement and changes in society that have generated covid-19 crisis they may have an effect on humans in the short, medium and long term. Going out into the street, using our own hands without the use of gloves, or going to a restaurant or places where a certain number of people gather can become routine acts difficult to carry out for many people.
Candela Molina, general health psychologist and coordinator of Cepsim, comments that the short-term effects appeared in the first weeks: shock, people compulsively shopping, anxiety, feeling of unreality, excessive alertness, excessive concerns about how the world is going to change or concern for loved ones, among others, but those in the medium and long term are difficult to determine: «A psychologist studies phenomena ‘a posteriori’, and Although there are pioneering studies that are in charge of measuring the effects on the mental health of the population, no conclusions can yet be drawn, ”says the Cepsim psychologist. Although it is catastrophic to say that Covid-19 is going to leave a deep psychological footprint, apparently the depth or not of that footprint will depend on the resources that each one has to face it … «We must take into account our survival resources and the resilience individual and community ”, he says.
Resilience is also a collective and social phenomenon, and to the extent that the wounds left by the confinement in people who are psychologically cared for, the footprint will be smaller; It will be an experience within the amalgam of painful situations that human beings live. «All crisis situations have taught us that social support is a variable that reduces the psychological impact of damages to victims, as well as community resources help in the reconstruction of life and society recovery», Indicates Candela Molina.
The most common phobias
El confinement is usually an unpleasant experience for most because it involves a mandatory isolation and the break with our routine as we knew it. This experience will affect us all, but that does not mean that this happens in a catastrophic way because there are people who are developing creative projects, others strengthening the relationship with their loved ones, getting rid of toxic relationships, finding new meanings in life and a long etcetera. Instead, only some people will experience more anxiety, especially those with previous vulnerability.
Candela Molina says that the confinement and the reality we are experiencing can lead to the development of depression to the extent that a routine was not built where there are rewards or projects and jobs that made us feel good about ourselves are finished.
Apparently another psychological phobia What is occurring in this phase is known as “cabin syndrome.” The psychologist Candela Molina explains that it is a way of calling the experience of not wanting to go out once it is allowed in the corresponding zones and times. «This syndrome has occurred in people who are incarcerated, have long hospitalizations or who have experienced periods of confinement. It is normal to feel fear anguish and insecurity in the face of an uncertain social environment as is the current one ”, he exposes.
Therefore, this syndrome can be for most one more phase of this crisis, to which we will adapt, and only some people will be more sensitized. «It is important that these people understand that fear is overcome by exposing yourself to it, and we advise that they make small outings at their own pace, short, where they can gain confidence, “recommends the Cepsim psychologist.
Fear of contagion. It is logical, but says Pilar Conde, psychologist and technical director of Orden clinics that many people will avoid situations in which they feel in danger. They will also compulsively perform rituals to reassure themselves that they have not been infected.
Fear of illness. “It can lead to an increase in visits to doctors, consultations on the Internet, end up being afraid of having a fever, which leads to anxiety problems, due to physical symptoms”, indicates the psychologist Pilar Conde.
Agoraphobia. One of the most common phobias and one that is already taking place in hundreds of people. It consists of avoiding public places, a tendency to spend a lot of time at home for fear of something happening. «Normally, it happens linked to panic attacks. In this case, the fear of contagion can lead to increased anxiety, leading to panic attacks or not, but inadequately reinforcing agoraphobic behaviors “, clarifies Pilar Conde, from Clínica Origen.
Social phobia. Given the decrease in social contacts, it can lead to people who are already socially afraid of a intensification of phobia, since for a long time you will only be in contact with few people.