Coronavirus quarantine violation
How are people punished for violating coronavirus quarantine in Russia and other countries of the world? Komsomolskaya Pravda tells about the fines that remain to this day

Tough times call for decisive action. In 2020, a pandemic was declared around the world due to the new COVID-19 infection. In order to slow down the spread of the disease and eventually stop it, many countries have gone into quarantine. Measures were taken in Russia as well.

Who and how many days should be quarantined

Those who have been in contact with those infected with COVID-19 no longer need to go into quarantine if they do not have symptoms. In the new resolution of the chief sanitary doctor, it means that the clause on mandatory self-isolation after contact with the sick has become invalid.

For those who have been in contact with a coronavirus patient, the quarantine period has now been reduced to 7 days. The restriction applies to those who have completed a full course of vaccination or have been ill with coronavirus in the last six months (in the absence of symptoms of the disease). Patients with COVID-19 must remain in quarantine until they recover.

For arrivals from African countries, a two-week quarantine continues to apply. This requirement does not apply to those who have been vaccinated less than 12 months prior to arrival or who have been ill with coronavirus less than 6 months.

In addition, quarantine or other restrictive measures may be established in certain areas. And the responsibility for non-compliance with restrictions is the same as for violation of personal quarantine (Federal Law of April 1, 2020 No. 99-FZ).

Penalties for violating coronavirus quarantine in Russia

Few things are not so afraid of most people than to part with hard-earned money for no reason. Therefore, fines have long been considered an effective and relatively humane measure of influence on the population. It is not surprising that financial penalties were introduced for violations of the coronavirus quarantine.

Initially, the administrative code provided for a rather lenient punishment for those who dared to violate the self-isolation regime. For neglecting quarantine, they were punished with a fine of 100 to 500 rubles. There was also the most lenient measure – a warning. Now the fines have increased, and in some cases the punishment threatens even severe. So, if the violation of quarantine caused infection and death of people, then the responsibility passes to criminal jurisdiction. Under the criminal code, this provides for imprisonment for up to five years.

What penalties apply in 2022

The government prepared amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses at the end of March 2020. It still operates today.

Penalties in cases where violation of quarantine poses a danger to others:

  • for individuals (ordinary citizens) – from 15 thousand to 40 thousand rubles;
  • for officials – from 50 thousand to 150 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs – from 200 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

In case of a repeated violation of the quarantine, or if it caused the infection of another person, the following fines are imposed:

  • for individuals (ordinary citizens) – from 150 thousand to 300 thousand rubles;
  • for officials – from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities and entrepreneurs without a legal entity – from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles or suspension of work for up to 90 days.

In the event of the death of people infected due to the fault of a person infected with a coronavirus who violated self-isolation, a fine is imposed:

  • for individuals (ordinary citizens) – from 150 thousand to 300 thousand rubles;
  • for officials (managers, chiefs, directors, officials) – from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of 1 to 3 years;
  • for legal entities (companies, firms, organizations) – from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Sometimes these violations fall under criminal liability. And this is a different order of fines and punishments. Up to imprisonment. If there was a mass infection due to the fault of the “quarantine” – he “shines” up to two years in a colony. If the infected person dies – up to five years in prison.

According to the Supreme Court, criminal liability for violators of quarantine occurs when there is a real threat of mass infection or death of a person.

Mask mode

The widespread introduction of vaccine prevention is bearing fruit. But with the advent of the Omicron strain in most regions, the epidemiological situation remains difficult. The main route of transmission of the infection is airborne, so the observance of the mask regime continues. And the control of its observance is tightened, special raids are carried out.

The amount of fines for individuals varies – from 1 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the region. For example, in Moscow, violators can be fined 4 rubles if a person is in a public place without personal protective equipment: a store, public transport, etc. Moreover, a fine can be issued repeatedly. For the first time, you can get off with a warning, but for a repeated violation of the mask regime, the fine can range from 000 to 15 rubles.

Larger fines have been established for officials – from 10 to 50 rubles. And for legal entities – from 100 to 300 thousand. For example, a cashier in a store who served a customer who violated the mask regime can be fined in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. The same fine will be received by the entrepreneur who owns the outlet. But for a trade organization, penalties increase – from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

Mandatory glove mode was abolished in the summer of 2021. But not for those who were previously required to wear gloves at work: food workers, doctors, cleaners, etc. (the full list is in the order of the Ministry of Labor Protection No. 997 of December 9, 2014).

In Moscow alone, 410 passengers were fined for violating the mask-and-glove regime in transport during the year. The capital GKU “Organizer of Transportation” reported in May 2021 that the total amount of fines amounted to about two billion rubles.

Activities after the holidays

After May 1, 2021, all citizens who returned from foreign holidays, business trips (by plane, train, car or any other means of transport) had to take two (!) PCR tests for COVID-19. However, now an indulgence has been given again – after returning to Russia, one PCR is enough, which must be uploaded on the State Service portal within four days.

Those travelers who have been vaccinated against coronavirus at least a year ago or have been ill with covid in the last six months are exempted from the test. But you must fill out a questionnaire upon arrival and indicate the presence of a QR code in it.

A fine in the amount of 15-40 thousand rubles threatens if you do not do a PCR or do it, but do not upload its results on time to the State Services, do not upload the PCR of the child to the State Services.

If the actions (inaction) of a tourist caused harm to the health of another person, then the fine will be 150-300 thousand rubles.

Fines in Europe

In Sweden, where quarantine was abandoned during the first wave of coronavirus, fines were introduced for violating restrictions (mandatory mask mode in transport during rush hours, companies of no more than four people can gather in restaurants, etc.) – 2 thousand crowns, or almost 18 thousand rubles.

In Poland, a person who is in quarantine, violating the regime, faces a huge fine – 30 thousand zloty (more than 500 thousand rubles). True, the decision on a specific amount is made individually.

In Germany, violation of quarantine will cost 5 euros or about 430 rubles, lack of a mask in public transport – from 50 euros (about 4 rubles), repeated violation – up to 550 euros (47 rubles).

In Latvia, violators of the anti-covid regime can be fined from 10 to 2000 euros (870 to 173 rubles).

But the Spanish authorities decided to return to people the fines imposed during home isolation in the spring of 2020. The country’s Constitutional Court accounted for some of the restrictive measures contrary to the basic law. But those who violate the mask regime now face a fine of 100 euros.

US fines

As you know, local state laws are very strong in America. Each of the districts introduced its own amount of fines for violating the coronavirus quarantine. Somewhere it is only 500 dollars, and somewhere tens of thousands plus a prison term. For legal entities whose work led to the infection and then death of a person, federal law provides for up to 500 thousand dollars in fines.

Fines in other countries

In Australia, remote from all, where the coronavirus has also reached, toughened responsibility for violations of sanitary standards. In the state of New South Wales, for example, the fine for violating quarantine rules or refusing to test has been increased to 5 Australian dollars (272 rubles). For organizations and enterprises that violate sanitary requirements – up to 10 thousand Australian dollars (542 thousand rubles).

In Thailand, the punishment for violating the mask regime for the first time is up to 1 baht (about 2,5 thousand rubles), and again – 10 times more. When these restrictions were introduced in the spring of 2021, the Prime Minister of Thailand was the first to receive a fine for violating the mask regime.

And tourists for violating quarantine in Thailand face a fine of 2 baht (about 4,5 thousand rubles), arrest and deportation.

In the UAE, for appearing without a mask in a shopping center or walking in a crowded place, you can get a fine of 3 dirhams (over 60 rubles).

Why is it important to quarantine during coronavirus

Candidate of Medical Sciences Andrey Kondrakhin recalled the basics of epidemiology, a medical science that has become more relevant than ever in modern times due to the spread of coronavirus.

“Isolation and quarantine are important components of counteracting the spread of the virus. Plus, control by the responsible authorities over healthy and sick citizens is mandatory.

The doctor stressed that the identification of a new, more aggressive strain, characterized by greater contagiousness (infectiousness), once again proves that it is extremely important to follow safety rules and take a PCR test for one’s own and the protection of others. Some experts believe that self-isolation after arrival will help to cope with the spread of coronavirus in Russia and the world.

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