Coronavirus protective suit
Is there a protective suit against coronavirus today, is it possible to buy it and how much does the vestment cost? “Komsomolskaya Pravda” talks about the types of overalls that are used when working with an infection

In recent months, every news release shows people dressed from head to toe in light-colored overalls. The protective suit against coronavirus is mainly used by doctors who check people at airports and work in infectious diseases hospitals. What is it made of and is it possible to buy it – says Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Who created the coronavirus suit

Due to the spread of COVID-2019 around the planet, no new developments in the field of protective suits have appeared. The fact is that previously created kits fully meet the requirements for protection against coronavirus. Therefore, depending on the specifics of the work, doctors or disinfectors use their own kits.

What does a coronavirus suit look like?

Today, the world uses three main types of protective suits that reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. Let’s talk about everything in order.

1. Anti-epidemic (anti-plague) suits are reusable

Overalls purchased by medical institutions to work in conditions of possible infection with dangerous infections, primarily plague and smallpox. Therefore, these suits are called anti-plague.

Such suits are reusable, after processing they can be used again. Sold as a set – no need to buy respirators and gloves. But they still need to be changed.

It is stated that anti-epidemic suits protect the skin and respiratory organs from microbes and viruses. For example, from H1N1 flu, bird and other especially dangerous infections. That is, from infections transmitted by airborne droplets, or through infected surfaces. This is how the coronavirus spreads.

Overalls purchased by medical institutions to work in conditions of possible infection with dangerous infections, primarily plague and smallpox. Therefore, these suits are called anti-plague.

Such suits are reusable, after processing they can be used again. Sold as a set – no need to buy respirators and gloves. But they still need to be changed.

It is stated that anti-epidemic suits protect the skin and respiratory organs from microbes and viruses. For example, from H1N1 flu, bird and other especially dangerous infections. That is, from infections transmitted by airborne droplets, or through infected surfaces. This is how the coronavirus spreads.

Reusable Coronavirus Suit Kit

  • Calico pajamas.
  • Protective coat.
  • Four-layer cotton-gauze mask.
  • Gloves are non-sterile.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Apron.
  • Shoe covers made of rubberized fabric.

Depending on the price, the kit may include a protective mask, a filter for a respirator, a helmet with panoramic glass. More expensive goods have a dual purpose – not only medical, but also military.

2. Disposable anti-epidemic suits

There are also disposable suits. They are similar to construction overalls for painting work. For example, in Russia, ambulance doctors now come to calls where a patient with coronavirus may be. They are also worn by airport medics. After using it in accordance with all the rules, it must be soaked in a disinfectant solution and disposed of.

Disposable suit set

  • Overalls, laminated apron and sleeves.
  • Hat-helmet.
  • Shoe covers on ties with a laminated sole.
  • Respirator.
  • Surgical gloves – 2 pairs.
  • Sealed goggles.

3. Biological and chemical protection suits

The heaviest and most reliable. They are used only in exceptional cases. These are not required to work with patients. But to give a complete picture of protective suits against coronavirus, we will tell you about them.

Most often they are a spacesuit. Each portion of air goes through several stages of filtration. Such suits protect even from radiation. The kits are reusable – the filters can be changed, and the costumes can be processed.

Biological and chemical protection suits. Photo:

What is included

  • Protective hood.
  • Filtering unit.
  • A set of filters.
  • Overalls.
  • Gloves are disposable and reusable.
  • Giant safety boots.
  • Biological waste bag.

What are coronavirus suits made of?

Reusable suits are more expensive. They are made from a special polymer-viscose fabric with water-repellent properties. A cheaper costume will be made of dense cotton fabrics.

Disposable suits are made mainly from spunbond – this is a fabric made of polymers. There are waterproof ones. Their composition is 100% polyester with PVC coating. Some suits are covered with laminated layers to repel liquids.

Overalls are made of high-strength materials, even disposable suits. Such kits have a minimum number of seams to exclude the possibility of penetration of harmful microorganisms.

Where to buy a coronavirus suit

You can buy a protective suit against coronavirus in special stores of medical equipment and clothing. There are a lot of them now, there are exclusively online platforms.

Such a suit is not a cheap pleasure. One reusable kit will cost 5-8 thousand rubles. Disposables are sold for 900-1500 rubles. The biological protection suit is the most expensive, depending on the model and kit, the price can reach 90 thousand rubles.

Popular questions and answers

Do ordinary citizens need special protective suits? And which gloves to choose? She told us about it allergist-immunologist Ksenia Bocharova.

Do ordinary people need protective suits?

Protective suits are needed only when a specialist goes to a place where there is a really high concentration of viruses. This is a hospital, laboratory, collection point for biological materials, etc. Certain standards and requirements for the clothing of patients and specialists have been developed there.

Ordinary people do not need protective suits for public places. The number of viruses on clothing is small, and there have been no cases of infection from clothing.

Do cloth and leather gloves protect against infection?

Both on fabric and leather gloves, the virus can be fixed, as well as on the hands. But when a person is wearing gloves, he rarely touches his nose, eyes, mucous membranes, less often rubs his face. So, the risk of getting an infection is lower. This applies not only to coronavirus, but also to repeated episodes of SARS. At home, it is enough to remove gloves, wash your hands, and the risk of getting sick is practically reduced to zero.

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