
We have all heard the phrase more than once: a disease is easier to prevent than to cure. It is especially relevant when it comes to viral diseases that are not stopped by drugs, but are subjected to symptomatic treatment. This means that all efforts are directed to eliminate the consequences of a viral infection – fever, cough, runny nose.
COVID-19 is no exception, so there are no special methods of prevention in this case. All recommendations are similar to influenza and SARS.
Strengthening the lungs is the best defense against viruses
Many of us, since the advent of the coronavirus, have repeatedly heard recommendations on how to behave: wear masks, keep distance, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water … But very little is said about the need to pay special attention to strengthening the lungs.
You should not self-medicate, but situations in life are different and if it is not possible to get qualified medical care, then you should listen to the advice. The recipes are quite simple, accessible to every family.
Council 1. Take an equal amount – honey, aloe juice and oil of a soft consistency (standing at room temperature for 1 hour). Mix thoroughly in a glass or enamel bowl. Take 3 times a day, one teaspoon. Drink warm tea or water. The duration of admission is 3-5 days. If there are problems with the lungs or bronchi, the result comes quickly – after 1-2 days.
Council 2. To strengthen immunity, if there are no contraindications, use ginseng root tincture or Rhodiola rosea extract (known as “golden root”). How to take can be found in the instructions for these drugs.
Council 3. If, for some reason, it is not possible to take the above remedies, B vitamins are suitable for strengthening immunity. Vitamin C is recommended for many colds, but regarding coronavirus, its effectiveness has not yet been proven. Avoiding infection, thanks to the regular intake of only vitamin C, will not work.
You should drink more warm water: 1 – 1,5 liters per day (tea, coffee do not replace water).
[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – the most important facts on how to prevent infection:
The use of medicinal plants for medicinal purposes occurred a long time ago, and it is still relevant today.
These herbs include:
Oregano (second name – oregano) – contains active plant compounds. Particular attention deserves the substance carvacrol, which has bactericidal and pronounced antiviral qualities.
Sage – a plant with a “magic” effect is able to resist various viruses, because it contains safitsinolide, salvin and chlorogenic acid;
Basil – it contains ursolic acid and polyphenol. These components successfully resist enterovirus, herpes, hepatitis B viruses;
Fennel – valued for successfully reducing the activation of type 3 parainfluenza viruses (PI-3);
Garlic – strengthens the immune system, leads to the formation of protective cells. Garlic successfully fights influenza A and B viruses, HIV, HSV-1. It is effective against pathogens of viral pneumonia and rhinovirus;
Melissa – the effectiveness of lemon balm against the bird flu virus has been proven;
Peppermint – has anti-inflammatory properties. Its leaves contain a large amount of rosmarinic acid and menthol, which can suppress the symptoms of inflammation, minimize the negative effects of viral infections;
Rosemary – the oleanolic acid present in it – is a wonderful antiviral agent;
Echinacea – its properties were used by the American Indians to treat the sick. The humble plant has tremendous power against viral infections, influenza and the insidious HSV-1;
Elderberry – effective in the treatment of viral infections, it can be used to strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammation;
Licorice – can be used against SARS-CoV coronavirus, since it contains glabridin, glycyrrhizin, liquiritigenin;
Astragalus is the herb of immortality. Inhibits various viruses, especially effective against herpes, H9 bird flu and hepatitis C;
Ginger – suppresses viral reproduction. It is used in therapy against avian influenza, feline calicivirus, which is similar to human norovirus;
Ginseng is the root of life and is used in Chinese medicine. Its ginsenosides resist Norovirus, Coxsackieviruses and Hepatitis B.;
Dandelion is a plant with antiviral efficacy. It is used in the diagnosis of dengue virus, as well as in the detection of hepatitis B, influenza and HIV.
Dr. Berg shared the secret of a wonderful antiviral agent that can be found on store shelves. This includes the substance Monolaurin. It is a highly concentrated lauric acid. Present in refined coconut oil and milk of a nursing mother. It goes on sale in the form of dietary supplements. It is noted that with immunity, the product is able to work wonders, especially with symptoms of chronic fatigue or with the appearance of some kind of virus.
Molecules of monolaurin, getting into the fatty layer, act on the virus in such a way that it cannot overcome the created obstacle. The substance is effective in many different viruses, including bacteria. The doctor is convinced that it can be attributed to broad-spectrum antibiotics.
It is necessary to start taking dietary supplements with small doses, then it is necessary to increase them in order to prevent possible problems.
[Video] Dr. Berg reveals the secret to the best antiviral you can buy at the grocery store:
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