Coronavirus positive: how long should you stay in isolation?

Coronavirus positive: how long should you stay in isolation?

Coronavirus positive: how long should you stay in isolation?

This is an announcement that was not made live from the speech of the President of the Republic. Yet the duration of isolation when a person tests positive for the coronavirus is lengthened. This measure is included in the draft law, which is currently submitted to the Council of State.

10 days of isolation

New measures will come into force to get out of the health crisis in France, such as compulsory vaccination of nursing staff or the extension of the health pass to access leisure or cultural places. One of the changes also concerns the duration of isolation in the event of infection with Covid-19, which is reduced from 7 to 10 days. Initially, this was the time that travelers entering French soil from countries classified in red had to respect, where the coronavirus is still actively circulating. During isolation, it is possible to go out between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. However, there are some exceptions, notably in the context of the “ continuation of family life Or if loneliness poses a threat to security. It may also concern ” the special condition of minors “. Currently, it is social security which is responsible for verifying that the isolation is respected.

Reinforced controls for the health pass

The Head of State declared in his last speech that the health pass would be compulsory from July 21 to go to restaurants, the cinema or even shopping centers. The bill stipulates that sanctions can be taken for establishments that do not control the health pass, with a fine of up to 45 euros and one year in prison.

Unvaccinated nursing staff made redundant?

In the draft law, it is notified that from September 15, nursing staff or professionals in contact with the most vulnerable have the obligation to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Until that date, they have the option of testing negative for the coronavirus if they want to continue working. However, beyond this date, nursing staff who are not vaccinated will be prohibited from exercising their professional activities. If this situation continues for more than two months, it will constitute a reason for dismissal, according to FranceInfo. Note that it is possible for them to make an appointment for an injection during their working time and that this temporary absence will not result in a reduction in salary.


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