Coronavirus out of control. The latest covid data is proof of that – a record was set
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A year ago, at this time, the number of coronavirus infections did not exceed 100 a day. COVID-19 has not disappeared, but thanks to the vaccination campaign and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules, it has been brought under control for a while. Today, there are no vaccinations (in such a number), or rules (in such a scope), and even less control of the spread of the virus. According to today’s report of the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health), 19 people fell ill with COVID-5649 yesterday. This is the record for the summer wave of coronavirus infections.

  1. 5649 new people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been entered into the official coronavirus infection registry
  2. 19 people have died due to COVID-22
  3. The summer wave of coronavirus infections continues. Experts remind you to follow the basic sanitary and epidemiological rules, and the Ministry of Health encourages you to vaccinate yourself with the fourth dose, which is recommended, among others, people over 60 years of age
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. Data of the Ministry of Health from August 2, 2022.

On Monday, August 2, the Ministry of Health announced that 5649 people had tested positive for the coronavirus. 1006 fell ill again (this is called reinfection). Five patients recovered. 19 patients have died from COVID-22.

In the last day, 14 thousand. 218 tests for SARS-CoV-2 virus.

These data clearly show that the epidemiological situation in Poland has changed dramatically. Two months ago, the daily number of infections was at the level of 200-300. The first significant jump took place at the end of June, and in July, for the first time since this spring, the bars crossed the 1 mark. new cases per day. The highest number (5108 infections) was recorded on July 26.

These statistics do not reflect the real number of infections, which, according to experts, may be even 20 times more. Where does such a difference come from? The reason is limited testing, or rather, reporting of positive COVID-19 test results. Only the results of PCR and antigen tests performed in medical facilities, which are performed much less than a dozen or so weeks ago, go to the official register.

Most “diagnoses” are made at home, with tests purchased from pharmacies or shops, and this information remains the private matter of patients.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 – get tested. At Medonet Market you can buy:

  1. COVID-19 Rapid Test – Antigenic Test for Self-Control
  2. COVID-19 antigen test – SGTi-flex COVID-19 Ag
  3. Home COVID-19 Ag SGTi-flex cartridge test
  4. COVID-19 – Rapid Saliva Antigen Test

Vaccination with fourth dose underway

Due to the spread of the coronavirus, the Ministry of Health decided to expand the group of people recommended to be vaccinated with the fourth dose. From July 22, all patients over 60 years of age who have had three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine behind them can apply for the second booster. According to earlier recommendations, which were given in April, the second booster was also used by seniors 80+ and people over 12 years of age suffering from immunity disorders. Moderna and Pfizer mRNA preparations are used as the second booster dose.

The latest data from the Ministry of Health show that so far over 600 people have registered for the fourth dose. people. About 174 were vaccinated. of them.

What protection can people who decide to use the second booster count on? The latest research by Israeli scientists (published in July) is highly satisfactory. Vaccine (in Israel, Pfizer is administered) caused 72 percent. reducing the number of deaths among those most at risk of severe infection. The second booster dose also reduced the risk of hospitalization in the event of coronavirus infection by more than 60%. and reduced by 34 percent. the risk of infection itself.

The drug also spoke about the effectiveness of the second booster for MedTvoiLokony. Bartosz Fiałek. In his opinion, there are no such medical interventions that would make it possible to reduce the risk of death due to COVID-19 by as much as 99%, and these are the results of the research in the context of the fourth dose.

– The analysis of the American CDC, published on the basis of statistical data, is unambiguous and beyond any doubt: people over 50 who have taken at least two boosterswhich is a total of four doses compared to unvaccinated people have a 42 times lower risk of death from COVID-19. This is an infection with the BA.1 and BA.2 sub-variants, but it does not seem to be significantly different for the BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants. This is a 99% reduction in the risk of death in these people. – he pointed out.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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