Coronavirus: Obligations We Should Still Obey. Not all restrictions have been lifted
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The fourth stage of unfreezing the economy is behind us. On June 6, cinemas, swimming pools and gyms. While fewer and fewer restrictions and regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic are still in place. It is good to know which ones and follow them.

  1. Although the government has lifted the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public spaces, there are some exceptional situations when the mask is still in force.
  2. Still, in certain cases, it is mandatory to quarantine and perform a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the body
  3. The restrictions also apply to family meetings and events

Restrictions on movement

Still, until further notice, there are restrictions on movement related to keeping the appropriate distance between pedestrians. The minimum distance should be 2 meters. The following are exempt from this obligation:

  1. parents with children requiring care (up to 13 years of age),
  2. people living together or running a farm,
  3. disabled people, people unable to move independently, people with a certificate of need for special education and their guardians,
  4. people who cover their mouth and nose.

This order is valid until further notice. Maintaining a two-meter distance in the open space exempts from the obligation to wear a mask.

  1. Coronavirus – restrictions in Poland. Stages of lifting restrictions

Why is it worth keeping a physical distance? The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is transmitted by airborne droplets, not only when coughing and sneezing, but also when talking. Keeping a distance from the other person will reduce the risk of transmission.

See also: What is the best protection against coronavirus infection? New research results

Covering the mouth and nose in public places

From May 30, there is no requirement to wear a mouth and nose protection in space, IF you can keep two meters distance from other road users. This means that we do not have to put on the mask on the way to the store, on a walk, in the parking lot, on the beach or in the park, as long as we keep our distance from others.

The abolition of the obligation to wear masks at this stage of the pandemic was questioned by virologist Dr. Tomasz Dzieścitkowski.

– The masks won’t hurt anyone. I was one of the first people to wear masks and will be one of the last to take it off – he said in Onet Rano.

We must wear masks (or other mouth and nose covers):

  1. on the bus, tram, train and other means of public transport;
  2. in a passenger car if you are traveling with someone you do not live with on a daily basis,
  3. in a shop, bank, market and post office,
  4. in the cinema and theater,
  5. at the doctor’s, at the clinic, in the hospital, at the massage and tattoo parlor,
  6. at church, at school, at university
  7. in the office (if you go to the office to run an errand) and other public buildings.

Worth reading:

  1. New WHO recommendations on masks
  2. Three reasons why you should wear a mask
  3. Masks in public space. Our readers are critical of this
  4. With or without a mask? We explain when it is still mandatory

Mandatory quarantine in certain cases

Arrangements for staying in quarantine in certain cases are still in force in Poland. Who must submit to it?

  1. people who return from abroad (with exceptions);
  2. people who have come into contact with people infected (or potentially infected) with the coronavirus;
  3. people living with the person placed in quarantine.

The quarantine is valid for a period of 14 days. On day 12, every person in quarantine must be tested for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus at a dedicated diagnostic station.

Detailed quarantine guidelines: What does home quarantine look like when coronavirus is suspected? List of rules that must be followed

Also worth reading: Recommendations for the management of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 who do not require hospitalization

Restrictions on assemblies in public places

The fourth stage of defrosting the economy has lifted the restrictions on the number of people staying in shops, post offices, bazaars, churches or cemeteries, but there are places where we must comply with the limit of people.

On public transport, there can be as many people as there are seats (if only seats are available) or as many as 50%. the number of all sitting and standing positions. In the latter case, half of the seats must be left vacant.

There are also limits on people in gyms, fitness clubs, swimming pools, cinemas, theaters, etc. places. In restaurants, tables should be placed two meters apart.

The ban on assemblies is still in forcealthough it has been somewhat softened. It is not allowed to gather more than 150 people (this also applies to celebrations such as weddings).

Doctors still call for frequent washing and disinfecting hands, avoiding touching the face, and avoiding large groups of people. These are the best methods of reducing the risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Worth reading: Doctor: A movie theater and gym are less dangerous than going to a wedding or church

Do you obey the orders imposed by the government? Or maybe you think it’s too early to lift the restrictions? Write to us at [email protected]

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