Coronavirus. Mortality in Poland and in the world
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Mortality from coronavirus infection varies from country to country. Very large discrepancies can be noticed, which currently amount to less than 1 percent. to over 12 percent Italy remains the country with the record death rate for weeks, but the ratio of the number of deaths to all detected infections is approaching the Italian one, among others. in Belgium and Great Britain. What is the situation of Poland compared to other countries?

What percentage of those infected die from the coronavirus?

The World Health Organization notes that COVID-19 disease, caused by a new strain of coronavirus, is more serious than seasonal flu. While many of us have already developed immunity to strains of seasonal flu, we do not have immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus – except for a few people whose organisms have produced antibodies after contracting the infection. The more people are susceptible to infection, the greater the percentage of people in whom the disease, for various reasons (e.g. chronic disease), is severe. COVID-19 can occur in people with severe forms acute respiratory failure.

  1. Also read: What are the most important types of seasonal flu viruses?

The current data show that almost 2 million people have fallen ill worldwide, and almost 120 people have become ill. the infection ended in death. This gives a fatality rate of just over 6%. The death rate is greater than what scientists assumed at the start of the epidemic, when the coronavirus has not yet spread outside China.

In Poland, the death rate is lower than the global mortality rate

The statistics of infections and deaths are constantly changing, and it is difficult to compare the situations in individual countries because there are different phases of the epidemic, different numbers of tests performed, and even heterogeneous guidelines for determining COVID-19 as the cause of death. It is also not known how many people pass the infection asymptomatically and have not been included in any statistics.

However, an estimate can be made of the fatality rate based on official data, which is provided in real time by the governments of the countries affected by the pandemic. In the case of Poland, it is lower than the overall death rate in the world, which is currently 6,22 percent. In our country, 3,56 percent have died so far. infected. This is much less than, for example, in Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands, where COVID-19 caused death by over 10%. sick. However, there are a number of countries that have a lower death rate than Poland. These are i.a. Germany, Canada, Turkey, Austria, Portugal, Japan.

When it comes to the death rate, Our Country stands out among the 30 countries with the highest number of detected infections, with the rate at over 20. confirmed cases do not even reach 1 percent. (the authorities are accused of data falsification). Israel, Chile and Japan also have very low death rates.

Data on the percentage of deaths in the 30 countries with the highest number of detected infections are presented in the table:

WORLD 6,22 P: 1 925 811 / C: 119 818
USA 4,06 P: 582 594 / M: 23 649
Hiszpania 10,44 P: 170 099 / M: 17 756
Włochy 12,83 P: 159 516 / M: 20 465
Francja 10,86 P: 137 877 / M: 14 986
Germany 2,46 P: 130 072 / M: 3 194
Great Britain 12,67 P: 89 571 / M: 11 347
Chiny 4,02 P: 83 303 / M: 3345
Iran 6,25 P: 73 303 / M: 4585
Turcja 2,12 P: 61 049 / M: 1296
Belgia 12,76 P: 30 589 / M: 3903
Netherlands 10,61 P: 26 712 / M: 2833
Szwajcaria 4,43 P: 25 688 / M: 1138
Canada 3,04 P: 25 680 / M: 780
Brazylia 5,71 P: 23 723 / M: 1355
Rosja 0,81 P: 21 102 / M: 170
Portugal 3,16 P: 16 934 / M: 535
Austria 2,62 P: 14 041 / M: 368
Israel 0,99 P: 11 868 / M: 117
Szwecja 8,39 P: 10 948 / M: 919
Irlandia 3,43 P: 10 647 / M: 365
South Korea 2,1 P: 10 564 / M: 222
Indie 3,4 P: 10 541 / M: 358
Peru 2,21 P: 9 784 / M: 216
Japan 1,87 P: 7 645 / M: 143
Ekwador 4,72 P: 7 529 / M: 355
Chile 1,09 P: 7 525 / M: 82
Poland 3,56 P: 7049 / M: 251
Rumunia 4,99 P: 6 633 / M: 332
Norwegia 2,03 P: 6 605 / M: 134
Dania 4,38 P: 6 513 / M: 285

Table: Own elaboration based on the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering data (data valid as of April 14.04, at 10.30 am); countries have been ranked in order of highest to lowest number of cases of infection

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