Coronavirus infects 1000 times more effectively than SARS
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The COVID-19 coronavirus is causing terror to people around the world. Every day more and more infected. Scientists are trying to find out how the virus spreads. Although they have still not known its source, the forecasts are not optimistic yet – the COVID-19 coronavirus is much more dangerous than the SARS epidemic.

COVID-19 coronavirus – a discovery by scientists from the University of Nankai

Scientific units around the world are trying to find out the source of the COVID-19 coronavirus caused by the SARS-CoV-19 pathogen. The more so because three months have passed since the outbreak of the epidemic in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

Scientists at Nankai University in Tianjin have found that the coronavirus works similarly to the HIV virus, which means that it has the ability to bind to human cells much more powerfully than SARS. This discovery could help explain not only how the COVID-19 coronavirus is spreading, but also where it comes from.

  1. Also check out: Coronavirus is not the first. The biggest epidemics in recent years

SARS responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome binds to the ACE2 protein receptor, hence the earlier assumptions that COVID-19, whose genotype is 80% similar to SARS, it will behave in a similar way. However, independent scientific tests show other links (with HIV and Ebola).

Coronavirus COVID-19 and HIV and Ebola – what do viruses have in common?

Wirus HIV oraz Ebola podczas ataku wykorzystują furynę – enzym aktywujący prekursory białkowe, które są niezbędne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania komórek. Professor Ruan Jishou and a team at Nankai University found mutant genes absent from SARS but similar to HIV and Ebola.

This discovery was reported by It was referred to by Professor Li Hua of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, who confirmed the reports. Etienne Decroly from the University of Aix-Marseille in France also reached similar conclusions regarding the enzyme furin.

How to fight the enzyme furin?

Chińscy naukowcy stwierdzili, że enzym furyna ułatwiający replikację wirusa w ludzkim ciele, mogą zwalczać leki wykorzystywane do leczenia HIV. Należą do nich: Tenofovir Alafenamide, Tenofovir Disoproxil oraz Dolutegravir. Jak na razie trwają testy, które w większości przypadków były pomyślne, jednak nie zostały oficjalnie potwierdzone.

  1. See also: Coronavirus COVID-19 in children. How do they get sick?

How is COVID-19 coronavirus spread?

The COVID-19 coronavirus first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. The virus quickly spread to other provinces. Then the first cases in South Korea and Japan followed. The virus also reached Australia, the United States and Europe. Italy has the greatest number of infected people. Currently, more than 80 people are infected. On the other hand, over 3 people died.

You need to know:

  1. Is COVID-19 Disease X?
  2. 10 questions about the coronavirus. What do you need to know?

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