Coronavirus in the world. How is Poland doing compared to other countries?
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The coronavirus pandemic in the world has been going on for several months. Several waves of COVID-19 infections are behind us, and vaccinations have been underway in many countries since the beginning of the year. Which is the best epidemiological situation? Where is it still not manageable? And how does Poland fare compared to other countries? Get to know the latest ranking of the EndCoronavirus organization.

  1. There have been nearly 200 million COVID-19 infections worldwide since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Most of them took place in the United States – almost 36 million
  2. The US is facing a massive increase in infections again. What about the situation in other countries?
  3. This is shown in a report by the EndCoronavirus organization, which divided the countries affected by the pandemic into three groups: those that deal with the virus; those that are on the way to doing so, and those that are in a bad way
  4. The United States is in the “red” group. In Poland, the situation is much better, so we ended up in the “yellow” group
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Coronavirus in the world – what does EndCoronavirus data say?

The international organization EndCoronavirus publishes on an ongoing basis data on how individual countries are coping with the coronavirus pandemic

EndCoronavirus associates over 4. volunteers from all over the world. They include, among others epidemiologists, clinicians, analysts, social activists, entrepreneurs. It was established on February 29, 2020 in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. EndCoronavirus develops solutions and tips that would help end the pandemic as quickly as possible, advises entrepreneurs and individuals.

The report includes information from over 140 countries around the world. Countries are divided into three categories depending on how they deal with COVID-19. Green marks those countries that are “winning with the pandemic”, yellow marks those on the way to contain the coronavirus, and red marks those places where the situation is bad and “radical action is needed”.

The latest data (from the end of January to August 2) looks like this:

It is clearly visible that in May and June the epidemic situation in the world gave reasons for optimism. The number of countries marked in red was decreasing, the yellow line in the chart clearly headed upwards, and the green color indicating countries that managed to contain the pandemic was also slightly increasing.

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Unfortunately, the turn of June and July is a dramatic deterioration of the situation. Many countries are struggling with the fourth wave of the coronavirus and the extremely contagious Delta variant, so the number of places marked in red is increasing. On the other hand, the group of countries marked in yellow and green is decreasing.

Coronavirus in the world – how is Poland doing?

When last time, in the second half of April, we presented the data of the EndCoronavirus organization, Poland was in the red group. We were fresh from the peak of the third (or second, according to other counts) coronavirus wave and it was still far from a marked reduction in the number of new infections and deaths. Apart from Poland, there were also 92 countries in the red zone.

  1. Polish research on the effectiveness of amantadine in the fight against COVID-19. How’s the work going?

We are now in the yellow zone. The infection graph has been very flat over the past few weeks. The daily average of new COVID-19 cases from the past week is 124.

Of course, everyone is aware that the next wave of coronavirus is about to hit us, moreover, we can already see a slight increase in the average incidence (June 29 was only 51). That is why doctors and virologists talk about the need for vaccinations all the time. Currently, 46% are fully vaccinated. citizens of our country, it is definitely not enough to be able to feel safe in the face of the threat posed by the Delta variant.

Coronavirus in the World – Which Countries Do Best?

Countries where no new COVID-14 case has been found in the last 19 days or where the daily average for the last week is exceptionally low is marked in green.

  1. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 among vaccinated people. They are softer than expected

Currently, the green group includes 23 countries, largely exotic or very small (for comparison, in April there were 26 “green” countries). The best epidemiological situation can boast of: Barbados, Bhutan, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Dominica, Djibouti, Cameroon, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Mali, Micronesia, Monaco, New Zealand, Niger, Palau, Samoa, San Marino, Vatican, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands , Taiwan and Vanuatu.


Coronavirus in the world – Which countries are on track to contain COVID-19?

The yellow group includes countries where there was no new local transmission for 14 consecutive days, but where new cases were detected using contact tracing. Yellow countries – as described by the authors of the report – are able to eliminate or reduce new infections within a reasonable time frame, but when the Delta variant is dominant, it may not be easy.

  1. Another virus is spreading in the shadow of COVID-19. Attacks young children

There are currently 47 «yellow» countries, including Poland (in April this number was 21). They are: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, India, Jordan, Canada, Qatar, Kosovo, Lithuania , Luxembourg, Latvia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Hungary and Italy.


COVID-19 in the world – where is the situation worst?

As in the previous rankings, the red group is the most numerous. In the April ranking of the “red” countries there were 93. Currently, there are 70 plus Tokyo, the place where the Olympic Games are held. These are mainly countries where the Delta variant dominates. The list includes such significant countries as: Australia, Brazil, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Our Country, the United States and the United Kingdom.

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The latter country is behind the peak of the fourth wave of the pandemic, the number of new cases has been falling for several days. However, the situation in the USA is dramatic. There, the new wave is gaining momentum all the time, the daily number of cases exceeds even 100. Things are also bad in France, Israel, Finland, Japan and Mexico.

The full list is below.


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