Coronavirus in North Korea. Kim Jong Un found guilty of the disaster
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The coronavirus is spreading rapidly in North Korea. On Wednesday, state media reported another 232 people with symptoms of unusual fever, and there are already 880 million of them. The country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, assessed that the blame for such developments lies with officials who react sluggishly and “immaturely”.

  1. North Korea is facing a massive wave of the coronavirus epidemic. 1,72 million cases have already been reported, but according to UN experts, there may be even more
  2. Kim Jong Un at the Tuesday meeting of the Labor Party’s political bureau said that state officials who do not respond efficiently to the development of the epidemic are to blame for this situation
  3. At the same time, the head of state believes that things are “taking a turn for the better”. State media spread information about drug distribution by military medical personnel and “intensifying efforts” to develop effective preparations against the virus
  4. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

During Tuesday’s meeting of the North Korean ruling party’s political bureau, Kim Jong Un said the neglect and laziness of government officials have worsened the situation with the COVID-19 epidemic, AFP reports, citing the state-owned KCNA agency. The dictator criticized the country’s administration for “immaturity, negative attitudes and inactivity” which contributed to “the state’s inability to deal with the crisis”.

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Increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases in North Korea

North Korea officially announced the first case of the coronavirus and the first death from COVID-19 last Thursday. At the same time, the Korean Central Information Agency informed about 350 thousand. cases of unidentified fever that have been tested and shown to be a result of COVID-19 infection.

Today, the media already reports 1,72 million cases, and the country seems to be headed for a health disaster. The fact that the health service in this country is underfunded and there is no vaccination program does not help in dealing with the epidemic. The possibilities of testing patients are also limited.

Is the situation “taking a turn for the better”?

Although Kim Jong Un sees the cause of the problem in the ineptitude of officials, he was also said to have stated at a meeting of the Central Committee of the Korean Labor Party’s political office that the viral situation in the country was taking a “positive turn”. He also spoke of “maintaining a good chance on the general front of epidemic prevention”. It is not known, however, where this surprisingly positive assessment came from.

State media spread information on how North Korea is dealing with “collecting, transporting and testing samples from people with fever, while organizing additional quarantine facilities” informs the Singapore website In the face of the crisis, the country mobilized its armed forces, including 3 military medical personnel, to a XNUMX/XNUMX drug delivery system. Health officials have also produced a COVID-19 treatment guide, according to agency reports, and researchers are stepping up efforts to develop and manufacture effective drugs. However, the details of these studies were not provided.

North Korea facing disaster

The country has not started mass vaccination and has limited testing capacity. UN experts are concerned because they believe that COVID-19 in Korea may have grown much larger than official reports say.

According to, a spokesman for the UN human rights office said on Tuesday Pyongyang’s measures to fight COVID-19 could have “devastating” consequences for the country’s human rights. In his opinion, restrictions to contain the virus could make it harder for people to get enough food and meet basic needs.

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Also read:

  1. “Disaster” in North Korea. The “elixir of life” appeared in pharmacies
  2. What’s next for the COVID-19 pandemic? Three scenarios for the next five years
  3. First COVID-19 victims in North Korea

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