Coronavirus in humans
A new type of coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. According to scientists, this infection is dangerous because it causes the rapid development of pneumonia and systemic inflammation, leading to conditions dangerous to health and life.

What is coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a whole family of respiratory viruses, which includes about 40 different types of RNA viruses, grouped into two subfamilies. They can infect not only humans, but also animals – cats, dogs, birds, pigs and cattle.1.

Coronaviruses were discovered in 1960 and got their name because of the villi (thorns) on their shell, tending in different directions and resembling a crown. It is known that coronaviruses can cause a number of diseases that are manifested both by symptoms of a banal ARVI and by signs of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS or “SARS”).

Types of coronavirus

In the last century, coronaviruses were considered to be the causative agents of an acute respiratory infection that was easily treatable. In this regard, the viruses were not particularly dangerous.

The first outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or “SARS” caused by the coronavirus occurred in 2003 in 33 countries and claimed the lives of 623 people.

The next outbreak of severe infection occurred in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. A new strain of coronavirus has been diagnosed that has caused Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), which has killed 416 people (about 35% of those affected).

People were infected through contact with infected camels or sick without protective equipment.2.

A new kind of virus

A new type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was recorded in December last year in China in Wuhan, Hubei province. Then experts reported an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown origin. Chinese scientists managed to determine the source of infection – presumably, it was a seafood market in the city of Wuhan.

In order to find the appropriate virus that could mutate and be transmitted from animal to human, Chinese scientists studied the structure of SARS-CoV-2 and compared it with all known coronaviruses. It turned out that a similar type of virus was found in bats. The genomes of the two viruses differed in only one region. Another link in the transmission of the mutated virus from animal to human could be venomous snakes, which can also be found in Chinese markets.

According to scientists, a new type of virus is dangerous because it causes the rapid development of pneumonia (more precisely, an inflammatory lesion of the interstitial tissue surrounding the lung alveoli). Once in the human body, the virus adapted for transmission between people and began to actively spread around the world.

Scientists have found that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is genetically more than 70% similar to the SARS-CoV virus. However, its clinical manifestations are still being studied, more and more new symptoms and complications, long-term consequences of the infection are gradually being discovered. Therefore, the final conclusions about the lethality, pathogenicity and virulence (infectivity) of a new virus can be made after the end of the pandemic.

Online map of the spread of coronavirus

In real time, you can follow all the data, dynamics and updates: in which countries there is an increase in cases, the number of infected and dead, as well as vaccinated people.

Symptoms of coronavirus in humans

Manifestations of the respiratory syndrome during infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus can vary from a complete absence of symptoms (asymptomatic course) to severe pneumonia with extensive lung damage (up to 70-90% or more), respiratory failure, cytokine storm, which can lead to death. The patient, as a rule, is concerned about high fever, cough, shortness of breath. In this case, pneumonia may not always develop. In some cases, gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, may occur. Severe manifestations of the disease may include severe oxygen deficiency (decrease in oxygen saturation to 90-80% or below), which will require the patient to be connected to a ventilator and assisted in the intensive care unit. Against the background of a severe course of the disease, it is possible to attach a secondary infection of a fungal and bacterial nature.

Among the most typical manifestations of a new coronavirus infection are3:

  • an increase in body temperature to 38,0-39,0ºС and above (the temperature lasts for a long time);
  • cough, most often dry or with a small amount of sputum;
  • increasing shortness of breath;
  • fatigue, severe weakness;
  • pain, muscle aches;
  • loss of taste;
  • reduction or complete loss of smell.

Rarer manifestations of infection include:

  • headache;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • diarrhea, nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • expectoration of sputum with blood;
  • labored breathing.

The virus is especially dangerous for people with a weakened immune system and the elderly, as well as patients with concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, chronic lung diseases, etc.

— Symptoms of COVID-19 infection are not highly specific, i.e. they do not differ from the symptoms of other respiratory viral infections, says infectious disease doctor Daria Panieva, – therefore, epidemiological history data play a decisive role in identifying the disease, i.e. information about the place, circumstances, conditions where the infection occurred. If you experience fever, sneezing, coughing and/or difficulty breathing, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Treatment methods for coronavirus in humans

Today, Interim guidelines “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)” version 11 dated May 7, 2021 have been developed, on the basis of which therapy is carried out4.

Patients with mild symptoms of novel coronavirus infection can be treated at home under the supervision of a GP. They are prescribed symptomatic drugs aimed at alleviating the manifestations of the disease – antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen), drugs for sore throats, vasoconstrictor drops for nasal congestion, washing with saline solutions. When coughing, drugs that thin sputum and expectorants are prescribed5.

When dangerous symptoms appear, hospitalization is necessary.

Physician advice

“Response measures have been developed and adopted at the level of WHO and the Ministries of Health,” notes infectious disease doctor Daria Panieva. “They are designed to limit the outbreak and prevent the global spread of the disease. Hand hygiene is one of the effective measures to prevent infection with airborne infections. Wash your hands thoroughly and often. Don’t touch your face with your hands. Try to avoid rooms where there are a lot of people. If you have signs of a respiratory infection, wear a protective mask.

Folk methods

Traditional therapies, such as tea with lemon, raspberry jam, garlic, are ineffective for treating coronavirus infection. With symptoms of the disease (fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor6.

The vaccine

Currently, Russia is vaccinating against coronavirus infection with three registered vaccines. The most common vaccination is Sputnik V, the effectiveness of which is recognized throughout the world.7. The procedure takes place in 2 stages: the first component is administered on the day of treatment, the second – after 21 days.

Any citizen over 18 years of age who has not had ARVI two weeks before and at the time of vaccination can be vaccinated.

The vaccine is designed to prevent the disease, so if you have symptoms of COVID-19, do not get vaccinated. It is important to understand that this vaccination does not protect against the flu, so both vaccinations are recommended. Coronavirus vaccination is allowed 30 days after any other vaccinations8.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with experts the most important issues regarding the coronavirus infection.

How can you get coronavirus?

The virus is transmitted through direct contact with a sick person. The main mechanism of transmission of the virus is airborne.

What type of coronavirus developed in China in 2020?

SARS-CoV-2 belongs to betacoronaviruses, like SARS-CoV (SARS) and MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), which have already caused outbreaks of severe infections (2003 and 2012). Both of these viruses “spread” from bats. Those. the virus itself is not new, but people have not been sick of it. In a market in Wuhan, the virus managed to cross the species barrier and infect humans.

Is it possible to get sick and not have symptoms?

Yes, asymptomatic course of the disease is possible. At the same time, a person without symptoms is also dangerous in terms of infecting other people.

Is the coronavirus transmitted to humans from cats and dogs?

Initially, the virus came to humans from some animal, probably from a bat. The possibility of transmission of the virus between people by airborne droplets through close contact has now been reliably established. Your pets have nothing to do with COVID-19.
  1. Nikiforov V.V., Suranova T.G., Chernobrovkina Tatyana Yakovlevna, Yankovskaya Ya.D., Burova S.V. Novel coronavirus infection (Covid-19): clinical and epidemiological aspects // Archives of Internal Medicine. 2020. No. 2 (52).
  2. Abaturov A.E., Agafonova E.A., Krivusha E.L., Nikulina A.A. Pathogenesis of covid-19 // ZR. 2020. №2.
  3. All about coronavirus: Symptoms of coronavirus. https://stopcoronavirus.rf/about-covid/
  4. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19)” version 11 dated May 7, 2021 -19.pdf
  5. Official website of the Mayor of Moscow
  6. Malinnikova Elena Yurievna New coronavirus infection. Today’s view of the pandemic of the XXI century // Infectious Diseases: News. Opinions. Education. 2020. No. 2 (33).
  7. Logunov DY Dolzhikova IV Shcheblyakov DV et al. Safety and efficacy of an rAd26 and rAd5 vector-based heterologous prime-boost COVID-19 vaccine: an interim analysis of a randomised controlled phase 3 trial in Russia. Lancet. 2021; (published online Feb 2.)
  8. Free vaccination. Official website of the Mayor of Moscow

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