Coronavirus in France: all about the covid-19 epidemic in France

Coronavirus in France: all about the covid-19 epidemic in France

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On January 7, 2020, a new coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2 responsible for the Covid-19 disease, was discovered in China. It quickly spread around the world. In France, the first case of the Covid-19 coronavirus was recorded on January 24, 2020. Today, all regions in mainland France and overseas are reporting confirmed cases. How did the virus enter France? How many people are infected? How many have died? What measures are in place to limit its progress? Answers.

How did the coronavirus arrive in France?

The first three cases of coronavirus in Europe were recorded at the end of January 2020 in France. These three people had been in China, so these are imported cases. Two of them, a man and his daughter, both of Chinese nationality, were hospitalized at Bichat hospital in Paris. The 80-year-old man died on February 14, 2020 from a severe lung infection. This is the first victim of the coronavirus in France. Her 50-year-old daughter has recovered. The third infected patient was hospitalized in Bordeaux on January 23, 2020. He had spent several days in China, especially in Wuhan (center of the epidemic).

As of February 5, the variant of the coronavirus detected in the United Kingdom (VOC 202012/01) and the South African variant (501Y.V2) are circulating on French territory. Public Health France aims to publish a mapping of the distribution of variants in France, thanks to surveys ” Flash “. The latest reveals that among the cases diagnosed on January 27, 14% are suspected of variants. According to the WHO, the English variant 20I / 501Y.V1 has been reported in 80 countries and the South African variant 20H / 501Y.V2 in 41 countries. As for the Brazilian variant 20J / 501Y.V3, it is reportedly present in 10 countries.

Update May 31 – The latest report from Public Health France reveals that the proportion of suspected English variant is 77,6% and that of South African and Brazilian variants 5,9%. 


What is the progression of the coronavirus in France?

In the situation report of May 28, Public Health France indicates in week 20, a ” continued improvement of epidemiological indicators despite hospital pressure which remains high in the context of the lifting of health restriction measures “, with :

  • decreased incidence rates, hospitalizations and critical care admissions;
  • the Ile-de-France and Haut-de-France regions are the most affected;
  • a high number of patients in critical care
  • the increase in vaccination coverage, 16,2% of the French population is fully vaccinated;
  • still high mortality;
  • a deterioration of mental health, according to the CoviPrev study, with states of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and sleep disturbances.

After these first three imported cases, the Covid-19 progressed very quickly in the country. The first outbreak of the virus or “cluster” (at least two people tested positive at the same time in the same area) identified in France was reported in Oise. The most affected municipalities are Creil, Crépy-en-Valois, Vaumoise, Lamorlaye and Lagny-le-Sec. The first French victim was also a 60-year-old teacher from Crépy-en-Valois. Supported in critical condition, he died on the night of February 25 to 26, 2020 at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital.

As of November 6, the six communities for which the proportion of high-criticality clusters is the highest are: nursing homes (79%), vulnerable communities (56%), social medical establishments (EMS) for people with disabilities (52%), health establishments (45%), penal establishments (42%) and social accommodation and integration establishments (38%) (Table 3). Since May 9, 6 clusters have been reported.

In the epidemiological point of October 15, Public Health France identifies a total of 4 clusters, since the lifting of the first confinement, including 365 in nursing homes. Among them, 684 are under investigation. The epidemic foci under investigation are mainly found in schools and universities, nursing homes, private or public companies, and health establishments. On the other hand, nursing homes, vulnerable communities (travelers, migrants, people in precarious situations), health establishments, penitentiaries and accommodation and integration establishments are the six communities for which the the proportion of high-criticality clusters is the highest.

In the October 8 report from Santé Publique France, it is indicated that 3 clusters were reported during week 207 (from September 40 to October 28) and since May 4, including 09 cases. Among them, 34 are still under investigation, including 767 in high criticality. Businesses remained the most represented communities (1%), followed by schools and universities (070%), then the extended family environment and public and private events that temporarily bring people together (319%). In addition, 25% of the clusters surveyed concern schools and universities. It is for this reason that the government is led to reduce the capacity of students to 21% in amphitheatres and classrooms in high and maximum alert zones.

On October 2, 2 clusters were reported, including 830 cases. Among them, 28 were investigated, including 790 who were in “high criticality“. Businesses (excluding health establishments) represented 25% of clusters, schools and universities 20%, extended family circles and public and private events which temporarily bring together 18%.

As of September 28, 2020, 442 clusters have been reported, including 23 cases. Of these, 573 were investigated and 899 who were in “high criticality“. The main affected communities remained the same as on August 28. These transmission foci were spread over the whole of France, in particular in Hauts-de-France, Pas-de-Calais, Ile-de-France, in the Grand-Est region, the Pays de la Loire, New Aquitaine and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

On August 28, Santé Publique France indicated, in its report of August 24, that an increase in the number of clusters (foci of transmission) was underway. In total, 1 clusters are identified. This figure excludes nursing homes and the restricted family environment. Among them, 097 clusters were under investigation. Public and private companies, health facilities, the extended family environment (several family homes) and temporary gatherings were the communities most affected. Concerning nursing homes, 352 clusters were the subject of reports. 

The last epidemiological bulletin dated March 7, 2020 lists five clusters in France:

  • in Crépy-en-Valois / Creil (Oise) with 111 confirmed cases.
  • in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin) with 83 confirmed cases following a religious gathering.
  • in La Balme-de-Sillingy (Haute-Savoie) with 40 confirmed cases.
  • in Morbihan (3 cities) with 20 confirmed cases.
  • in Contamines-Montjoie (Haute-Savoie) with 6 confirmed cases (French).

A grouping of cases returning from an organized trip to Egypt was also observed with 18 confirmed cases.

Update June 2, 2021 – To date, there are 5 677 172 confirmed cases in France and 109 691 death. In his various situation reports, the Director General of Health (DGS) Jérôme Salomon indicates that the deceased people were mostly of advanced age and suffered from other serious illnesses. The median age of people hospitalized is 73 years old and 52% are men.

France is at stage 3 of the epidemic which is characterized by the presence of the virus throughout the territory. For information, stage 1 is decreed when cases imported into the territory have been reported. Stage 3 is decreed when the existence of grouped cases in the territory is proven and stage 4 consists of support for a return to normal. 

Coronavirus in France: the number of reported cases (June 2, 2021)

As of June 2, 2021, 5 677 172 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed, including 109 691 death*. The number of patients admitted to intensive care is 2 825 (-18,04% in seven days).

Here is the breakdown by region, as of June 2, 2021:


New daily hospitalizationsAverage of new daily critical care admissionsNumber of new cases per day
Ile-de-France119342 080
Grand East286607
1 036
Hauts-de-France5516 964
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 235364
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 4412436
Occitania 27 8 597
New Aquitaine 24 5 609
Normandy 297 481
Loire Valley Center 16 5320
Pays de la Loire194491
Corsica 0 0 9
Martinique 1 0 11
Guadeloupe 7 234
Réunion12 3 171
Guyana 133 132
Mayotte0 0 2
TOTAL4811268 678

Source :

* “Due to the difficulty of identification and biological confirmation of all cases of COVID-19, the data presented underestimate the real number of cases. As part of the transition to phase 3, the recommendations now being to take a sample for diagnostic purposes only for certain categories of patients, this underestimation becomes more important. Public Health France is preparing new indicators to monitor the epidemic in phase 3. ”,

As of June 2, 2021, the number of patients admitted to intensive care on a daily basis is down (-8,7% in 7 days).

May 19 marks the second stage of gradual deconfinement, with the curfew that begins at 21 p.m. and the reopening of certain establishments as well as terraces.

Since May 3, it is possible to move freely in France during the day, without a certificate. The back to school took place on April 26 in schools and May 3 at college and high school. The curfew begins at 21 p.m. 

Since Saturday, March 20, the curfew has been pushed back to 19 p.m. across the country. The reinforced measures have been extended to the whole of France since April 3, for a period of four weeks. Travel from 6 a.m. to 19 p.m. and beyond 10 km is prohibited (unless there is a compelling reason) as well as inter-regional travel. Schools and nurseries close for three weeks.

Nineteen departments are now affected by confinement 7 days a week: Aisne, Alpes-Maritimes, Essonne, Eure, Hauts-de-Seine, Nord, Oise, Paris, Pas-de-Calais, Seine-et-Marne, Seine -Saint-Denis, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Val-de-Marne, Val-d’Oise, Yvelines, Rhône, Nièvre and Aube. In these areas, the so-called “ non-essential Will be closed, but schools and nurseries will remain open. It is possible to leave home, within a radius of 10 km, with a certificate, for an unlimited period. On the other hand, inter-regional travel is prohibited. Teleworking should be stepped up, 4 days out of 5, when possible. 

Partial containment on weekends has been established in the Pas-de-Calais department, Dunkirk, Nice as well as on the coast of the Alpes-Maritimes.

Emmanuel Macron announced Wednesday, October 28 a containment measure for the entire territory, for a period of 4 weeks. The situation will be reassessed every two weeks and decisions will be made as and when. 

On Saturday, October 17, the whole of French territory went into a state of emergency, a second time, for a minimum of four weeks. A curfew has been established in Ile-de-France, in Paris, Lille, Grenoble, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Montpellier and Rouen, from 21 p.m. to 6 a.m. As of October 26, the curfew extends to 38 departments, making a total of 54 departments affected by this measure. 

On October 16, Guadeloupe and Aix-Marseille were placed in “maximum alert zone” as well as Paris and its inner suburbs, since October 5, joined by the cities of Lille, Saint-Etienne, Grenoble, Toulouse, Montpellier and Lyon. The cities of Clermont-Ferrand and Dijon had passed into “enhanced alert zone” from Saturday, October 10, as well as Nice, Rouen, Rennes and Bordeaux. 


Where to get information in case of doubt in France?

A toll-free number is available to French people to answer all their (non-medical) questions about the coronavirus: 0 800 130 000 (from 9 a.m. to 19 p.m., 7 days a week). 

If you have signs of coronavirus infection, call your doctor. 

Updated information and documents are also available on the following sites:

  • Public Health France
  • Ministry of Solidarity and Health

Coronavirus in the world: state of play

Key figures in the world and in Europe *

  • As of June 2, 2021, the number of people with the Covid-19 coronavirus is 167 552 267 case of which 32 364 274 in Europe.  

Number of deaths worldwide and in Europe *

  • At present, 3 467 745 people around the world have died from the coronavirus. 
  • 720 358 people have died in Europe (note that the data for the United Kingdom are no longer taken into account since its exit from the EU in week 53 – December 28, 2020 to January 3, 2021 -). 
  • France counts 109 691 death on June 2. 

* source : 

Reminder of health advice

At stage 3 of the epidemic, the objective of the public authorities is to limit the spread of the virus by putting in place several measures, including that of containment. To preserve your health and that of those around you:

  • wash your hands very regularly with soap and water or a hydroalcoholic solution.
  • cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a disposable tissue.
  • stop shaking hands or kissing others.
  • use disposable tissues and throw them away after use.
  • wear a mask in closed environments (mandatory) and outdoors (highly recommended, or even required in the streets of some cities). 

Most cities have issued municipal bylaws to make the wearing of a mask is compulsory in certain areas or even in the whole of the city. This is the case at Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Tours or even Nice. Since March 5, the mask is required outside and in closed environments throughout the department of North part, but also in Yvelines, In the Drome and in the Doubs. On the other hand, in Alpes-Maritimes, mask is no longer required on the beaches, the coast and in green spaces.

Since July 20, wearing a mask has been compulsory in all closed public areas (shops, covered markets, administrative establishments, etc.) since physical distancing cannot be applied. At school, it is imposed on children from the age of 6: it must be surgical or general public and category 1. Since September 1, children aged 11 are obliged to wear a mask, where it is compulsory for adults. 

The government has also made available 50 transparent masks, also called “inclusive“, Intended for early childhood professionals. The surgical mask, and not made of cloth, is also compulsory on board many planes. In business, it has also imposed itself since September 1.



For people in or coming back from an area where the virus is actively circulating:

  • monitor your temperature twice a day.
  • watch for the appearance of symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, difficulty in breathing, etc.).
  • wash your hands regularly or use a hydro-alcoholic solution;
  • avoid all contact with fragile people (pregnant women, chronically ill, elderly people, etc.).
  • avoid going to places where there are vulnerable people (hospitals, maternity hospitals, accommodation facilities for the elderly, etc.).
  • avoid any non-essential outing (large gatherings, restaurants, cinema, etc.).
  • workers / students: you can return to work if there are no symptoms.
  • children, college and high school students can go to nursery, school, college or high school (with a lowered to 50% in some school structures).

If you think you have contracted Covid-19 (fever, cough, breathing difficulties) after going to an area where the virus is circulating (within 14 days of your return) or simply because you live in an area where the virus is circulating :

  • contact Samu Center 15, reporting your symptoms and recent stay.
  • avoid contact with those around you.
  • do not go to your doctor or to the emergency room, to avoid infecting others.

In addition to these measures, the government ordered the closure of schools in the most affected regions on Monday March 9, 2020, for a period of two weeks. Today, depending on the circulation of the virus in schools, the region decides to close classes or structures. The start of the school year took place on September 1st. In middle and high schools, wearing a mask is compulsory for teachers and children from the age of 11. In elementary schools, staff supervise students and ensure that hygiene measures, such as hand washing, are observed. In addition, elementary school children must wear a mask. Precautions are also taken regarding social distancing. Certain activities are prohibited for the little ones, to limit the risk of contamination from Covid-19.

As of June 2, the results of the Covid-19 report 167 552 267 confirmed cases worldwide (including 103 in China) and 3 467 745 deaths (including 4 in China and 846 in the United States).

In the event of symptoms related to Covid-19, you must call your doctor first. In the event of breathing difficulties and only in this case, do not hesitate to call the SAMU on 15. Wearing a mask is compulsory in most towns in France, even in the streets. In the event of an inspection, a fine of € 135 may be imposed.

To date, on June 2, 2021, 25 school structures are closed, including 23 schools and 2 colleges as well as 5 classes. Cases of Covid-115 are confirmed in 19 ​​students and 11 staff (cumulative over the last 725 days).

Visit our dedicated article to find out more on the symptoms of the coronavirus


Government restrictions in effect

Since May 3, the traffic restrictions are lifted. It is possible to travel during the day without certificate. However, it remains essential for getting around during the curfew, from 21 p.m. to 6 a.m. 

Containment 7 days a week has been in effect throughout France, since April 7, 3, for a period of four weeks. The curfew continues to be applied in France, from 2021 p.m. to 19 a.m.

Containment 7 days a week is in effect in 7 departments: Aisne, Alpes-Maritimes, Essonne, Eure, Hauts-de-Seine, Nord, Oise, Paris, Pas-de-Calais, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint -Denis, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Val-de-Marne, Val-d’Oise, Yvelines. The curfew now begins at 16 p.m. everywhere in France. Since March 19, three new departments have been subject to reinforced measures (containment): the Rhône, the Nièvre and the Aube.

In cities strongly affected by the coronavirus, partial confinements are implemented on weekends, as in Nice, in the Alpes-Maritimes or even in Dunkirk, in Hauts-de-France. The Pas-de-Calais department is also placed in partial containment. 

Update January 13, 2021 – Curfew hours are adapted according to the circulation of the virus in the departments. It is advanced to 18 p.m. in 25 departmental areas: Hautes-Alpes, Alpes-Maritimes, Ardennes, Doubs, Jura, Marne, Haute-Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Haute-Saône, Vosges, Moselle, Territoire de Belfort , Nièvre, Saône-et-Loire, Bas-Rhin, Bouches-du-Rhône, Haut-Rhin, Allier, Vaucluse, Cher, Côte d’Or, Alpes de Haute-Provence, Drôme and Var.

Update December 16 – The curfew went into effect on December 15. A new exceptional travel certificate is available, to be used to justify any outing from 20 p.m. to 6 a.m., except for Christmas Eve on December 24th.

Update from October 23 – In his weekly update on Thursday October 22, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced the extension of the curfew for 38 new departments: Ain, Alpes-Maritimes, Ardèche, Ardennes , Ariège, Aube, Aveyron, Bas-Rhin, Calvados, Corse-du-Sud, Côte-d’Or, Drôme, Gard, Hautes-Alpes, Haute-Corse, Haute-Loire, Hautes-Pyrénées, Haute-Savoie, Haute -Vienne, Ille-et-Villaine, Indre-et-Loire, Jura, Loiret, Lozère, Maine-et-Loire, Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, Puy-de-Dôme, Pyrenees -Atlantiques, Pyrénées-Orientales, Saône-et-Loire, Savoie, Tarn, Tarn-et-Garonne, Var, Vaucluse. Polynesia is also concerned. The “situation is serious in France“, Declared Prime Minister Jean Castex. And add “The month of November will be trying, we already know that”.

On October 14, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, spoke live from the Elysee Palace. He announced new restrictive measures, which will apply from Saturday, October 17, midnight, to curb the spread of the new coronavirus and prevent saturation of the hospital system, already “under pressure” 

  • a curfew, from 21 p.m. to 00 a.m., in Paris, Ile-de-France, Lille, Grenoble, Rouen, Montpellier, Toulouse, Saint-Etienne, Aix-Marseille and Lyon. Exceptions are possible for people who work in the evening or at night or those who have “health emergencies“, Thanks to proof. The “curfew” exceptional travel certificate is available in digital format or downloadable in paper format. Establishments that remain open with strict hygiene protocol, such as restaurants or theaters, will have to make arrangements for employees and employers to be home at 21:00 p.m. If this measure is not respected, the citizen risks a fine of € 135, then € 1 in the event of a repeat offense. The purpose of the curfew is to reduce the number of new people infected with “3 cases, 000 cases per day”, While it is currently“20 new cases per day ”. The President also wants the share of Covid-19 patients in intensive care to only represent 10 to 15%, against “32% today«  ;
  • a limitation to 6 people during gatherings in the private sphere is recommended;
  • a new screening strategy, using “self-tests“(Salivary or blood) and”antigenic tests“, Which aim to obtain results very quickly, in case of doubt or case-contact;
  • a new TousAntiCovid application, which replaces StopCovid, to inform each person in a simple and clear way of the health instructions according to the place in which they are located. It also aims to “Identify the sources of contamination, trace them and prevent”.

These restrictions are in addition to the automatic measures already applied in risk areas, such as:

  • the distance of a seat between 2 people or groups of less than 10 people in sports and cultural establishments;
  • the ban on festive or family gatherings of more than 30 people in all establishments open to the public;
  • the closure of bars and the ban on gatherings of more than 10 people on public roads or in places open to the public in “enhanced alert zones”.

All of these measures as well as those taken as an option by the regional prefects can be found on solidarités-santé.gouv.

Prime Minister Jean Castex gave details during his press conference on October 15 regarding these new restrictions. He recalled that the entire territory would go into a state of health emergency from Saturday, October 17.

A second confinement from October 30

Update December 17 – The second strict containment measures have been lifted since December 15, 2020.

Update November 30 – The new exit certificate is available. It is authorized, since November 28, to move in the open air or to an outdoor place, without changing your place of residence, within a maximum radius of 20 km, for a daily duration which must not exceed 3 hours. This can be linked to physical activity and individual leisure (the practice of team sports is prohibited), to a walk with the people of the household or to the needs of pets.

The President of the Republic spoke on November 24, for the sixth time since the start of the coronavirus epidemic. He took stock of the health situation, evoking the beginning of a “lente recessed“. He also set out his action plan for the coming weeks, to continue to curb the epidemic. It consists of three stages, with key dates: 

  • On November 28, confinement continues, but moving within a radius of 20 km will be possible, for a period of 3 hours. Religious celebrations will be authorized, up to a limit of 30 people, as well as extra-curricular activities outside. To this date, shops can reopen until 21 p.m., respecting a strict sanitary protocol. Bookstores, record stores and libraries will also reopen their doors.
  • From December 15th, if the health objectives are achieved (5 contaminations per day and 000 to 2 patients in intensive care), containment will be lifted. Cinemas, theaters and museums will resume their activities, thanks to strict health rules. A curfew will be established on the national territory, from 21 p.m. to 7 a.m. On the other hand, everyone will be able to circulate freely on the evenings of December 24 and 31, for “spend the holidays with the family«.
  • On January 20, restaurants, bars and sports halls will be able to reopen, if the epidemic remains under control. Teaching in high schools will resume face-to-face, then in universities two weeks later.

Emmanuel Macron delivers a message to the French, “We must do everything to avoid a third wave and therefore a third confinement«.

Otherwise, its strategy is based on three tools : 

  • «the spirit of responsibility of all»;
  • «test, alert, protect, cure»;
  • a massive and rapid vaccination campaign: securing the number of doses and guaranteeing health security with the creation of a “collective of citizens»And a scientific committee responsible for monitoring vaccination. The government’s strategy is based on several vaccines, one of which will be available from the end of December, beginning of January and one “second generationIn the spring, subject to clinical trial results. 

Updated November 13 – In the aftermath of Jean Castex’s announcements of November 12, the confinement rules remain unchanged. Travel continues to be limited and so-called non-essential businesses remain closed. Thanks to the measures, the health situation tends to improve, but the data are too recent to lift the confinement. Indeed, the hospital system is still under pressure, because 1 hospitalization linked to Covid-19 takes place every 30 seconds as well as an admission to intensive care every 3 minutes, according to the Prime Minister. 

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, announced a second confinement in France, from October 30 and at least until December 1, to cope with the second wave of the epidemic, more “brutalAs the first. This confinement implies compliance with certain rules, as last spring: 

  • a certificate will be mandatory for travel, which can be generated via the Tous Anti-Covid application. It is also available in a downloadable version. Note that there is a tolerance for All Saints holidaymakers, who have until Sunday to return home. Travel will be authorized for professional, medical, urgent reasons, for essential shopping, a short walk within a radius of one kilometer around his home and within the limit of one hour per day. Travel between regions is prohibited;
  • private meetings will be excluded and public gatherings prohibited;
  • establishments open to the public will be closed as well as bars and restaurants:
  • partial unemployment will be renewed for employees and employers.

On the other hand, changes will be made compared to the first confinement :

  • nurseries, schools, colleges and high schools remain open, with reinforced health protocols. Wearing a mask becomes compulsory from the age of 6 (compared to 11 originally);
  • the faculties and higher education establishments will provide distance learning courses (except for practical work);
  • teleworking will be generalized again, in sectors where it is possible;
  • activity in public services, factories, farms and construction continues, with strict protocols;
  • visiting the elderly in nursing homes is possible, always respecting the restrictions.

To limit contamination and avoid a third confinement, massive test platforms will multiply. Also, antigen tests will hit the market, giving results in 30 minutes. Isolation of people positive for Covid-19 will be mandatory. The health situation will be reassessed every two weeks and certain measures will be lifted or reinforced.


The measures of the first containment against the coronavirus (from March 17 to May 11, 2020)

Updated on June 11, 2020 – The Head of State has implemented a gradual deconfinement from May 12, 2020. The French population is therefore no longer confined, but local restrictive measures are taken in the departments in the region in the red zone. 

Updated April 06, 2020 – Following President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement on Monday March 16 at 20 p.m., travel is now prohibited except in the following cases and to be provided with the exceptional travel certificate. The reasons for travel are: 

  • Travel between home and the place of exercise of professional activity, when they are essential for the exercise of activities that cannot be organized in the form of telework or professional trips that cannot be postponed.
  • Travel to purchase supplies necessary for professional activity and purchases of basic necessities [1] in establishments whose activities remain authorized.
  • Consultations and care that cannot be provided remotely and cannot be postponed; care of patients with long-term illness.
  • Travel for compelling family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable people or childcare.
  • Short trips, within the limit of one hour per day and within a maximum radius of one kilometer around the home, linked either to the individual physical activity of people, to the exclusion of any collective sporting practice and any proximity to ‘other people, either for a walk with the only people grouped together in the same home, or for the needs of pets.
  • Judicial or administrative summons.
  • Participation in missions of general interest at the request of the administrative authority

The digital version of the certificate is now available

Since April 06, 2020, the derogatory certificate of displacement is available in digital version.

What initiatives are taken in the big cities of France?

While the Covid19 epidemic has placed the entire territory in containment, many solidarity actions have been put in place in most major cities in France. 
Lille: Lille University Hospital has developed its own model of masks. It is a substitute for surgical masks whose effectiveness is considered acceptable. In fact, the fabrics and the composition used make it possible to filter the particles at a level similar to that of surgical masks. The masks are washable and reusable. The latter will not be used during the practice of care or invasive procedures but in other situations when the wearing of a substitute is considered acceptable. The LeMahieu company launched production this weekend in Saint-André. The latter is currently looking for experienced couturiers to help assemble these masks at home. If you are available, live near Lille and would like to contribute, go to this page.
Lyon: The Olympique Lyonnais is mobilizing! Thanks to its sOlidaire endowment fund, OL announced on March 21 the launch of a crowdfunding platform to give everyone the opportunity to make a donation in favor of the fight against the pandemic affecting the entire French territory. In addition, the city is very committed, it has carried out communications actions to make the population aware of barrier gestures and the wearing of masks, especially among young people, vulnerable groups and in the markets.  
Bordeaux: To date, 1000 volunteers have registered on the municipal networking platform A platform, honored in this particular period, identifying the needs of individuals (help with homework, shopping, childcare, etc.). A great initiative of mutual aid between citizens.
Caen: The city of Caen and its communal social action center has set up a number to support seniors during confinement. A specific number for reporting isolated elderly people: 02 31 15 38 57 (line open from 8 a.m. to 18 p.m.). 
Toulouse: Support groups on social networks are multiplying. Thomas, a young 21-year-old from Toulouse, has created “Toulouse mutual aid covid”, a district-by-district mutual aid network! There are about twenty of them today. A simple action creating a surge of solidarity in the city! 
Mantes-la-Jolie : The city has set up a drug delivery service and an assistance platform for those most at risk. A territorial consultation center for Covid-19 has been created, with the aim of supporting hospital services and avoiding the saturation of medical offices in the city center.
Clermont-Ferrand : Reception centers have been set up for the homeless or migrants, during the period of confinement. The Michelin company produces masks to help hospitals. 
Montpellier : The city distributed computer equipment to families who could not get it, to ensure educational continuity for students. It organizes mask making and supports its nursing staff by welcoming their children in centers made available. It also helps the fragile public through food aid and remote support.
Nantes : The Nantes metropolis has added various tools, in particular numbers to call to provide psychological support to residents, who are suffering from confinement. 
Nancy : The city’s CHRU has launched a platform so that patients can make an appointment to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in one of the 9 locations. The health establishment was forced to double its staff during the first two days, to meet very strong demand. The vaccination campaign starts on January 13, for people over 75 years old outside nursing homes. It is possible to make an appointment by phone (03 83 85 13 00) or on Doctolib. This is a first in France, the city of Nancy is ahead. 

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