Coronavirus: How does Poland compare with its neighbors? We still have a lot of active COVID-19 cases
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The COVID-19 pandemic continues. The number of people infected worldwide has already exceeded 6 million. While the epidemic is slowly declining in most European countries, others have only just begun to be diagnosed with the disease. How does Poland fare compared to its neighbors? Let’s check.

In Poland, we are still ahead of the peak of the disease

The first positive case of SARS-CoV-2 cronavirus infection was recorded in Poland on March 4. The Polish “patient zero” came back to Poland from Germany. Since then, 23 people have been infected in Poland, and 987 have died (data as of June 1, 065 pm). We also have 01.06 active cases of the disease (this is the number of infected people minus those who have recovered and died). Our graph of active cases looks a bit different than the graphs of our neighbors – Germany, the Czech Republic or Slovakia, which recorded their first cases at a similar time. Instead, they are similar to those in Ukraine, Belarus or Our Country – countries where the epidemic began to develop later.

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How is the epidemic developing in the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus and Our Country?

In Germany, less and less active cases

We wrote recently that Poland and Germany will soon be equal in the number of active cases. Indeed, it did, with Germany having far less active cases than Poles for the last few days. The epidemic in Germany began slightly earlier than in Poland. Initially, there were several infected people in this country who had returned from China. At the end of February, new infections appeared, related to the outbreak in Italy.

Since then, 183 infections with the SARS-CoV-494 coronavirus have been reported in Germany. Due to the pandemic, 2 people died in this country and 8 were healed. At the moment, the number of active cases in Germany is 605, and the number of daily recoveries has been higher than the number of daily cases for a month.

In the Czech Republic, only five new cases a day

Similarly to Germany, the situation is also in the Czech Republic. The data available on the service shows that only five infected people appeared in the Czech Republic in the last 19 hours. The first cases of COVID-1 were diagnosed there on March XNUMX, i.e. a few days earlier than in Poland.

The total number of cases there is currently 9. 273 people have died from COVID-19 and 320 have been cured. However, 6 people are still ill. Looking at the charts one can get the impression that the epidemic in this country is slowly dying out. In May, the daily increase in the number of new cases was less than 562, except on May 2, when 391 new cases were reported related to the Darkov outbreak.

From May 25, most of the companies in the Czech Republic were opened. On that day, the requirement to wear a face mask when outdoors also ceased, but research has shown that half of the Czech population will continue to use mouth and nose protectors in public places.

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The epidemic is also leaving Slovakia

Slovakia has not been hit as badly by the epidemic as its neighboring Czech Republic. Overall, the country has 1 cases of SARS-CoV-522 coronavirus infections. One case has been reported in the last 2 hours. 19 people died from COVID-28 (last reported case on May 16) and 1 were healed. Currently, 368 people are ill.

Slovakia was one of the countries where masks were to be worn in public spaces. This regulation contradicted the then WHO guidelines, which suggested that wearing masks by healthy people does not make much sense, and in the event of improper use, it may do more harm than good. With time, however, more and more countries, including Poland, introduced the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public spaces.

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Lithuania resisted the epidemic, but the state of emergency continues

The first coronavirus infection in Lithuania was recorded on February 28, but the epidemic did not gain momentum until mid-March. Since then, 1 people have been positively diagnosed, 678 have died and 70 have recovered. 1 people are still ill and three new cases have been reported in the last 236 hours.

Lithuania is slowly easing the lockdown – the government extended the restrictions until June 16, but some of them have been eased. Still in force include an order to wear masks or other mouth and nose protectors in public places. They are not required while staying in catering establishments, during exercise, as well as in the swimming pool and sauna.

Difficult situation in Belarus, Ukraine and Our Country

In all of the above-mentioned countries, the epidemic accelerated in early March. All of them, apart from Poland, seem to have had their situation under control. The situation is different with our eastern neighbors – Ukraine and Belarus, as well as Our Country (with which we border through the Kaliningrad Oblast) have only recently been struggling with the sudden increase in the disease.

Between 8 and 10 new cases of infection are recorded daily in Our Country. Although the first infections were detected there in late March, the epidemic clearly accelerated in mid-April. At the moment, 414 infections, 878 deaths and 4 recoveries have been recorded. 855 175 patients are still ill.

The situation is similar in Ukraine. Although the first cases were reported there as early as early March, new infections started to increase rapidly after almost a month. Currently, 24 infections have been detected, 012 people have died and 718 have recovered.

Belarus recorded the first case of the infection at the end of February. The real increase in cases, as in Ukraine, appeared in early April. From mid-April to now, Belarus has between 800 and 900 new infections a day. So far, 42 infected people have been detected, 556 people have died and 235 have recovered.

What do experts say about the development of the epidemic in Poland and in the world?

  1. Grzesiowski: The pandemic in the world is not waning. New outbreaks of epidemics continue to appear in Poland
  2. «Accessible gyms are your greatest risk. Abolishing the obligation of masks can cost us a lot
  3. Prof. Pyrć: We have been trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine for 20 years
  4. Prof. Butowt: up to 90 percent patients with COVID-19 exhibit changes in smell and taste

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