When we feel that our body works, sweats, feels tired and exercised, we feel happier because we feel complete and fulfilled.

All sports and fitness gurus agree on the following: exercising is essential not only to put aside a sedentary lifestyle, but also for mood and health. Only those who exercise frequently know the feeling of finishing that workout and feeling better, with their bodies and in a better mood, as if sweating and burning calories increased their self-esteem.
According to a study, those who do not exercise regularly have an average of 3,4 bad days each month (suffering from stress, depression or emotional problems) while people who do exercise regularly they have only 2 bad days a month, one and a half less than the other group or, what is the same, almost half. Although according to the expert Antonio Ángel Moreno these are the exercises that put you in a good mood, you should adapt to both physical capacity and age, so that they are never exhausting and the intensity is gradually increased.
Exercises that improve your mood
According to Antonio Ángel Moreno, the HIIT, high intensity training, puts us in a good mood. “When we feel that our body works, sweats, feels tired and exercised, we feel happier because we feel complete and fulfilled,” he explains. These would be the exercises that should be part of HIIT, and the expert recommends doing 3 sets with an execution time of each exercise of 30 seconds, and resting 10 seconds between exercise and exercise.
Sumo squat. He says personal trainer that we must put our body upright and we go downwards, drawing our knees out and slowly go up with the body in the starting position.
Squat on wall. “We support our body upright against the wall with bent legs,” explains the expert.
Climber abs. «We position ourselves with the body down, supporting ourselves with the palms of our hands. Once in this position we bring our knee to the opposite side and we alternate with the next leg ”, says Antonio Ángel Moreno.
Zancada. It is an easy exercise, but its difficulty can be increased if we put weight on it. It is a movement that requires balance and strength, and on the rise raise a dumbbell with the amount of weight that you see yourself capable of lifting.
Bimini. And if you don’t believe it, you just have to see the more than four hours that Dana Gowlacka endured in this position, breaking the Guinness record. The expert finished her exhibition with a huge smile. It must be taken into account that the iron can cause pressure on the vertebrae in the lower backIt is necessary to have physical form prior to its performance and it is not recommended for people with lumbar or disc problems in that area.
Benefits of doing sports
- It releases chemicals (endorphins) that make us feel good.
- Improves self-confidence (increases self-esteem, improves self-image …).
- Prevents cognitive decline. (For example, Alzheimer’s).
- Relieves anxiety.
- It improves the general performance of the brain (decision making, thinking, learning …).