Although most online trainings are focused on adults, many activities that involve movement can be done with children and thus instill in them the importance of not forming a sedentary life

They have not been to school for more than a month, and both their school and extracurricular activities have been limited to the home. It is at home where, for some time now, children do homework, play, watch movies and other activities that mean that they cannot socialize with their friends from school or neighbors. However, although trying to make each day different with them is not an easy task, they do exist. Funny activities that can be done without having to go out on the street and with those who manage to forget, for a moment, that their lives are nothing like what they led just a few weeks ago.
This is where sport comes into play. While the best known personal trainers in our country give dozens of online trainings a day via Instagram or YouTube that are not focused on the smallest of the house, there are a series of exercises that it would be convenient for both adults and children to do together. «The activities to be done with them must be playful. A child gets lost right away and they have to be short actions because they lose their attention quickly. Zumba, dancing, stretching or yoga can be done in a small space like any room in the house and they will be entertained quickly “, explains Miguel Ángel Peinado, who in addition to being personal trainer, is a physical education teacher.
It is one of the easiest activities both for them and to do together. Leg opening or doing the pyramid (skin and hands resting on the floor) are some of the most basic exercises, but you can also try to gain more flexibility by trying to reach your feet with the tips of your fingers, stretching your arms overhead. of the head…
Patry Montero teaches on his Instagram account some yoga classes that are focused on children. This ancient discipline also has stretching and flexibility exercises, and if they start in this activity from a young age, they will be aware of the physical and mental tranquility that can produce them. In addition, the most famous “yogi” Xuan Lan, on her weekly schedule, gives online classes for beginners. It will be a good time to start!
The benefits of zumba have been demonstrated: the music and movements allow that at the end of the class there is greater motivation, all kinds of movements are used without the need for learn a choreography… Also in social networks there are many online Zumba classes to do this activity together.
Any type of dance will be good for both of you, not only to entertain you for a few minutes but also to keep your body active. On YouTube and Instagram there are many classes where ballet, pilates are taught… Another very interesting option, as recommended by experts, is to play upbeat music that is familiar to them and do a «freestyle» dance.
As the experts at VivaGym advise, squats are easy to do and you can not only do them separately, but also together. The “super squat” consists of taking children on a wheelie and doing the normal squat, as long as the weight of the child does not require an excessive effort for the adult.