Coronavirus does not give up. WHO Director: “The biggest leap in the history of the epidemic”

The spread of the menacing strain continues and does not slow down at all. There has been the biggest jump in the development of the coronavirus epidemic in the last 24 hours, said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday.

The Wuhan virus is spreading faster and faster

According to PAP, during a press conference at the headquarters of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that WHO is seeking $ 657 million. subsidies to fight the coronavirus, which, according to the latest data, have already contracted 28 thousand. people. 560 patients died as a result of the infection. The 2019-nCoV strain persists. On the contrary, this week saw the biggest leap in the development of the epidemic in one day.

The cost of fighting the coronavirus

The amount that WHO wants to raise is large, but – as the CEO emphasized – the lack of immediate preparation to fight the coronavirus threatens to significantly increase the costs of its elimination. Total $ 657 million it is enough for implementation a three-month action plan. «$ 60 million will be allocated to the financing of WHO operations, and the rest of the subsidies will go to countries that are particularly vulnerable (virus) »- explained Ghebreyesus.

Has China lived up to the challenge?

Prof. John MacKenzie, an epidemiologist who belongs to the WHO’s special coronavirus team, has criticized China’s first response to the outbreak. The first cases of the disease were reported too slowly, he said. Beijing may still be hiding true infection numbers.

See where the virus arrived: Coverage of the Wuhan coronavirus [MAP]

Work on the coronavirus vaccine is ongoing

On February 11 and 12, WHO is to organize a meeting during which several hundred scientists will discuss methods of diagnosing and combating the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. The British reported on the progress of work on a vaccine against the new strain, who anticipate that they will be able to start testing on animals next week. If all goes to plan, human trials will start this summer. The pace of work is record-breaking. The Wuhan coronavirus vaccine has the potential to become the fastest created vaccine in history.

Meanwhile, according to PAP, China is creating a robot to reduce the risk of the virus spreading to medical personnel. Instead of doctors, the robot will perform a throat examination.

Coronavirus in Poland

So far, there has not been a single confirmed case of coronavirus infection in Poland. Yesterday, the study of the material collected from 30 patients who returned from Wuhan on Sunday. Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska assured that the 2019-nCoV virus was not observed in any of the samples.

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