Coronavirus diary: how a family fought the disease, where three adults and two children fell ill

A Siberian woman’s diary has been published on the portal, which she began to keep when her entire large family became infected with the coronavirus. This is a real “human document”, which reflects all the most burning issues: from the first symptoms and difficulties in obtaining medical help to life hacks and useful observations. We share the main and important.

 11 802 32October 28 2020

Author of a coronavirus family diary published on â€“ 54-year-old Olga Lavrova, not only a mother, but also a grandmother. She lives in Novosibirsk with her adult son, his wife and their two children, who are one and five years old.

Day 1

The woman recorded in her notes that the disease, which crippled the whole family, began with her son – it was he who first had a low temperature – 37,5, and also there was pain in the joints. Since the condition was not at all critical, and the time was evening, it was decided to call the doctor in the morning. But it turned out to be impossible to get through to the polyclinic – the daughter-in-law had to stand at the reception for at least an hour to place the call.

The man’s condition worsened: the temperature crept up, the antipyretic did not help. By the time the temperature reached 41,3, as well as shortness of breath, chest pain and a slight cough, they decided to call an ambulance.

The doctors arrived quickly enough and first of all brought down the temperature, and then checked the cardiogram, which, by the way, turned out to be normal. The son of Olga was left for treatment at home, but the local therapist did not come that day.

Day 2

The next day I had to repeat the “quest” with the clinic, because the doctor’s calls cannot be transferred and each time you need to apply again.

By the way, the specialist nevertheless appeared on the second day, albeit at 6 pm. As a treatment, antibiotics were prescribed, it was necessary to drink them, according to the appointment, for 5 days, and then personally come to the clinic for an appointment.

Day 3

The man lost his sense of smell, the temperature did not drop, and the cough persisted. Now Olga’s youngest granddaughter also fell ill: the baby’s temperature rose, which was brought down by all possible methods, and antiviral drugs were also connected.

Day 4

The condition of her son and granddaughter remained unchanged, but Olga’s sense of smell disappeared. The woman realized that it was dangerous to go to the clinic with such symptoms – she could infect others, so her daughter-in-law, who still had no symptoms, went to “issue a call” again. By the way, it was impossible to get through to the registry, of course, and even after the daughter-in-law’s next trip, the doctor did not come home. Neither this nor the next day.

Olga writes that in the clinic everyone already knew their family and called them “hysterics”, but this did not bother her: the woman reasoned rightly that she had the right to receive the necessary medical care.

Day 5

Olga again tried to issue a call to the clinic, to which she received an answer at the reception that a specialized covid team would come to them. But that day, no one came to the ailing family. In the meantime, the heroine’s daughter-in-law also began to fall ill – her temperature rose and, like everyone else, her sense of smell disappeared.

Olga at that moment was in complete confusion: the medicines were over, the treatment was not helping, none of the doctors was coming. By the end of the day, the only healthy family member, a five-year-old grandson, fell ill.

 Then the energetic woman found the Ministry of Health’s hotline and (lo and behold!) Phoned it on the first try.

At the other end of the line, they talked to her very politely and gave the head physician’s phone number, in whose reception Olga received two more numbers – the head of the clinic and the department of quality control of medical services. But Olga could not get through all the phones, although she spent more than two hours on calls.

After re-phoning the head doctor’s office, Olga recognized the head nurse’s phone number, which she finally received feedback. The nurse said that no one had forgotten about them and that you just need to wait a little for the arrival of the covid brigade. Which, by the way, never arrived.

Day 6

Olga has already lost all hope and stopped calling hot and not very hot lines, realizing that this was only taking up time. Out of despair, the woman and her family members tried to get tested and do CT in private – in a paid clinic. But recording there was only possible for the next week. Olga’s daughter-in-law with the children decided to go to her parents in another area – suddenly there it would be possible to call a doctor for the children. And so it happened – on the same day the kids were examined by a specialist and prescribed treatment.

And soon the doctor came to Olga with her son, although no one was waiting for him.

By the way, he was fully equipped in protective clothing and had a printed recipe with him. The son was diagnosed with pneumonia, Olga herself was not. Surprisingly, tests for covid were never done for them – not supposed to.

Day 7

The next morning, Olga’s condition worsened: the woman showed obvious intoxication, chills and weakness. In addition, her arms and legs became numb, she lost consciousness and asked her son to call an ambulance. After the examination, the doctors admitted Olga to the hospital.

Thanks to the droppers, Olga “came back to life”, but it was difficult to call her condition the norm. Despite this, Olga was allowed to go home, making sure that there was no stroke, and with them they issued an extract with recommendations. By the way, there was not a word about covid in her, although the doctor spoke about it in the oral consultation.

Day 8

The next day, the family was reunited again: and if the children were already in order, then the adults collapsed from weakness.

The family orders groceries with delivery, and acquaintances bring medicines to them.

Day 9

In the morning, Olga’s condition improved, her weakness became less, but her cough and that of other adult family members persisted, albeit mild. Only my son got a fever – around 37,5. The loss of smell was never replenished, and the weakness periodically “covered”.

And, although there is, of course, positive dynamics, none of Olga’s sick family has yet returned to normal life.

The Siberian woman, who was not too lazy to keep a diary, also made a kind of memo for those who faced the same situation as her family. And here’s what she advises to do:

  1. Go to the clinic, observing all safety standards, at the first sign of illness.

  2. To relieve intoxication, drink a lot – especially acidified liquid.

  3. Monitor blood pressure and prevent it from increasing, also take anti-thrombotic drugs (many complications with covid are associated with thrombosis).

  4. Try to move more, albeit through force.

  5. Eat right: small portions, but varied.

  6. By all means to seek the arrival of a specialist, but if it does not work out – to be treated independently and not to waste time. It is especially valuable in this disease.

Be healthy! All discussions of the coronavirus are on the Healthy Food Near Me forum

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