Coronavirus Delta variant “raises concern”
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The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified the Delta variant (Indian, B.1.617.2) as the “worrying variant”. This strain is more contagious, and carries a greater risk of severe complications and hospitalization from COVID-19. Until now, this variant was considered “interesting” in the United States.

  1. The Delta variant, formerly known as the Indian variant, is currently the greatest threat of the coronavirus pandemic
  2. He caused a tremendous wave of illnesses and deaths in India in May. It currently dominates the UK. Britain, where COVID-19 cases have also increased
  3. The World Health Organization declared it “interesting” on April 4, and on May 11 as “the worrying variant”
  4. Currently, the American CDC has made a similar move. The Delta variant is currently responsible for 10 percent. cases of illness in the USA
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The Delta variant worries Americans

CDC officials found that the Delta variant exhibits increased portability, is more resistant to emergency approval treatment with monoclonal antibodies, and is likely to have greater immunity to vaccines under laboratory conditions.

  1. See also: Delta variant in Katowice. There is confirmation

Coronavirus cases in the US have fallen in recent months, but experts there fear that slowing down the vaccination rate and the emergence of the Delta variant could trigger a new wave of COVID-19. According to data from June 5, the Delta variant favored 10 percent. coronavirus cases in the US.

During a recent meeting at the White House, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci recalled the need for vaccination against COVID-19, stressing that the Delta strain in the United States is growing at a similar rate to that observed in the United Kingdom, where it has now become the dominant and dominant strain. caused a new wave of infections.

“We must not allow anything similar to happen in the United States,” Fauci said.

  1. Andrzej Duda: A year ago, there were no vaccines, and the same number of infections. Doctor’s COMMENT

The latest research from the UK The UK showed that the Delta variant, compared to the Alpha variant, is associated with twice the risk of hospitalization. The authorities of the UK Britain announced on Monday that due to the growing spread of this variant, easing further restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic will be delayed for another four weeks – until July 19.

Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski also commented on the latest CDC data on Twitter.

«Meanwhile, the Delta variant, which is already in Poland, is twice as infectious as the autumn type, causes four times more severe infections treated in hospitals, and partially avoids our immunity. You do not want to go to the hospital in the fourth wave – now get vaccinated »- wrote the expert of the Supreme Medical Council on combating COVID-19.

Delta variant in the United States

According to Dr. Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, last Sunday, the Delta variant was responsible for about 10,3 percent. COVID-19 cases in the US. In his opinion, the reason for not peace is not only this percentage, but also the speed at which this strain is spreading.

– The number of cases is doubling every seven to 10 days, which means that in three weeks this variant will be the dominant – said Topol. – This means we have two to three weeks to get vaccinated and stop this trend.

  1. What’s next with vaccinations? The interest is decreasing

He noted that vaccination has stopped the dominant variants (including Alpha) in the US so far, but there is no reason to be optimistic about Delta.

– This is by far the most disturbing variant. It is another 60 percent. more contagious than Alpha, so it is a variety that spreads extremely quickly, Topol said.

Currently, 44 percent of people in the United States are fully vaccinated. citizens. 62 percent received at least one dose of the vaccine. people. In total, 310 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were administered. Recently, however, the vaccination rate in the country has started to slow down.

Vaccines and the Delta variant

Experts emphasize that fully vaccinated people are largely protected against the Delta variant. A recent study published in the Lancet journal found that two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine protect 79% of the body’s own blood. before the Delta variant. In the case of the Alpha variant, it was 92 percent.

Another study by the UK public health agency found that two doses of Pfizer accounted for 96 percent. protection against hospitalization with the Delta variant.

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Dr. Peter Hotez, director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Vaccine Development Center, told CNN that he was “extremely worried” about the Delta variant, but two doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines look like they’re working really well.

– I have to believe they are effective against the Delta variant. Otherwise, what we witnessed last summer will happen to anyone who is unvaccinated or who has only one dose of the vaccine, ‘he said. The United States was then struggling with the first wave of the coronavirus. The daily amount was then 70-80 thousand. infections.

“So it’s time for everyone to get vaccinated,” he added

Coronavirus. Delta variant in Poland

The Delta variant in Poland was first detected on April 26. How many cases of this strain have been identified so far?

– We had a few fires – no small at all – related to people who travel to India. We managed to control such fires, which were up to 50-60 people, i.e. effectively isolate these people so that the fires were extinguished – said Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski on Friday on TVP Info.

  1. Warning for recoveries and those vaccinated against COVID-19. Important in summer!

– This is not a number to be counted on two hands, it is definitely more – explained Niedzielski.

In its Wednesday edition, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna writes that the number of people detected in Poland cases of the Delta variant. In Silesia, it is already about 2 percent. cases, this strain is also present Zachodniopomorskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Pomorskie and Mazowieckie.

Do you want to test your immunity to COVID-19 after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? Check the COVID-19 immunity test package that you will perform at selected points in the Diagnostics network.

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