Coronavirus can also enter the body through the mouth. Is that why we’re losing flavor?
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Research by scientists shows that SARS CoV-2 can enter the body through the mouth. From there, the virus can spread to other organs as well. The test may explain why some patients experience a loss of smell and taste. But this is not the only important conclusion.

  1. The coronavirus is spread by airborne droplets
  2. Its penetration into the body through the oral cavity may be associated with the absence of respiratory symptoms in people with a positive COVID-19 test
  3. According to scientists, infected saliva carries the infection further – to the throat, lungs and digestive system
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The coronavirus attacks cells in the mouth

Researchers from the National Institutes of Health and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conducted studies on coronavirus infections through the mouth. The results were published in the journal Nature Medicine. In the course of the study, it was possible to establish that SARS-CoV-2 infects cells in the mouth.

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We already know that COVID-19 attacks the upper respiratory tract, lungs, digestive system, blood vessels and kidneys. This may explain why the disease caused by the coronavirus is associated with such varied symptoms in those infected. Oral infection may explain why some patients lack the sense of smell and taste.

Through the mouth to other organs

Scientists’ research shows that the virus can travel through saliva to other organs, such as the throat or lungs. Further analysis of this issue may provide information on potential infection control strategies, both inside and outside the body.

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In the saliva of people infected with COVID-19, the levels of SARS-CoV-2 are high. In the case of people who have problems with the respiratory system, it is assumed that the infection occurred through the nose – this is also the way the virus reaches the saliva. Scientists have found, however, that SARS-CoV-2 is also found in the saliva of people with asymptomatic infection. This, in turn, may indicate that the infection started in their mouths.

Researchers tested saliva samples from people who had been infected with COVID-19 asymptomatically. It turned out that some of them were contagious, leading to the conclusion that even people without coronavirus symptoms can become contagious through their saliva.

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