Coronavirus and the obligation to wear masks – the most important questions and answers
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Due to the coronavirus epidemic, a new regulation enters into force on April 16 (Thursday) – citizens are required to cover their mouth and nose when leaving their place of residence. This means that you should wear a mask, a mask or use some clothing. What are the details of the new regulation? We answer the most important questions about the obligation to wear masks during the coronavirus epidemic.

Tightening restrictions related to the coronavirus epidemic

At the beginning of April, new restrictions related to coronavirus and COVID-19 began to apply in Poland, concerning e.g. moving around, shopping and using services. Now more are joining them – from April 16, the obligation to cover the mouth and nose comes into force. However, it is not obligatory to wear masks, as the face can be covered with masks as well as with parts of clothing, and in some cases with visors.

Some face covering issues have been explained in the regulation of the Council of Ministers concerning the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public places.

Do you have to leave the house wearing a mask?

The obligation to cover the nose and mouth applies to staying on roads and squares. In the justification to the regulation it was emphasized that the mask order does not only apply to public roads. It includes walking, cycling, scooters, scooters, motorcycles, public transport and a motor vehicle (when non-residents and non-residents are traveling together).

Czym zasłaniać usta, jeśli nie mam maseczki?

In order to cover the lower part of the face, we can use a mask made at home or one previously purchased in a store or pharmacy. An alternative to masks and masks are visors. If we do not have any of these products, we can cover the lower part of the face with parts of clothing, such as a handkerchief or a scarf.

Do children have to wear face masks?

The obligation to cover the mouth and nose applies not only to adults, but also to children. However, from this necessity they are released children up to the age of 4and people who are unable to cover or uncover their mouth or nose on their own.

Check it out: How to disinfect cotton masks to effectively protect against coronavirus?

Do you have to wear a mask when you have health problems?

People who have specific health problems are exempt from wearing masks and covering their nose and mouth:

  1. their health condition makes it impossible to cover their nose or mouth;
  2. pervasive development disorder;
  3. moderate or severe intellectual disability, as well as dependence.

If health problems make it impossible to wear the mask, it is not necessary to present a relevant certificate or certificate in this regard.

Read: Obligation to cover the mouth and nose in Poland. What are the types of face masks?

Do I have to shop with a mask?

Roof. A mask or other form of nose and mouth protection is essential when going to public places, such as commercial facilities and outlets, as well as marketplaces.

Can I only enter the church wearing a mask?

Roof. According to the ordinance, the obligation to wear masks applies to entering religious buildings. In addition, in accordance with the previous recommendations of the ministry, in a given place (facility, area) of religious worship, there may be a maximum of five people, excluding those serving.

According to the ordinance, the obligation to cover the mouth and nose does not apply to a clergyman responsible for carrying out religious activities and rites. A clergyman can therefore celebrate Mass without a mask.

Do I have to drive a car wearing a mask?

It depends. If there are non-residents or non-residents traveling together in the motor vehicle, wearing a mouth and nose cover is necessary. If a private car is driven by one person or one person with a child under the age of 4, wearing a mask does not apply.

Do I have to wear a mask on the bus?

Roof. On public transport, it is compulsory to wear a mask or cover the mouth and nose in any other way.

Do taxi drivers and bus drivers have to cover their mouth and nose?

Yes, but only if the organizer or operator of a given means of transport does not provide adequate separation between the driver and passengers. This means that the mask will be necessary if the operator has direct or indirect contact with people who may be a potential source of coronavirus infection.

The above rule applies to drivers of public collective transport, as well as drivers of vehicles for the purpose of commercial passenger transport.

In which public buildings are masks required?

Covering the mouth and nose is necessary not only in commercial and service facilities, but also in public buildings that are intended for:

  1. public administration,
  2. the judiciary,
  3. culture,
  4. religious worship,
  5. education,
  6. higher education,
  7. science,
  8. wychowania,
  9. opieki zdrowotnej, społecznej lub socjalnej,
  10. banking service,
  11. trade,
  12. gastronomy,
  13. services, including postal or telecommunications services,
  14. tourism,
  15. sport,
  16. passenger service in rail, road, air, sea or inland waterway transport,
  17. an office or social building is also considered a public utility building.

Does the obligation to wear masks apply to workplaces?

At workplaces (including offices), it is obligatory to cover the nose and mouth by outsiders and those working directly with clients and prospects. Masks do not have to be worn by people who perform professional, business or paid activities in a given facility, but do not have direct contact with customers or interested parties.

In commercial or service facilities and establishments, employees may cover their mouth and nose with a helmet, but only if all sales and service stations use an additional protective shield that separates the employee from customers.

Do I have to wear a mask on my property?

No. The obligation to wear masks applies to shared properties, i.e. land, parts of buildings and equipment used not only by the owners, e.g. staircases, elevators or laundries. This means that masks are not required when using the terrace, your own land property around the house.

The order also does not apply to farmers who can work on a farm without the use of masks.

Who can ask me to remove the mask?

If it is necessary to identify a given person, authorities authorized to do so (e.g. policemen, border guards) may demand that the nose and mouth are exposed. Removing the mask may also be necessary when the person providing the service or performing professional activities wants to identify or verify the identity. An example of such a situation is the withdrawal of funds directly at a bank branch, the use of certain health services or the purchase of products intended for adults.

Does the obligation to wear masks apply to everyone?

The obligation to wear masks or cover the mouth and nose is otherwise applicable to the general public. Only the exceptions mentioned in the regulation, this:

  1. children up to the age of 4;
  2. a car driver, if he is traveling alone or with one child up to the age of 4;
  3. persons who, due to their health condition, cannot cover their mouths or are unable to perform this activity on their own – they do not have to present an appropriate certificate or decision;
  4. employees who do not have direct contact with customers or customers while performing their professional duties in buildings, workplaces, establishments or markets;
  5. drivers of public transport, taxis and other vehicles used for commercial passenger transport, if the vehicle is equipped with an adequate separation between the driver and passenger;
  6. clergy celebrating mass and performing other religious activities;
  7. soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and allied forces, as well as officers of military intelligence and counterintelligence – this applies to the performance of official tasks with the use of appropriate personal protective equipment.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

Read also:

  1. Coverage of the COVID-19 coronavirus [MAP]
  2. Why should everyone wear masks? Scientists explain
  3. Coronavirus outbreak in Poland. Dr. Grzesiowski about masks, the second wave of diseases and convalescents

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