Coronavirus and incubation: duration and contagion of Covid-19

Coronavirus and incubation: duration and contagion of Covid-19

Coronavirus and incubation: duration and contagion of Covid-19

The new coronavirus has infected hundreds of thousands of people around the world. He continues to claim victims every day because it is very contagious. People who are infected do not always know they are infected because of the incubation period. How long is the incubation period? Are we contagious during the incubation period?


Covid-19: incubation

How do you know if a person is infected with Covid-19?

To date, on October 29, 2020, the number of people admitted to intensive care has increased since August 22. To date, 3 people are in intensive care. 

The number of people infected with the new coronavirus continues to grow. The good news is that the number of patients admitted to intensive care has been falling for 3 consecutive days in France as of April 15, 2020. In addition, for 80% of people who are infected, Covid-19 disease would be benign and without serious consequences. For these patients, strict confinement should be observed, as well as rest and taking paracetamol. Remote monitoring can be performed by a physician. The only way to be sure thata person has contracted Covid-19, is that it presents characteristic symptoms. A dry cough, nasal congestion, fever or diarrhea are typical signs of coronavirus. More recently, health professionals have noted loss of taste (ageusia) and smell (anosmia), as well as urticaria in patients. 

How long is the incubation period?

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), “The incubation period is the time between infection and the onset of symptoms of the disease”. The incubation period for the new coronavirus would be 1 to 14 days, with an average of 5 days. This initially corresponds to the period of confinement when a person was suspected of being infected. She was to stay at home for almost 15 days. However, a person can be carrier of the coronavirus without knowing it, because there is an asymptomatic phase (absence of symptoms). It can therefore be contagious and infect a healthy person. Be careful, however, the risk of contamination during the incubation period remains very low, according to the WHO.


Is a person cured of Covid-19 contagious?

Contagiousness and healed people

In France, no study has yet appeared. In contrast, Chinese doctors monitored 191 patients in two hospitals in Wuhan, cured of the Covid-19. It turns out that the virus was still present in the salivary secretions in almost a third of these people, and this for a period ranging from 8 to 37 days. People healed from Covid-19 could then still be contagious, but this remains to be confirmed.

Remnants of viral loads could be present in the body of a person recovered from Covid-19. The High Council of Public Health gives advice for people who have recovered from the coronavirus : a person can be “deconfined” from the 8th day after the onset of symptoms. Wearing a mask remains essential for at least 7 days after recovery, especially in the event of contact with people at risk. 

Respect for barrier gestures

Update of September 3, 2020 – Wearing a mask is mandatory in all closed environments in France, such as supermarkets, administrative establishments or in restaurants (when you get up from the table). It continues to be so in public transport. The prefects or the municipalities decide to make it compulsory in all streets or only in frequented places (open market, tourist areas, etc.). Paris, Nice, Strasbourg, Marseille, Île de Ré, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Saint-Émilion, Laval and even Lyon are municipalities in which wearing a mask is mandatory during this epidemic linked to the new coronavirus. The cities of Troyes, Aix-en-Provence, Dijon, Rennes, Tours, Nantes, Orléans, Lille have chosen to import the mask only partially. Failure to wear a mask is punishable by a fine of up to € 135. In addition, children aged 11 and over must wear a face mask in France. Facing coronavirus, Italy, for example, requires it from the age of 6. 

The best precaution is to respect the barrier gestures established by our government. Indeed, the new coronavirus does not circulate on its own. It is transmitted by human-to-human contact or via contaminated surfaces. It is therefore essential to put into practice the recommendations to protect yourself and others:

  • wash your hands very regularly with soap and water or with a hydroalcoholic gel;
  • use a disposable tissue and throw it away;
  • cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue;
  • respect social distancing (stand more than 1 meter from each other); 
  • limit travel as much as possible.

The exceptional travel certificate is available in digital version. Being foresight and attentive remains one of the best ways to fight against l’infection Covid-19. We must continue to show ourselves “Civic and responsible”, according to the head of state.

Reminder of barrier gestures

#Coronavirus #Covid19 | Connaître les gestes barrières pour se protéger

The PasseportSanté team is working to provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus. 

To find out more, find: 

  • Our disease sheet on the coronavirus 
  • Our daily updated news article relaying government recommendations
  • Our complete portal on Covid-19


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