Although it is not an illness in itself, pregnancy is a special period in life which requires specific medical attention. She has no less than seven follow-up consultations, and at least three ultrasounds.
Therefore, in this period of confinement to curb the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, many pregnant women are wondering and worried about the continuation of this pregnancy follow-up, and the holding of ultrasounds.
The three ultrasounds maintained, as well as the follow-up of so-called pathological pregnancies
In a document published on March 15 on its website, during the establishment of stage 3 of the Covid-19 epidemic, the National College of Obstetrician Gynecologists (CNGOF) took stock of the medical and ultrasound monitoring of women pregnant. He recommends maintenance of all emergency ultrasounds, and the postponement of more than two months, if possible, of all non-urgent gynecological ultrasounds, as well as the so-called fertility ultrasounds (within the framework of an IVF course in particular, which must be suspended if it has not already been started).
The three ultrasounds of pregnancy, namely the ultrasound of the first trimester between 11 and 14 WA, the morphological echo of the second trimester between 20 and 25 WA, and the ultrasound of the third trimester between 30 and 35 WA, are maintained. The same goes for so-called diagnostic ultrasounds, or within the framework of a maternal-fetal pathology, indicates the CNGOF.
As for twin pregnancies, “the usual checks at the frequency of every 4 weeks for bichorial pregnancies and every 2 weeks for monochorionic pregnancies should be maintained”, Further details the CNGOF, which specifies, however, that these recommendations may change depending on the evolution of the pandemic.
Strict barrier measures for medical appointments and pregnancy ultrasounds
Unfortunately, in view of the current epidemic, gynecologists and obstetricians believe that stage 3 requires certain measures, and in particular the absence of a companion with the pregnant woman, both in the waiting room and in the doctor’s office or during the ultrasound. Future dads will therefore not be able to attend the ultrasounds that will be held during this epidemic period, at least if the practitioners trust these recommendations.
Pregnant women with symptoms reminiscent of Covid-19 will have to move their appointment and not come to the office. And teleconsultations should also be encouraged as much as possible, except for the ultrasound follow-up of course.
Gynecologists-obstetricians and sonographers are also invited to scrupulously follow the advice of health authorities in terms of barrier gestures (hand washing, disinfection and cleaning of surfaces, including door handles, wearing of a mask, disposable gloves, etc.) .
sources: CNGOF ; CFEF