Coronavirus and alcohol
Relieve stress, sterilize the body from the inside, distract from disturbing thoughts – what arguments are not given in favor of drinking alcohol during the coronavirus pandemic. But is it worth it to “take on the chest”?

Although ethyl alcohol has an antiseptic effect, this is true only for its external use and surface treatment.1. Taking alcohol orally to treat or prevent coronavirus infection is not justified and dangerous, does not prevent infection with COVID-19 and will not help, but only harm the treatment. Frequent use of strong drinks leads to a weakening of the body’s defenses and worsening prognosis for infection.

Is alcohol allowed with coronavirus

There are a lot of myths circulating online regarding the use of alcohol during the coronavirus pandemic. It is believed that small doses of alcoholic beverages will not harm, but the WHO’s position on this issue is categorical – during a pandemic (in fact, as well as at other times), you should stop drinking any alcoholic beverages2. This is due to the fact that ethyl alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system, reduces the overall resistance to infectious diseases, regardless of the frequency of intake and doses of alcohol. Even “50 grams for health and blood vessels” is nothing more than a myth.

Does alcohol help with coronavirus infection

Although the exact mechanism of the influence of alcoholic beverages on the course of a coronavirus infection has not yet been described, doctors treating patients with COVID-19 say that ethyl alcohol has immunosuppressive effects (suppresses the immune system). During a pandemic, this threatens with an increased risk of infection and a severe course of infection, as well as a decrease in the effect of vaccination.3.

The second argument in favor of abstinence from alcohol is that alcohol has a pronounced dehydrating effect, and also destroys plasma proteins. This leads to a deterioration in the patient’s condition, the formation of additional complications.

Many drugs that are used to treat COVID-19 adversely affect the liver (antivirals, antibiotics, antipyretics, etc.), and signs of drug-induced hepatitis are noted after a course of treatment. And if an additional load on the breakdown of alcohol falls on the liver, this can lead to irreversible changes in the liver tissues, which will lead to hepatosis and cirrhosis. Treatment of COVID-19 and alcohol intake are categorically incompatible, and in the future you can get complications not only from covid, but also problems with the liver and blood clotting4.

What effect does alcohol have on coronavirus?

The chief narcologist at the Ministry of Health, Yevgeny Bryun, notes that stories about the effectiveness of alcohol during the coronavirus are a myth. “That’s not how it works, because by decontaminating the esophagus, the eyes, nose and airways remain infected. And you can’t do anything about it, because you can’t pour alcohol there. Naturally, the infection will remain,” explains Evgeny Bryun. According to him, any alcoholic beverages have a toxic effect on the body, as a result of which the disease is aggravated and the healing process slows down.

Specialists of the narcological dispensary of Yakutia also stated that in the current epidemiological situation, the most optimal would be a complete renunciation of the use of alcoholic beverages, since otherwise the body will be at even greater risk of infection. In addition, drinking alcohol can lead to various diseases, such as cancer, stroke, and many others.

Alcohol after coronavirus

It is clear that alcohol is dangerous during an illness, but can it be consumed after being cured? Today, it has already been proven that coronavirus infection requires a long rehabilitation process and the so-called post-COVID complications can last for a long time (up to 6 months or more, while the observation period is limited). Therefore, alcohol after covid is also not the best option, it can significantly complicate the process of restoring the body.

Even seemingly “harmless” doses of any alcoholic beverages provoke the risk of tumors, lead to digestive disorders, nervous system and vascular problems. Alcohol irritates, forms micro-burns of the mucous membranes. This leads to a deterioration in the condition, inhibits the recovery process after infection, and leads to impaired absorption of nutrients.

Against the background of alcohol intake, the transport function of red blood cells suffers. With covid, the body suffers from hypoxia, so during the recovery period you should not aggravate the situation. The load on the heart also increases, the pulse rises, which creates the risk of developing arrhythmias and thrombosis. Stress on the heart muscle can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

Alcohol consumption disrupts fat metabolism, which provokes atherosclerotic vascular damage, the accumulation of lipids around the heart.

Coronavirus severely damages the nervous system, and drinking alcohol exacerbates this damage, which can make it irreversible. There may be severe depressive disorders, post-hypoxic cognitive impairment.

We have already mentioned liver damage, and we emphasize that toxic metabolites of alcohol exacerbate the damage done by a viral infection and its treatment. The synthesis and secretion of bile suffers, digestion is disturbed.

And one more important fact – alcohol has an immunosuppressive effect, suppressing the microbial flora of the intestine (it stimulates the immune system), and also has a toxic effect on blood cells.5.

Can I drink alcohol before testing for coronavirus

Many questions arise regarding the intake of alcohol before performing a coronavirus test. According to Rospotrebnadzor, which were announced back in 2020, the use of any type of alcohol is prohibited. All types of drinks containing alcohol have a disinfecting effect. Therefore, test results may be inaccurate.6.

In addition, alcohol affects biochemical processes and the immune system, and antibody tests can also show skewed results.

Popular questions and answers

Can I drink alcohol with asymptomatic coronavirus?
It is highly undesirable to take any alcoholic beverages, even with an asymptomatic course of the disease. This is due to the fact that alcohol intake causes immunosuppression even in small doses. In conditions of infection with a dangerous infection, this threatens to turn into a more severe form of the disease.
Can I drink alcohol before getting the coronavirus vaccine?
It is also very undesirable to take alcoholic beverages before vaccination. Alcohol negatively affects the production of antibodies, and, accordingly, the effect of vaccination will be worse.
Can I drink alcohol after vaccination?
Similarly, with the period after vaccination. It is highly undesirable to drink after the vaccination has been made. Alcohol leads to suppression of immune responses and negatively affects the production of antibodies.
Will alcohol help prevent infection?
No. Any drinks containing ethyl alcohol have no effect on viruses if they are taken orally.


  1. The use of ethanol in medical practice. The effect of ethanol on the organs and systems of the human body. Electronic textbook. Yekaterinburg 2020
  2. Alcohol does not protect against COVID-19; during the general quarantine, access to alcoholic products should be limited. April 2020 -access-should-be-restricted-during-lockdown
  3. Alcohol vs. COVID-19: Truth, Myths, Opinions and Facts. Federal budgetary institution of health care “Center for hygienic education of the population”.
  4. Gordeev K.S., Kokareva M.E., Pasechnik A.S., Zhidkov A.A. The influence of alcohol on the human brain and nervous system // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2017. No. 11 [Electronic resource].
  5. Alcohol and COVID-19: What you need to know. World Health Organization, 2020
  6. Rospotrebnadzor. About recommendations on how to prepare for a PCR test for COVID-19 on November 30.11.2020, 16136

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