Coronavirus among medical staff. A paramedic is dead and three nurses are in a serious condition
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Healthcare workers, who are exposed to the virus on a daily basis through contacts with patients, are particularly exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. On Friday (1.05/XNUMX), the president of Radom informed about the death of a paramedic infected with the coronavirus. The media also reports about nurses who are fighting for their lives in a difficult condition.

Death on the front lines

Paramedics, nurses, doctors and other health care professionals (but also policemen and firefighters) are occupations that are on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus. By constant contact with COVID-19 patients, they are at risk.

On Friday (1.05/19), a paramedic from the Radom Ambulance Service in Radom died. The president of Radom, Radosław Witkowski, informed about his death. The deceased lifeguard is the third fatal victim of COVID-46. Earlier, in mid-April, a 59-year-old physiotherapist from the Mazowiecki Specialist Hospital in Radom died, and a few days later a XNUMX-year-old nurse from the hospital in Kozienice.

Details of infections among healthcare professionals were last released in early April. The GIS then reported that 461 people from the medical staff – doctors, nurses and paramedics – obtained a positive result for the presence of the coronavirus. 106 patients were hospitalized and 355 were in home isolation. At that time, 4577 medical workers were quarantined, and 186 were in collective quarantine. However, this data is already very outdated.

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Three nurses in serious condition

In an interview with Medexpress, the chairman of OZZPiP, Krystyna Ptok, informed that there are currently 1500 nurses and midwives in quarantine, 469 nurses tested positive for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. 30 of them are hospitalized, 27 are in good condition, and three are in a serious condition.

– Nurses are in home quarantine. It was scandalous that the nurses were kept in quarantine in hospital facilities. For three days it was the decision of the director of the hospital, and then the decision of the Sanepid. This is against the provisions and rules of quarantine – explained the president of OZZPiP during the video interview.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

The most important information about the coronavirus:

  1. SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in Poland and in the world
  2. Shopping in shopping malls during the coronavirus. What to pay attention to?
  3. Korean scientists have checked why healthy people can test positive for COVID-19

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