Cornflower blue

Medicinal properties and recipes for the use of cornflower

Cornflower blue

This plant is no more than 60 cm high with a branched and straight stem. The root system of the cornflower is very developed. The leaves of the plant are linear-lanceolate, above – whole, below – lobed. Beautiful blue or blue baskets of flowers in diameter reach no more than 3 cm. The flowers inside the baskets are blue-violet in color, they bear fruit. The flowers are sterile along the edge and slightly lighter in color than the inner ones.

The fruits of the cornflower are achenes of a gray-yellow color, very smooth. On achenes there is a red crest. Vasily blue begins to bloom in May, flowering continues until the last days of autumn, the appearance of fruits occurs at the end of summer.

Reproduction of cornflower occurs by seed.

Blue cornflower is found in Europe, in some places in Central Asia, in Siberia and the Caucasus. In fact, cornflower is a weed, but it is also grown for decorative purposes. It can be seen in rye crops, on roadsides, in dry meadows.

The healing properties of cornflower

Cornflower marginal flowers contain glycosides, flavonoids, vitamins, tannins, mineral salts, dyes and alkaloids.

Preparations made from blue cornflower have diaphoretic, antipyretic, diuretic and antimicrobial properties. In addition, cornflower has a choleretic effect. The plant relaxes, heals wounds, anesthetizes. And also cornflower is a remedy that relieves spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, improves digestive processes and stimulates appetite.

Harvesting and harvesting of cornflower

For medicinal purposes, marginal cornflower flowers are harvested. Collection should be done in this way: first you need to collect flower baskets, then pluck out the marginal flowers with your hands. Flowers plucked and laid out on paper should be aired in a dark place. If the flowers have been properly dried, they will be blue in color, odorless, and should taste bitter. Dried cornflower flowers are stored in glass jars for two years.

If during the drying process the sun’s rays hit the raw materials, then the flowers will not only change their color from blue to white, but also remain without their medicinal properties. In this case, just throw away these flowers, as they will not help in any way.

Cornflower in medicine

Cornflower blue

Cornflower is used for coughs, colds, swelling of the heart and kidneys, cystitis, nephritis and urethritis. The plant is also a digestive aid. Cornflower is used for lotions for eye diseases, skin diseases, blindness.

Jaundice, worms, fever, colic, gout are another list of ailments that can be cured with cornflower. In folk medicine, the plant is used for headaches, to purify the blood. And also cornflower is used to make herbal preparations and teas.

An infusion of the flowers of the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent for conjunctivitis, night blindness and blepharitis.

Infusion of cornflower for washing. To make it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of cornflower flowers, which should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave this composition to infuse for 1 hour. After straining the finished infusion, it is taken 50 ml 3-4 times every day 20 minutes before meals.

Cornflower infusion for colds. Take 2 teaspoons of dried herb and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. It is necessary to take such an infusion before meals (20 minutes) 3-4 times daily.

Cornflower laxative. To prepare it, you need to take 2 teaspoons of dry roots of the plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them, insist for two hours and strain. Take the medicine 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Infusion of flowers. It is necessary to pour 10 flowers with 200 ml of boiling water, insist, cool and be sure to strain. Take this medicine three times a day between meals, 70 ml each.

Hair infusion. Take 1 tablespoon of flowers and pour them with 500 ml of a mixture of vinegar and boiling water (in a ratio of one to one). Leave to infuse for half an hour. Store the composition in a dark room. This infusion helps restore and strengthen hair. It must be rubbed twice a day into the hair roots. Rinse your hair with plain water before going to bed.

Herbal collection. Let’s take cornflower flowers, chokeberry berries, yarrow grass, white mistletoe leaves, valerian root, hawthorn fruit and horsetail grass – all these ingredients are 15 grams each. Next, take 1 tablespoon of the prepared collection and pour it with 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour. Do not forget to strain the resulting product. It is recommended to take such a collection for hypertension at 70 mg after a meal.

Cornflower for lotions. It is necessary to pour 1 teaspoon of the flowers of the plant with two glasses of boiling water. We cool the composition and filter. Patients with conjunctivitis are recommended to make lotions 6-8 times every day.

Cornflower lotion. Pour 50 grams of freshly picked cornflower flowers with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave to brew for 1 hour, then strain. This lotion can be stored in the refrigerator. People with oily skin wipe their faces with this remedy. Wipe your face with this lotion once a day.

Contraindications to the use of cornflower

Given the fact that cornflower contains active compounds, which include cyanic components, it should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Be careful!

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