corn varieties

Varieties of corn, native to the Americas, were mainly bred in the XNUMXth century for fodder and sugar varieties of this cereal. On household plots, mainly early sugar varieties are grown. Grains from the cobs are used in boiled form, as well as for conservation.

corn varieties

Types and photos of corn

Corn is one of the tallest annual herbaceous cereals, reaching from 1,5 to 3 m in height, forming an average of 2 ears per stem. The length of the cobs is from 10 to 30 cm, weight is 200-500 g. There are from 200 to 800 or more grains on the cobs, mostly yellow, although there are many species and varieties with white and red seeds. In the homeland of the giant cereal, in America, various cultivars with blue and black grains are grown.


Among the thousands of varieties of corn, there is a species with a limited number of breeding developments – waxy corn. The variety originated from hybrids from the United States, grown in China at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, due to the occurrence of the recessive wx gene as a result of a random natural mutation. Now the expression of this gene is also observed in other countries among the plantings of fodder corn. The outer part of the grain is matte, which resembles wax, gave the name to the new species. The main difference between all varieties of this species is the high content of farinaceous matter, from which high-quality starch is obtained. There is a high increase in cattle and small cattle, if grains of this species are included in the diet. They do not have a similar effect on other animals.

Young cobs are tasty, they are eaten boiled. The species is distributed throughout China, but in Our Country they also grow such corn. Plantings of waxy corn need to be placed at a great distance from other species, since the recessive gene affects other varieties of the crop. Its influence is manifested in the fragility of plants, susceptibility to disease, reduced yields and degeneration. The waxy corn kernel also needs to be stored separately and not mixed with other varieties.

Important! It is easy to distinguish starch from waxy corn with a drop of iodine: if the substance turns brown, it is made from waxy varieties of grains. Starch from other types of corn becomes bluish.

corn varieties

Dentate or semi-dentate

Tooth-shaped – the most common varieties of corn in Our Country, of which there are hundreds. The grains are distinguished by a slight indentation at the top. Semi-tooth corn was obtained by crossing the flint and dent group. Almost all dentate and semi-dentate varieties ripen late, by mid-autumn.

These forage species are grown:

  • for feed grain;
  • as a raw material for the food industry;
  • in the phase of milky-wax maturity, the cobs are also boiled, but they are mostly devoid of a sweet taste.

corn varieties


This type of corn is famous for its high content of starch and protein. Young rounded grains with a pleasant sweetish taste. Mature seeds are hard, glossy texture. The color is yellow and white, as well as dark shades. Many growers prefer flint corn varieties for planting because of their early maturity.

corn varieties

Starchy or mealy

The name of the species is eloquent: grains with a high, up to 80%, starch content are used to make flour, molasses, and alcohol. The culture is common in the warm regions of North America and on the South American continent.

corn varieties


The properties of this type of corn are due to the large amount of protein and the structure of the grain:

  • very hard and thick outer layer;
  • soft thin layer of tissue around the embryo.

When heated, evaporating moisture breaks the shell. The buds of the species are small. Varieties of small popcorn corn are multi-colored, round or with sharp tops.

corn varieties

The film

In this species, each grain on the cob is covered with spikelet scales, as in the spikelet of all cereals. Due to the nature of the structure, seeds and green plants are used only for fodder. New varieties of hulled corn are not being developed.

corn varieties


One of the ornamental varieties of cereals, used as a picturesque, but extremely fragile hedge. The species grows up to 1-2 m in height, the stems are weakly bushy. Decorative value – in multi-colored longitudinal stripes on the leaves of the culture, which come in a wide range – from white, yellow, to pink and reddish. The species is considered one of the varieties of mini corn. Eat young cobs of milky ripeness.

corn varieties

white corn

The usual color of the crop grain is yellow, and for a change, interested gardeners grow varieties with white seeds. Many species have this shade, but the most popular corn on the cob is the white sugar group. The species is distinguished by tender and tasty sweetish grains in the phase of milky maturity, as well as early ripeness. Cobs can be eaten 75-100 days after germination. Known varieties with white seeds:

  • Snow White;
  • Medunka;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • Mermaid;
  • Snow avalanche;
  • White cloud;
  • Eskimo.

corn varieties

red corn

A burgundy hue is inherent in grains of various types. Its presence in the plant indicates a high content of antioxidants. Therefore, recently, many gardeners have been striving to plant varieties of red corn, as in the photo.

Warning! When buying red corn seeds, you need to pay attention to the way the ears are used – for cooking or popcorn.

corn varieties

Blue or purple corn

Blue, purple or almost black corn is also rich in antioxidant properties. Varieties of different species with dark grains have long been grown in Latin America. Now blue corn under the brand of the legendary Hopi Indian tribe has begun to spread around the world. From seeds with a particularly low glycemic index and high protein content, delicious foods and dishes are obtained: cakes, porridge, drinks, chips.

Attention! Sweet corn kernels are low in starch and high in sugars, making them especially delicious cooked or canned.

corn varieties

The best early ripe and mid-early varieties and hybrids

Breeders have bred many early varieties of several of the most common varieties:

  • sugar;
  • odontoid;
  • siliceous;
  • starchy;
  • waxy.

One of the earliest varieties of corn is Daenerys F1 (Barcelona F1), which matures for cooking in 65-68 days. Yellow grains contain up to 22% sugars. But there are many other plants with similar properties.

Early golden

Cobs 16-19 cm long are ready for processing after 90 days. The plant is low, little susceptible to fungal infections. Grains are canned and frozen.

corn varieties


One of the most famous early maturing varieties of corn, resistant to rust, wilt, mosaic, ripens for culinary processing in 68-75 days. The grains of the sugar type of corn are very sweet, yellow. They are also used for the production of starch, flour, cereals.

corn varieties


Early low-growing corn ripens in 72-90 days. The stem grows up to 1,5 m, yellow cobs are medium in size, tasty. Used for preparations and cooking.

corn varieties


A high-yielding, low-susceptibility to disease variety is sometimes referred to as a mid-season group. The ripening period is from 80 to 100 days, which largely depends on weather conditions. The stem is high, more than 2 m, the cobs are large, sweet and tasty in the phase of milk maturity.

corn varieties


A hybrid of a sugar type with yellow large cobs ripens on the 70-73rd day of development. The plant is resistant to infection by fungal diseases. General purpose seeds.

corn varieties

The best mid-season varieties and hybrids

Medium-term corn on the cob is often used in agriculture for fresh green fodder for livestock and for silage. Vegetables are suitable for cooking and harvesting.


Resistant to lodging, viral and fungal infections, the Spirit hybrid from Syngenta produces a high yield of large cobs. Yellow seeds of universal direction, ready for cooking in 85-99 days.

corn varieties


Simple hybrids of the well-known company of the same name from the USA give only one large cob. The variety is low, with a strong stem, yellow grains, which are ready for cooking after 105-110 days of development. The plant is drought-resistant, high-yielding.

corn varieties


The hybrid from Holland is highly productive, ready for harvesting in the milky phase in 105-109 days. Stems up to 1,7-1,8 m, with selected cobs. The variety is not very susceptible to infections. Strong plants are often grown under agrotextile for earlier production.

corn varieties


Syngenta’s sweet corn hybrid is recommended to be sown in March for early production. Stems up to 2-2,1 m, cobs over 20 cm. The variety is resistant to a number of pathogens.

corn varieties


A hybrid from Pridnestrovian breeders creates 2 stepsons and 2 ears of medium size. In bright yellow grain up to 5% sugars and 7% starch. General purpose variety.

corn varieties


Sweet corn Favorit F1 is medium tall, up to 1,5-1,7 m, ripens in 80 days. Productivity is high, yellow large seeds are sweet, elongated in shape.

corn varieties


Corn of the sugar group is low, up to 1,6 m, drought-resistant. Yellow ears of medium size. Sings 95-100 days after germination.

corn varieties

The most productive late-ripening varieties and hybrids

According to the characteristics of varieties and hybrids of corn of the sugar group, which ripen in 3,5-4 months, most plants are tall and productive, with large fruits.

Ice nectar

This high yielding hybrid produces creamy white grains that are very sweet and tasty in the milk phase. Sings by 135-140 days of development. Stems up to 1,8 m high.

Comment! Sugar varieties, not hybrids, are planted separately from fodder varieties so that cross-pollination does not occur.

corn varieties


The weight of the fruits of the Polaris variety, bred in Transnistria, reaches over 300 g. The drought-resistant plant is tall, more than 2 m. The stems are strong, do not lie down.


Massive cobs weigh 350 g or more. Tall plants reach more than 3 m. The variety is productive and resistant.

corn varieties


The variety ripens on the hundredth day of development. The seeds serve as the raw material for popcorn and cereal.

corn varieties


The hybrid is rather medium-late, technical maturity comes from 85 days. Due to unfavorable weather, ripening may be delayed. The variety is tall, with massive cobs, immune to many diseases. The purpose is universal.

corn varieties

The best varieties of fodder corn

Zoned varieties are grown in different regions. Late-ripening, ripening in autumn are considered high-yielding. There is an opinion among agronomists that in years with favorable weather and sufficient rainfall, tooth-like species perform better. Silicon-toothed varieties that ripen a little earlier and are more resistant to droughts provide yields for farms in adverse years. Since weather forecasting is not always accurate, farmers are advised to sow fields in the proportion of 60-70% with tooth-like varieties, and leave the remaining 30-40% under the second group.

corn varieties

Pioneer varieties have proven themselves well for decades:

  • resistant to weather conditions;
  • unpretentious to soils;
  • disease resistant;
  • with large elongated grains;
  • high in starch and protein.

Quality products from seed growers from the Kuban, as well as from many foreign companies that enter our market:

  • Ross;
  • Cat;
  • Corn;
  • Frame;
  • Voronezh;
  • Phenomenon;
  • Thompson Prolific.


Varieties of corn are diverse and purposeful. For household plots, varieties of sugar species are more often purchased, early, mid-ripening or late. When buying seeds, they study what the cobs are intended for – for consumption in the phase of milky ripeness or for popcorn.

19. How to grow corn from A to Z. The best sort of corn

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