Corn promotes heart health

Corn promotes heart health

Corn promotes heart health

An analysis of the consumer basket, carried out by US experts, made it possible to find out that corn is not often included in the diet of people. Meanwhile, the product contains many useful properties. Among which – improving the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

The doctors’ attention was focused on 15 volunteers. Experts studied people’s food preferences to understand the relationship between food inclusion and health. In the end, it turned out that participants who ate 000 grams of corn per day had higher heart and vascular health indicators than the rest of the study subjects.

And this fact does not surprise doctors, since not only carbohydrates and protein are found in corn in significant quantities, but magnesium and folate… Therefore, ear lovers are less likely to suffer from chronic heart disease, doctors say. In addition, experts note that in addition to these substances, the product is rich in saturated fiber, which normalizes blood sugar levels. Therefore, it can be indicated for diabetics.

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