Core exercises at home with TRX: how to score abs in an hour

Core exercises at home with TRX: how to score abs in an hour


This new form of suspension training develops functional strength and endurance for anyone, losing up to 600 kcal in less than an hour

Core exercises at home with TRX: how to score abs in an hour

Have you already tried the suspension straps that are needed for TRX training? In addition to not taking up space at home, where it seems that we have begun to create a gym in case those in the vicinity close again, it is one of the most valid methods to strengthen our muscles.

The TRX is a strap that is hooked to the ceiling, generally, and at the other end there is a grip to hold on and start the exercises. The good thing about this training? That you can work any part of the body, and even in a single session you can already notice changes in the legs, abdomen or chest. As the professional trainer Miguel Ángel Peinado says, this sports accessory works very well

 lumbar muscles helping to reduce back pain, although if it stands out for something it is because it helps to burn many calories, specifically 600 kcal: “It will depend on the weight of the person, but practicing 50 minutes of TRX you can burn up to 600 calories” .

Exercises with TRX

This new form of suspension training develops strength and functional resistance for anyone, although at first this accessory was born to achieve optimal physical condition in any military group, special forces or security forces.

And although the TRX helps us to work our entire body, the professional trainer Miguel Ángel Peinado highlights that this accessory especially helps the core and upper body:

Triceps extensions: This suspension exercise with TRX It is one of the most effective to get to strengthen the triceps. Miguel Ángel Peinado indicates that you should slightly lean your body forward, hold the handles with your arms outstretched and one hand next to the other. Then bring them to the forehead by flexing the elbows while the body continues to lean towards the ground. “It is also important to activate the abdominal muscles so that the inclination is correct,” he says.

push ups: In addition to the triceps, this exercise also works the entire chest area and we activate the abdominal area. “You should get into a starting position similar to the previous exercise, where the entire weight of the body is tilted towards the metatarsals (at the base of the toes). With arms outstretched we grasp the TRX and lower the body while flexing the elbows to an approximate 45º angle ”, he explains.

Biceps curls: It is one of the classics of the TRX and more effective to train the biceps. Hold the handles with your hands facing upward, your elbows bent at approximately 90o, and your body slightly leaning back. “Stretch your arms while the body leans towards the ground and returns to the starting position,” says Miguel Ángel Peinado.

Two-hand drive: Also known as “low row”, it is one of the best exercises to work the back muscles and the closer to the anchor point, the more intense the exercise. We start in an upright position with the handles located on the chest and lean the body backwards stretching the arms and then return to the starting position.

But if instead of training the upper body you prefer the core, these are the advice of the fitness expert:

Bimini: With the feet on the TRX and the forearms on the ground or, with the hands suspended and the feet on the ground, we can do this classic isometric that works the deepest muscles of the abdomen as well as the lower back. And we can put many variants of the exercise into practice in this position.

Climbers: With both feet on the handles of the TRX and suspended, and the palms of the hands on the ground, from a plank position with the body aligned from head to toe, we alternately carry the knees to chest, just as we would on the ground.

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