Cordyceps ophioglossoides is an inedible member of the Ophiocordyceps family. The species is rare, growing from August to October in mixed forests. Since this specimen is not eaten, you need to know the external description, view photos and videos.

What does cordyceps ophioglossophyta look like?

Ophioglossoid cordyceps has an unusual, bizarre appearance, due to which it is difficult to confuse it with other representatives of the mushroom kingdom. The fruit body is elongated, up to 10 cm long. This specimen is a parasite that grows on earth mushrooms singly or in small families.

Cordyceps ophioglossoid: description and photo

The fruiting body is a stroma, has a club-shaped elongated shape with a pronounced expansion at the base. The spore layer is colored at a young age in a lemon color, as it grows, the color changes to dark olive or black. The underground part of the fungus has a light yellow tone, the aboveground part is reddish or dark brown. The color depends on the place of growth.

Important! The pulp is fibrous, hollow, light yellow, without pronounced taste and aroma.

Where do cordyceps ophioglossophyta grow?

The parasitic species can be found in coniferous and deciduous forests from July to October. Ophioglossoid cordyceps prefer wet places, therefore it grows in moss, next to the swamp, along the banks of reservoirs.

Is it possible to eat cordyceps ophioglossoides

In Our Country, Cordyceps ophioglossoides is considered inedible and hallucinogenic. The pulp is tough, tasteless and odorless, contains ergotamine, which causes an ergotism-like psychotropic reaction.

Important! In China, this representative is considered edible. It is used for cooking fried and stewed dishes.
How to distinguish the real Cordyceps?

Cordyceps ophioglossoides secretes ergotamine during the breeding season. When ingested, this substance causes severe poisoning. First signs:

  • spasm of smooth muscles;
  • severe epigastric pain;
  • mental disorder;
  • hallucinations appear;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness in the legs;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • cold, clammy sweat;
  • tachycardia;
  • the person becomes aggressive;
  • cataract develops.

When the first signs appear. It is necessary to provide first aid:

  • calling a medical team;
  • lay the victim down, put heat on the stomach and limbs;
  • give activated charcoal and plenty of warm water;
  • induce vomiting;
  • free from constricting clothing.
Important! If first aid is not provided, the victim will face a painful death.

Cordyceps ophioglossoid: description and photo

There are two forms of ergotism:

  1. convulsive – pain, convulsions, convulsions, dizziness, stupor, agony.
  2. Gangrenous – the functional work of tissues is disrupted, due to a sharp narrowing of the capillaries.
Important! Cordyceps ophioglossus is a dangerous species, since after heat treatment the hallucinogenic substance remains in the fruiting body.

Experienced mushroom pickers recommend walking past unknown specimens, since many mushrooms can cause irreparable harm to the body.

How to distinguish cordyceps ophioglossoides

To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to know the external characteristics of cordyceps ophioglossoides and its counterparts:

  1. Cordyceps armed – an inedible, but healing representative of the mushroom kingdom, which helps to cope with many diseases. The species can be recognized by the elongated, club-shaped orange-colored fruiting body. The whitish pulp is fibrous, without taste and aroma, has medicinal properties. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, also helps with gastrointestinal diseases, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. Thanks to this type, blood vessels are strengthened, the body gets rid of bad cholesterol and toxins.

    Cordyceps ophioglossoid: description and photo

  2. Cordyceps capitate – a hallucinogenic representative, in appearance similar to a match. It parasitizes underground fungi in mixed forests. It begins fruiting from June, it lasts until the first frost.

    Cordyceps ophioglossoid: description and photo


Cordyceps ophioglossoides is a hallucinogenic representative of the mushroom kingdom. When eaten, it causes severe poisoning that can be fatal. Therefore, in order not to harm your body, before a quiet hunt, you need to familiarize yourself with external data and be extremely careful during collection.

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