Cordyceps gray-ash is a rare representative of the Sporynev family. This forest dweller grows on insect larvae from August to October and has an unattractive appearance. Edibility has not been identified, therefore, when meeting with this specimen, it is better not to risk your health and pass by.

What do gray-ash cordyceps look like?

Cordyceps reaches a height of 8 cm, has a small, rounded cap, with a diameter of not more than 50 mm. Dirty-gray, dark brown or lilac-black surface pimply-rough, with protrusions of yellow perithecia. They are finely pubescent, about 20 mm long.

The twisted and twisted thin stem is painted in light and dark brown. The color is uneven, at the base it is darker, closer to the hat it becomes light gray. The pulp is elastic, without mushroom smell and taste.

Cordyceps gray-ash: description and photo

Where do gray-ash cordyceps grow?

It grows on grass or soil in single specimens or in small families. It starts fruiting from July to September. Reproduction occurs in an original way: the species parasitizes on flies, caterpillars, larvae and ants. During reproduction, spores fall on the fleecy surface of their victim and grow inside the body. As a result, she quickly dies, and her body begins to serve as a home in which mycelial hyphae develop.

Is it possible to eat cordyceps gray-ash

Edibility has not been identified. Since mushrooms have an unattractive appearance, and they parasitize on insects, this representative has no fans.

Important! Experienced mushroom pickers do not recommend picking this species, as it rarely catches the eye and is an interesting specimen for collectors.

Cordyceps gray-ash: description and photo

How to distinguish cordyceps gray-ash

This instance, like any inhabitant of the mushroom kingdom, has brothers:

  1. Military – healing, inedible representative of the forest kingdom. It can be recognized by its club-shaped fruiting body and long, thin, twisted stem. The color of the fruiting body depends on the weather conditions and the place of growth, all shades of orange are present in the color. The pulp is fibrous, odorless and tasteless. It reproduces on insects and larvae in the south of Our Country and in the tundra. In oriental medicine, it has found wide application. Decoctions and infusions are made from the fruiting body. They help with oncological and cardiovascular diseases, during overwork and during physical exertion.

    Cordyceps gray-ash: description and photo

  2. Ophioglossoid – inedible mushroom, light brown or red. The species is rare, grows on mushrooms that grow underground. They bear fruit singly or in small groups from the end of July until the first frost.

    Cordyceps gray-ash: description and photo


Cordyceps gray-ash – inedible, a rare representative of the mushroom kingdom. It reproduces on the body of insects; it begins to bear fruit from August to the end of autumn. Since the species has a healing double, you need to read the description in detail, view photos and videos.

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