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We often hear that stem cells are the future and every pregnant woman should think about preserving her baby’s umbilical cord blood during childbirth. But what does it do? And what diseases can really be treated with stem cells? Petersburg woman Varvara Bagaeva, a charming mother of three beautiful girls, told us about this!
The youngest daughter of Varvara – Natasha – will soon be two years old. And at her birth, the happy mother took advantage of the unique opportunity to preserve the umbilical cord blood stem cells of the newly born child. Why did Varvara Bagaeva make such a decision?
Varvara Bagaeva with daughters: Katya, Natasha and Rita
My husband and I have always wanted a big family and each of our children is a welcome gift of fate.
I felt good, very soulful. I enjoyed what was happening. I told the older girls early on about the upcoming miracle, and they were very supportive and touchingly caring for me. This, undoubtedly, gave me strength and courage, for example, in a difficult period of toxicosis. Did the pregnancies differ? Sure. Each child has his own character, and he begins to show it from the first days of his life. In addition, with the age and the number of children, the attitude towards motherhood also changes, therefore, pregnancies proceed in different ways.
Stem cells are already being used in the treatment of more than 80 dangerous diseases.
I think that about stem cells even a schoolboy knows nowadays. Already, stem cells are used in the treatment of about 80 dangerous diseases, for example, to restore hematopoiesis after high-dose chemotherapy, in the treatment of hemato-oncological diseases (acute and chronic leukemia, lymphomas), as well as diseases of the blood and immune system (anemia, congenital metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency states) … This is common knowledge! And as a specialist – by the nature of my work I am closely related to medicine – I want to add that now it is possible to preserve not only the stem cells of the umbilical cord blood, but also the umbilical cord.
Varvara Bagaeva with her youngest daughter Natasha
Stem cells from umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord are different types of stem cells. From the umbilical cord blood – hematopoietic stem cells, from the umbilical cord – mesenchymal stem cells. The first type of cells can turn into blood cells, the second type of cells can turn into various types of tissue – bone, muscle, adipose, cartilage.
And if the former are suitable for the treatment of oncology, then mesenchymal stem cells can be used not only for the purpose of rehabilitation after diseases and injuries, but also in bone material for growing tissues for subsequent transplantation. Mesenchymal stem cells also suppress inflammatory responses, stimulate vascular growth, and increase the survival of other cells. Already today they are successfully used in the treatment of acute graft reactions, cardiovascular diseases, ischemia of the lower extremities, Crohn’s disease and nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
Contraindications are possible, consult a specialist.
True, but cord blood and umbilical cord stem cells have advantages over other stem cell sources.
· Firstly, stem cells obtained at the birth of a child are much younger than the same type of cells from the bone marrow, since they are preserved at the very beginning of life and were not exposed to harmful effects of the environment.
· Second point: quantity. The fact is that the number and concentration of stem cells in the umbilical cord blood and the umbilical cord is higher than in the bone marrow and peripheral blood.
· Another important factor is safety. Umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord can be obtained easily and quickly in both normal physiological childbirth and caesarean section. By themselves, the processes of collecting cord blood and obtaining an umbilical cord are simple, do not cause discomfort and are safe for both the mother and the child.
· Next: potential and activity. Scientists believe that the number of cell divisions is limited. Umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord stem cells are harvested at one of the early stages of a person’s life, so the ability of these cells to divide and transform into cells the body needs is maximized.
· And perhaps the most significant factor is cost effectiveness. Finding a suitable bone marrow donor is difficult and expensive. If your umbilical cord blood is stored in the bank, then it is available at any time.
Yes, for the middle daughter. Unfortunately, when the eldest daughter was born, it was not yet available.
We chose the bank during pregnancy with our second daughter. Having studied the issue on the Internet, my husband and I went on excursions. We liked Pokrovsky Bank the most. First, we listened to a short lecture, and then we were shown the laboratories themselves and the cryostorage.
It should be noted that we were pleasantly impressed by what we saw with the latest high-tech equipment and laboratory facilities built in compliance with the necessary sanitary and epidemiological requirements of the Russian Federation.
When studying the issue a little deeper, it turned out that in addition to storing stem cells, the Bank has a wide experience of their clinical use, which indicates the preservation of a high level of cell viability. Since I am a biotechnologist by profession, then after a year and a half I went to work exactly in “Pokrovsky bank of stem cells”… This is how my second daughter helped me decide on the choice of a place of work.
“Pokrovsky bank of stem cells”
Yes, sure. After all, this is something that can be preserved only at birth, there will be no second attempt. We are used to insuring valuable items. But what could be more valuable than health? We drive an insured car, we live in an insured house, we don’t even fly abroad without insurance. Every time we purchase insurance, we hope that we will not need it, and how happy we are when, in the event of an accident, we have such help. What can we say about their own cells, which are 100% suitable for the baby himself, and in some cases for the closest relatives.
What could be more valuable than the health of your loved ones, especially children? Each mother worries about her child and dreams of protecting him from various misfortunes and preserving the health given by nature as much as possible. Cord blood cells are the least differentiated and youngest stem cells of a mature organism. Exactly with stem cells restoration of damaged tissues and functions occurs.
Although the use of stem cells began quite recently and their full potential has not yet been studied, but today regenerative therapy is rapidly gaining momentum, showing good results. In addition, the collection of umbilical cord blood is absolutely safe for mom and baby, and the stored cells can then save lives. So why not save this valuable material?