Coral mushroom: botanical description, distribution, varieties + use in cosmetology, cooking and medicine

Today, people have the opportunity to try a variety of exotic products. These include the so-called coral fungus, which, of course, grows on land, and not under water.

Description and distribution area

Coral fungus, whose scallops look like corals (hence the name), grows in the subtropical zone. Other names for the mushroom: coral blackberry, ice, hazel and snow mushroom. The scientific name of the plant is Hericium coralloides. This white mushroom looks like a jellyfish, and generally looks quite unusual.

Coral mushroom: botanical description, distribution, varieties + use in cosmetology, cooking and medicine
Coral fungus scallops look like corals

The plant looks like a bush with small and fragile thorns and hollow branches. The length of the branches is small – only up to 40 cm. Such mushrooms are white and beige in color, and with age the color darkens and becomes brownish. If you harvest, the root system will work and reproduce new mushrooms.

Inside the plant is pinkish and juicy, has a pronounced aroma. In Our Country, this species is found in Siberia and Krasnodar.

Video “Coral mushroom – a cure for many diseases”

From this video you will learn what coral mushroom treats and how to use it correctly.

The most powerful cure for the most serious diseases – coral fungus grows in our forests.

Varieties of coral fungus

There are several varieties of this plant. Now we will consider them in more detail.  

bear paw

This species grows in pine forests, has snow-white flesh. The top of the skin has a reddish tint. They are not too big – only up to 20 cm in height. Also, this variety has a rich herbal aroma, which attracts mushroom pickers. If you want to collect such mushrooms, go on a quiet hunt at the end of August.

Coral mushroom: botanical description, distribution, varieties + use in cosmetology, cooking and medicine
bear paw mushroom

Reed horn

Pale yellow mushrooms that look like a human tongue (as the name implies). They are also found in coniferous forests, as they live in a kind of symbiosis with spruce trees. They reach 10 m in height, and according to the type of nutrition they belong to saprophytes.

Wrinkled Clavulina

Unlike previous varieties, Wrinkled Clavulina is not too bushy. Its branches are more like animal horns, 40 mm in diameter. The mushroom grows up to 17 cm, is painted white and has an odorless pulp.

Coral mushroom: botanical description, distribution, varieties + use in cosmetology, cooking and medicine
Mushroom Wrinkled Clavulina

Nutritional value and beneficial properties

This plant is extremely nutritious, as it contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals. The concentration of multivitamin D is especially high in it.

Coral fungus contains elements such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium and iron.

The plant has a whole range of useful properties that have made it popular among lovers of traditional medicine:

  1. Protects from the effects of radiation.
  2. Strengthens the human respiratory system.
  3. Accelerates the process of hematopoiesis.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Helps allergy sufferers.
  6. Fights toxic substances in the liver.
  7. It has a positive effect on the human brain.
  8. It is used as a prophylaxis of oncological diseases.

Key Applications

As we have already mentioned, these mushrooms have many uses, and not only in cooking.

In medicine

In folk medicine, this plant is very popular because it has many useful properties:

  1. Antibiotic. It is believed that if the product is properly prepared, it produces antibodies that fight the spread of viruses in the human body.
  2. A drug that helps with Alzheimer’s disease. The plant contains erythromycin, thanks to which mushrooms are used as an additional measure in the treatment of the above disease.
  3. Cancer treatment. It is believed that the fungus helps prevent the development of tumors. Also in the East it is used during recovery after chemotherapy.
  4. Deworming. In small amounts, it helps with infection with helminths and tapeworms, removing parasites from the body.
  5. Treatment of nervous disorders. Thanks to glycogen, the mushroom helps in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system.

Despite the “miraculous” properties, we recommend that you first consult a doctor, and use folk recipes only with his approval.

Author’s advice

Coral mushroom: botanical description, distribution, varieties + use in cosmetology, cooking and medicine
Coral fungus is often used in medicine

In cosmetology

Beauty procedures are also not complete without this plant. It is believed that the coral fungus moisturizes, restores the water balance of the skin and has a rejuvenating effect.

According to recent studies, this tool turned out to be more effective than glycerin and hyaluronic acid. For this reason, cosmetic companies from Japan and France have already adopted the product and are establishing the production of cosmetics using it.

In cooking

Mushrooms are used to make soups and salads, and if grated, they can even be added to ice cream and desserts.

It is important to remember that before preparing a dish using this plant, it must be properly processed. To do this, mushrooms are soaked in warm water for several hours, divided into inflorescences and hard sections are cut off.

Features of storage of coral fungus

It is important to store the product properly so that it does not deteriorate. We recommend that you use a tightly closed jar, which must be placed in a cool, dry place. For these purposes, a refrigerator is perfect.

So, we examined the features of the coral fungus. Today it is grown on an industrial scale, so you may well try this delicacy. But with traditional medicine it is better not to experiment and consult with your doctor before use.

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